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Vaughn Ohlman ~ Let Them Marry - Part 3


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I went to school with many from the Dutch Reformed community. Very, very conservative. Even within Reformed circles, they are considered to be more conservative than others. Not quite orthodox but...they don't drink, they tend to be very modestly dressed (not quite frumpers, but longer shorts/dresses/high necked shirts etc), and they are in politics. There are a lot of them in the upper Michigan area. 

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Vaughn Ohlman is still a creeper. That's all I have to say. 

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I concur. Raging, maniacal, creeper. Looking at you, Vaughn Ohlman. 

Also your name is weird, Vaughn Ohlman is a creeper.

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Vaughn Ohlman is a creeper (because "Vaughn Ohlman is a (possibly pubescent, most certainly underage) boob man" is too long for a meme.)

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As of mid-August, Vaughn Ohlman has shut down his "Let them Marry" web ministry for cryptic reasons. And he wants us to know that he doesn't actually support child marriage, or arranging marriages absent a request from the bride or groom involved. And that's odd, since he has published the following:

The ‘youth’ ready for marriage has breasts. A woman who is to be married is one who has breasts; breasts which signal her readiness for marriage, and breasts who promise enjoyment for her husband. (We believe that ‘breasts’ here stand as a symbol for all forms of full secondary sexual characteristics.)

“The ‘youth’ ready for marriage is ready to bear children. Unlike modern society Scripture sees the woman as a bearer, nurser, and raiser of children. The ‘young woman’ is the woman whose body is physically ready for these things, physically mature enough to handle them without damage.”


Scripture speaks of the father of the son “taking a wife” for his son, and the father of the bride “giving” her to her husband (Jeremiah 29: 6; Judges 21: 7; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10: 30; 1 Corinthians 7:36-38). It gives example after example of young women being given to young men, without the young woman even being consulted, and often, in some of the most Godly marriages in Scripture, the young man is not consulted.

First of all, Scripture never, ever mentions the idea of “consent” in regard to marriage.

I'm guessing that he's gotten some uncomfortable scrutiny.

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I hope that Vaughn Ohlman, the pedophilic pimp, has gotten some uncomfortable scrutiny. I hope he has gotten lots of it! Reading his words still makes me sick. VOIAPP!!! And a creeper!

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Uhhh. I’ve had the misfortune to read his book. Bullshit he doesn’t advocate marriage without consent.

Related: nightmares. I still have them.

Fucking creeper.

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