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Christian Mingle agrees to allow same-sex matches


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Jiminy crickets.  When I saw your thread-header, almost expected the link to be from the Onion.

I hope the company follows through nicely and lots of LGBT religious folk can find a dear heart's partner.:happy-cheerleaderkid: But I'm wondering cynically how long it's going to take for a competitor to set up a "WEAL and Twoo0!" dating site, in another state that has less solid anti-discrimination laws.

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I never thought I hear this!  Definitely a move in the right direction even though it took a law-suit.

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I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I do not support discrimination or exclusion in any form... but on the other hand, I worry that some unscrupulous people who justify their prejudice with religion may use the site to identify and target LGBT Christians, whether for "conversion" or in a worst case scenario even for violence or abuse. I agree with the principle of inclusion here but I'm worried about the safety angle.

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I wonder, from a user perspective, how much this would be utilized...a win, certainly. But interesting to see the actual outcome.

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It's good I suppose because it upholds the law. Then again, if there's such backlash against homosexuality from the user base of the website (or the company that runs it), I wonder if those who sign up as LGBT there may be targeted for harassment. I hope not. Maybe it'll just be a quiet reminder to users of the site that you can be both Christian and LGBT+ :) 

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