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The Inevitable Tell Alls


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I am going to come out of hiding here. I have been lurking for a few years and registered awhile ago but, I never felt like adding anything. But, I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and I am thinking it will be a grandchild.

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If JimChelle can sell their kids' lives for money, then it's fair that the kids can sell them too. I predict a tell-all within 5 years.

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I don't think any of the kids will want to be the one to start the landslide of truth. There's gonna have to be a crack exposed by either a camera man or bitter family inlaw member.

That being said, once the ball is rolling, I could see some of the kids coming public with their stories.

I also have this fantasy of Jana or JD slipping stories Radar on the sly and then acting all confused when JB asked the family how the press found out about that.

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I don't think any of the kids will want to be the one to start the landslide of truth. There's gonna have to be a crack exposed by either a camera man or bitter family inlaw member.

That being said, once the ball is rolling, I could see some of the kids coming public with their stories.

I also have this fantasy of Jana or JD slipping stories Radar on the sly and then acting all confused when JB asked the family how the press found out about that.

I agree. Once some things are exposed, usually other revelations follow.

I kind of feel sorry for the kids though, they have so much pressure on them and have to be extra careful who they are courting, cause a broken courtship and a bitter ex would be a likely source for a tell all or at least some angry facebook/blog posts.

What if a child wants to break up with her/his courting partner, but feels stuck even more than regular courting couples? That would be a real horror scenario for me.

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i think it going to be written as a blog which may prove popular so it gets turned into a book.

A la Cynthia Jeub?

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I don't know. I think everyone expects Jana to. So if it's gonna be someone who surprises us, it'll be someone like Justin, the truly forgotten child.



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I don't know why everyone refers to Jordyn as the forgotten child. I agree that she was only special for 3.4 seconds until Josie was conceived / born, but she seems relatively happy to have her friend and Jessa Blessa, for all her vices, seemed like a very good buddy to her. Giving her and her alone a special part in the wedding was a very sweet gesture to that kid.

Jenny is the truly forgotten child. That kid is depressed, and now her mom sister has not only gotten married and moved away, but has a son who's her ACTUAL child. Jenny's going to snap.

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I don't think any of the kids will want to be the one to start the landslide of truth. There's gonna have to be a crack exposed by either a camera man or bitter family inlaw member.

That being said, once the ball is rolling, I could see some of the kids coming public with their stories.

I also have this fantasy of Jana or JD slipping stories Radar on the sly and then acting all confused when JB asked the family how the press found out about that.

ITA. It is going to be hard for any of them to be the one who starts it all. I was hoping that the Gothard scandal would start the ball rolling but even Gil Bates was able to walk away from that with no repercussions. I give it less than 10 years for both families to start falling apart as the kids begin realizing how their parents fucked them up. A complete tell all book is probably not going to come until much, much later, though.

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A la Cynthia Jeub?

That would be brilliant. A monetized blog that paves the way for a bestseller. The comments from mainstream readers would spark more memories and be therapeutic for the kids to help them work through the damage.

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A la Cynthia Jeub?

or the numerous other blogs over at Homeschoolanonymous and patheos I have been reading, blogs, not books xD.

ala cynthia jeub in the sense that she was a televised fundie .

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I'll take a tell all from whichever Duggar goes and gets an actual education. Can you imagine trying to read the horrible grammar and spelling and writing skills that the SOTDRT produces!?! I shudder at the thought.

I'd like one by Joy though. She's in that unique place of not a kid, not one of the big girls, she seems to fit better with the brothers she's closer in age to. I would like to hear if she really changed and became all girly, or if it was forced on her.

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Joise's tell all would just consist of "ME ME ME ME ME" over and over. :lol:

For real though, give me Josiah, Jinger, Jana and Joy's.

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Why would Josie be the one? She will always have been too young to understand why the lifestyle is taxing to her siblings.

No one truly understands how any lifestyle affects any other person. That doesn't mean they don't have their own problems with a lifestyle.

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or the numerous other blogs over at Homeschoolanonymous and patheos I have been reading, blogs, not books xD.

ala cynthia jeub in the sense that she was a televised fundie .

Cynthia is currently writing a tell-all and fundraising on her blog. Unlike other fundie families, her family created thinking children and encouraged them to debate As well as sent them to competions. Cynthisnis brilliant and a very articulate writer who can grasp the negative and positive ways the patriartical movement has shaped her thinking and life. That is something the duggars would never encourage. They could care less about schooling. The less booksmart the kids, the less they question. Teach them life skills all you want but they won't do anything until you teach them to think for themselves.

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I'd like to read Jinger's cause I get the sense she may have been the most hurt by abus. But I also don't think she's someone who could handle the attention or would bring it on herself.

Joy on the other hand...I don't think she has a very strong relationship with others in the family and she has the confidence in her opinions and doesn't seem at all self-conscious

Then again, it might be nice to hear from Jackson, who is close enough with Hannie to see her as a whole person and be outraged on her part as she's shoved into the Duggar girl pigeonhole. Maybe

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I think that one of the relatively unbiased older howlers could write a pretty good tell-all. The younger girls couldn't say much about the early years and the older brats are too sucked into the lifestyle. I still say Famy should write a tell-all, she's make a good chunk of change!

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Quite frankly I'm rather surprised Amy hasn't written something yet. It's not like her "singing career" will ever really take off. She's "Branson good" at best.

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Quite frankly I'm rather surprised Amy hasn't written something yet. It's not like her "singing career" will ever really take off. She's "Branson good" at best.

Amy genuinely seems close to some of the minor Duggar kids (Joy). I think she'll lose access to them should she write a tell-all.

If she does, it will be after the cousins she's close to are of age.

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