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Hi lovely FJers...

This came up on my newsfeed on fb and I'd dearly love to see you people have a look at the story.


14yr olds baby was taken off her in hospital.  Medical kidnap is claiming the baby was taken because she was raped.  I just don't buy it.  Within 24 hrs she was also removed from her grandparents home and reunited with her baby elsewhere.  I've seen rumours that the grandparents were harbouring a sexual offender... the 14yr olds aunt vehemently says that's rubbish and anyone who even suggests it should be charged with slander.. After my years here following FJ I'm sure there has to be more to the story.  So throwing it out to the FJ detectives :D  Whatcha reckon?

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1 hour ago, CrazyMumma said:

Medical kidnap is claiming the baby was taken because she was raped.  I just don't buy it.  Within 24 hrs she was also removed from her grandparents home and reunited with her baby elsewhere.


:snipped above post:

I'm very skeptical too, especially considering the source of the information. I ran across this link on Snoops, http://www.snopes.com/alabama-cps-medical-kidnap/. Snoops usually isn't my first go-to source, but at this point in the story, it's about all I could find.

Snoops partial quote...

Stories like the Alabama CPS claim achieve viral traction on social media in large part because child protection agencies are prohibited by law from commenting on individual cases, making it very difficult for independent sources to challenge one-sided stories presented online. 

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There is definitely more to this story. Alabama DHR doesn't remove minor children and their newborns from their guardians without cause. There are plenty of teenage girls who get pregnant (from consensual sex or rape) and DHR could care less.

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Can I say that I hate the phrase "rape-conceived child"? Why do they need to repeat it so many times?

The news source is definitely biased and with a precise anti-avortion anti-DHS agenda to promote. The facts aren't presented in an impartial way as they pretend.


Juda Myers of Choices4Life calls her a “Hero Mom.” A 14 year old Alabama girl became pregnant from a rape, but she courageously chose life for the baby that was conceived. She refused to consider the option of abortion, and told her grandparents, who are her legal guardians, that if they would help her, she would raise and love this baby.

Instead of celebrating her as a hero, Alabama child protective services – DHR – came into the hospital yesterday and seized her newborn baby, leaving a devastated young mother and her family in their wake.

Juda Myers and I were there to witness the trampling of every Constitutional and moral right of this young mother, and we are shocked and devastated at what we saw. 


Choices4Life founder Juda Myers flew to Alabama from Texas on Monday in order to be supportive of this young mother who chose life for her baby conceived in rape. The tagline for the ministry is “Restoring honor and dignity to women and children of rape conception.


Because of the widely-publicized cases of criminals coming into hospitals and kidnapping babies, every baby in virtually every hospital in America gets an ankle band alarm placed on them immediately after birth. The protocol that was put in place to protect families from illegal kidnappers is the very protocol which facilitates the legal kidnapping of babies from hospitals.

In effect, every birthing mother and their newborn become hostages in every hospital because of this protocol.


There was no reason given while we were in the room. There was no history of drug or alcohol abuse by the mother whose only “crime” was that she was a rape victim. The mother’s plans were to go home with her custodial grandparents, who had approval from the state to take care of her and her siblings.


In this family’s case, the family believes it is opportunistic tyrants who are untouchable behind DHR doors who are trying to steal their baby. They believe the police and the hospitals are playing unquestioningly into this human rights violations.


If you know people who are skeptical and cannot believe that medical kidnapping happens in the U.S. today, this is the book for them! Backed with solid references and real life examples, they will not be able to deny the plain evidence before them, and will become better educated on this topic that is destroying the American family.

Not exactly a shining example of good journalism. And casually in the moments when everything happened were present the founder of an anti abortion association and the writer of this article that writes for a site called "medical kidnap". Casually, because  there was no reason at all for the DHS to behave in that way, it was a complete surprise. 

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Wow! CPS didn't give details about why the baby was being removed when there were two unrelated strangers in the room! How incredibly  suspicious and awful of them!

Snopes is right. Not saying these organisations don't do wrong sometimes but they also can't defend themselves when they're in the right. So these guys get to act like they swooped in and kidnapped a baby when, as @laPapessaGiovanna points out, the author wouldn't have been there if it wasn't on the cards already.

As someone who used to work in the NHS and saw cases I knew about misrepresented in the media this riles me, though of course I rightly do not know the details of this particular situation.

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There's lots of rhetorical agenda, little wool. I  would not  believe a word they say until proven otherwise.  If these people had the children's best interests in mind, they would not have published the picture of the rape victim, and I agree that it's a bit disingenious to pretend this all came as a complete surprise out of the blue when they had gotten witnesses from out of state beforehand... As for the rhetoric about the dangers of tasering and the unspeakable cruelty of the police officers who were prepared to do that -  no one was actually tasered, right?  Reminding the resisting kid that they could do it if necessary worked and no one ever got a fatal heart attack from having a taser mentioned in their hearing. 




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2 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

Not exactly a shining example of good journalism. And casually in the moments when everything happened were present the founder of an anti abortion association and the writer of this article that writes for a site called "medical kidnap". Casually, because  there was no reason at all for the DHS to behave in that way, it was a complete surprise. 

!!!!!!! haha this is why I wanted FJ opinions on this story.  Never even crossed my mind how odd it was that 'Terri LaPoint & Juda Myers' were there.  How weird!  why in earth would you have journalists coming to see a 14yr old post birth?  Hell, I wouldn't have wanted to have had any journalist in my face and taking pictures of me post birth!  At  14?  She can't even consent to this.  Wow... that thought had not crossed my mind yet!  On Blessed Little Blog a commenter notes that it was the teenagers bf who got her pregnant.  I mean like.. it is mentioned that the 'rapist' and his mother came to the hospital. That did strike me as odd.

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The father is allegedly a 19 yo male (according to rumors and such, so ymmv), who may indeed be her boyfriend, but he's also a rapist by law unless Alabama's consent laws are extremely lenient. 

Here's the story I read a day or two ago (on Abby Johnson's page -- pro-life page linked by a friend of mine). 



DHR intervened in this situation because there are dangers in the home that could negatively affect minor children. The child has been separated from his mother very temporarily. DHR is currently working very hard to find a temporary placement that will take both a 14 year old girl and her newborn. Even though it is unfortunate, they had NO choice but to temporarily separate them.

The minor mother, her sibling and her child are all in safe place and are not with the sex offender.

I know there is a tendency to feel distrust toward state agencies. I totally get it. But in this case, there is nothing nefarious taking place. This young girl has an attorney representing her, a guardian ad litum and a social worker. All three are working diligently for reunification.

This young girl definitely needs our prayers for stability at this time. She made a very courageous decision for life and should be applauded for her heroic choice. I personally wish I could take this young mother and her baby into our home and just love, love, love her!

Also, don't forget that every state is in need of great foster parents! That may be something you are called to do! :)

UPDATE: According to the person I have been talking to who has first hand knowledge of this case, THE BABY AND HIS MOTHER HAVE BEEN REUNITED AND ARE LIVING TOGETHER IN A SAFE HOME.




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Oh I LAID into LAF on this one....first because they had their facts all wrong and even when pointed out to them, they still maintained it was a story about the "state overreaching their bounds" and then, one of the Reins sisters said that the Church should be there instead of CPS and I about lost it.  I commented so no one in Church has ever abused a child? and were they becoming foster parents? I mean walk the walk right? ERRRRR

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From an update article:


The hearing  began at 9 am. Juda Myers and I were in the hallway at the courthouse with the grandparents and other family members and supporters. We learned that Alabama juvenile hearings are typically closed to the press and to all who are not parties to the case, and this was no exception. Attorneys and case workers were observed going in and out of the courtroom, but the grandparents were not called in until late in the proceedings.

Guys, since I spend an inordinate amount of time attending CPS court hearings*, let me explain. Dockets are scheduled for a certain time. The judge might not get on the bench until an hour after that. Multiple cases are set for the same time and you wait your turn for what is usually no more than a 10 minute hearing. If the grandparents had been in the courtroom the whole time, they likely would've been sitting and waiting. Caseworkers and attorneys are going in and out because they may have hearings in other places, need to make phone calls, or need to give their asses a break from hard, uncomfortable benches.   

There's more to the story - there always is. Even if DHS has fucked up, we can't make a judgment since we've only heard one side of the story. 

I also need that damn site to stop referring to the baby's mom as "the hero mother." 

*NB that I work in a different state. But I don't think the situation is hugely different in AL.

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17 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

There's lots of rhetorical agenda, little wool. I  would not  believe a word they say until proven otherwise.  If these people had the children's best interests in mind, they would not have published the picture of the rape victim, and I agree that it's a bit disingenious to pretend this all came as a complete surprise out of the blue when they had gotten witnesses from out of state beforehand... As for the rhetoric about the dangers of tasering and the unspeakable cruelty of the police officers who were prepared to do that -  no one was actually tasered, right?  Reminding the resisting kid that they could do it if necessary worked and no one ever got a fatal heart attack from having a taser mentioned in their hearing.

And I wonder if the boy was being obnoxious about the whole thing.  Once I got to the tasering threat I wondered about the statement that the brother wasn't allowed to pack anything.  Does "not allowed" mean "refused when told to go pack so the DHS/police finally said 'fine, time to go"?  So then by the time they were trying to get him in the car they were done?  Although since tasering a 14yr old is usually a bad idea maybe threatening to hand cuff and subdue him another way would be better? (Mostly because i think idle threats are a bad idea not being I think specifically threatening to taser him did him any harm).

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No, DHR should not be "celebrating her as a hero" for choosing to give birth. She has every right to make that choice, and I wish her the best with it, but the job of social services is to make sure she and her baby are safe, and that they have the resources they need, not to weigh in on the merits of her decision to carry her pregnancy to term.

It sounds like mom and baby initially were not safe after the birth, and have now been moved to a situation where they are. That's exactly what's supposed to happen, theatrics aside.

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