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Antonin Scalia based perfume, you can smell Jiggery Pokery


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I admit, I have bought from this company in the past, but I had to share this new line. Seems the makers decided to try a new inspiration, the "wise" words of Antonin Scalia. Profits go to some good charities as well. An article on the scents.

http://mic.com/articles/123136/antonin- ... d-hope-for

That poetry of vitriol has inspired six scents, each drawn from the actual dissenting opinions (get it?) Scalia offered in Supreme Court cases.

Each fragrance pulls its name directly from Scalia's eloquent words. Mystical Aphorisms of the Fortune Cookie, for example, comes from Scalia's memorable dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized same-sex marriage:

"The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie."

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I'm tempted based on the names alone!

Pure applesauce

Other fragrances include Ask the Nearest Hippie, Mummeries and Straining-to-be Memorable Passages, Looming Spectre of Inutterable Horror and Jiggery Pokery. 
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