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Ireland to vote on marriage equality on May 22nd


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We hate to dwell on this point, but gay people kiss each other on the mickey!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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That is hilarious. Certainly drives home the ridiculousness of the No side. Also love the comments of those who didn't understand the satire. This was a great way to kick start the day. :lol:

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Loved it.

I'd like to write a letter to tell the naysayers as a person who is married living in a place where gay marriage is legal, there has been ZERO impact on my marriage

I'm curious to see if this will pass. I've been to Dublin many times and it's just as modern as any other western European city, but I'm not sure how progressive the rest of the country is.

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I feel like this is the only way it could have passed in Ireland, and it's unbelievably exciting. Hope it goes through as predicted.

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Unfortunately the only way amendments can be made to our constitution is via referendum. Maybe that's a good thing...

The No side have presented pathetic arguments and are largely scorned. However, there is a definitely another group referred to as 'the soft yes'. They are the danger... Nobody wants to admit that they may be a no voter for fear of being labeled homophobic. But who knows what these people will do in the privacy of the polling booth.

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AND IT'S A YES!!!!!!!

Later today the official announcement will be made - Ireland is the first country in the world to legalise gay marriage!!!

So fricken proud to be Irish today!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :lol:

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Not Irish (but I have an friend who's Irish, does that count?!)

So proud of Ireland for doing the right thing! :D

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I'm Irish, but unfortunately gay marriage is still illegal in Northern Ireland where I was born (Belfast). So, I'm proud to be Irish in a general sense, but wish NI would get their act together too.

I live in Australia, and a lot of people are embarrassed we are taking so long to legalise gay marriage. Our stupid Prime Minister is a Catholic, so I can't see him calling a referendum anytime soon. Meanwhile, he has allowed millions of taxpayer $ to put Chaplaincy services in public schools, which I certainly don't agree with. Schools should have secular counsellors and if particular parents want their child counselled by someone of their own faith, then they can do that outside school.

ETA: Thought of more.

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Not Irish (but I have an friend who's Irish, does that count?!)

So proud of Ireland for doing the right thing! :D

Consider yourself formally adopted into the worldwide extended family of the Irish!!!

Still euphoric this morning :D :D :D

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After the Josh Duggargate sh*t show, I've been kind of down, but this really cheered me up this weekend. I was screaming from joy alone in my house when I learned the good news. :cracking-up:

Just wanted to share these nice pictures. Not breaking the link, because it's Buzzfeed. http://www.buzzfeed.com/laurasilver/the ... sex-marria

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I bet my boyfriend...err Colin Farrell is happy, since he has been quite vocal about this.

Yay for Ireland, from your sister who is only your sister, because most of my blood is Guinness Stout.

As an aside, Colin Farrell really needs to read this, because he should be my boyfriend.

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Yeah I forgot this upon discovering Joshgate. So proud that my constituency was a 70% yes☺ï¸

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