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Betrothal Videos from the Capt


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I realized that the link I posted on the "hilarity" thread didn't work, so I'm making a new topic about this because if you haven't seen these videos, they are worth watching for snark/comedic value. The second one is particularly funny. I don't know how to post the video links without them automatically shortening and adding some .... to the middle as happened in my post, so first go to this site: BiblicalBetrothal.US From there click on the VIDEO link on the top of the page and, voila, you have your entertainment for the evening. There are several more to watch listed on the bottom of that page too. Enjoy!

Does someone have the link for the other videos mentioned, one about childbirth and so on. I can only find audio messages from some conference, not any additional videos.

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I'm looking for the birthing video now. The old link I had doesn't work now, and looking at the site (breaking it up in case he has it on google alert) home (blah blah blah) school (blah) advantage dot us explains why; it's undergone a dramatic overhaul sometime this year. Not half of the videos that used to be there are available now, because the site is divided up into sections (like the betrothal one), and I don't see where a homebirth section would fit. Don't worry, though, I'm still searching.

Also, that OWN trailer is brand-new, and obviously much better quality than the betrothal stuff; I would freak if they actually made it on TV (I already got rid of cable so I couldn't boycot if I wanted to). The thing is, though, is I would think that any national scrutiny would unravel them immediately; but then I look at the popularity of the Duggars and I wonder. This trailer - with its use of popular music, cute clothes, etc - does definitely underscore the "pretty package" that we've been talking about recently, and that does kind of give me the creeps.

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Also, that OWN trailer is brand-new, and obviously much better quality than the betrothal stuff; I would freak if they actually made it on TV (I already got rid of cable so I couldn't boycot if I wanted to). The thing is, though, is I would think that any national scrutiny would unravel them immediately; but then I look at the popularity of the Duggars and I wonder. This trailer - with its use of popular music, cute clothes, etc - does definitely underscore the "pretty package" that we've been talking about recently, and that does kind of give me the creeps.

I feel like if they ended up on there it wouldn't be advocating the lifestyle, it would be presented as controversial and dangerous. Either way, it's free publicity. Reminds me of the Duggars though, they started up as "Jim Bob, what a hillbilly name... it's not a clown-car, etc etc" and ended up as America's Sweethearts. I hope it doesn't get picked up either.

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Does anyone live in the Atlanta area? This was posted on the Capt's public facebook page:

"I have been invited to appear on an Atlanta television talk show called "The Agenda" this Tuesday to talk about independent Christian films and how we have integrated them into our computerized homeschool, Christian school, and family worship curriculum. If you have produced a Christian film recently, send me information about it today, I will try to mention it on the show."

http://www.sbn.tv/archives/category/pro ... the-agenda

Considering the most recent episode apparently wonders whether Perry is as conservative as he says it is, this should be a rip-roaring time of preaching to the choir for ol' Capt.

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By the way, this little tidbit has me roaring with laughter. I can't copy and paste it because he made the whole thing an image, but go to home(blahbreakingupthelink)school advantage dot us and then click on the box below by the same name. There's a section called "A Little Bit of History." Read the first two paragraphs. The gist of it is, when Alan was about to enter elementary they knew they didn't want him going to ebil public schools, but weren't sure if they were allowed to homeschool in GA or if they would have to go on the lam (!) or something. So Bret goes to the library to read the state code. The librarian offers to stay and help him, but he waves her away because "he did not want her to know what he was looking for." Took the dingbat four hours, but he found it and discovered, gee, GA is actually a really lenient state when it comes to homeschooling!

Can you just IMAGINE ol Capt with his beady eyes acting all shifty because he thought he was on a Secret Mission? He must have looked suspicious as hell, when in reality no one cared. That's such an allegory for fundies and their persecution complex in general.

Anyway, just goes to show that though the Smith girls apparently wore pants and had short hair all the way up to the 2000s, they've always been batshit insane.

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Can you just IMAGINE ol Capt with his beady eyes acting all shifty because he thought he was on a Secret Mission? He must have looked suspicious as hell, when in reality no one cared. That's such an allegory for fundies and their persecution complex in general.

The iced tea I was drinking is now all over my computer screen. :crying-pink:

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Thinking about that video again, it just strikes me how much the Capt and his ilk prey on extremely insecure young men. The whole basis of the stupid skit is the idea that you wouldn't want your intendedto have ever dated another person. Oh the horror to marry someone who had a previous girlfriend/boyfriend! Most normal people don't feel threatened by that. How sad that these people are so insecure that that would be a recruiting point for courtship and "biblical betrothal.".

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Thinking about that video again, it just strikes me how much the Capt and his ilk prey on extremely insecure young men. The whole basis of the stupid skit is the idea that you wouldn't want your intendedto have ever dated another person. Oh the horror to marry someone who had a previous girlfriend/boyfriend! Most normal people don't feel threatened by that. How sad that these people are so insecure that that would be a recruiting point for courtship and "biblical betrothal.".

I've known several young teens who who were insecure and squicked out by that idea. Of course, then they grew up. The idea, I suppose, is to get them young and then continue to feed into those insecurities.

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