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Photograph of a Bruised Johanna


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The L\left side looks like an allergic reaction and the right side looks like an injury from a fall.

I do not believe that the Duggars properly monitor their kids' behaviors. I'm betting there are many minor injuries in their home. Lots of kids, wild behaviors and lack of proper supervision-

I find many of the Duggar parents' choices neglectful.

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Molehill, meet mountain. Mountain, meet molehill. :roll:

Looks like an allergic reaction to my nursing eyes. :shrug:

I knew when I posted it that there was a good chance that it was something entirely non-nefarious and it was probably the result of something easily explained. That being said, the Duggars were directly accused of abuse in the discussion that followed the photograph on Tumblr. (Beyond the TTUAC business). I was just curious if anyone knew the cause of the bruises/swelling in that particular photograph.

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I think it's allergies too, but that's can make a person just as miserable. Growing up I was super sensitive to chemicals in laundry soaps and everything else, so if my cloths/sheets, etc were not washed with a non-hypoallergenic soap, I'd get a rash all over. I hope they are keeping her from her allergen most of the time.

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If she has that kind of allergies, she should be thoroughly checked by an allergist. Of course, I know I'm preaching to the choir here.. poor thing. Hope she doesn't eat something allergic next.

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For all we know, they have taken her to an allergist and have epipens on hand and all the right things. They took Josie to the ER for her seizure... I'm sure they deal with a possible allergy in the same manner. The sistermoms seem pretty competent in that area.

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The L\left side looks like an allergic reaction and the right side looks like an injury from a fall.

I do not believe that the Duggars properly monitor their kids' behaviors. I'm betting there are many minor injuries in their home. Lots of kids, wild behaviors and lack of proper supervision-

I find many of the Duggar parents' choices neglectful.

Their house, with that stair and the walkway, unnerves me. I'd never feel comfortable with my kids in that home unless they were all over 10yo.

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Their house, with that stair and the walkway, unnerves me. I'd never feel comfortable with my kids in that home unless they were all over 10yo.

Its a horrible layout for a family who have a ton of young children and want more. Also there is so much wasted space, they could have made a whole bunch of bedrooms in the space they wasted, instead of having a bedroom for each sex.

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I'm not quick to assume abuse when a child has injuries. Kids climb things, wrestle, jump off things and sometimes just fall down. Even if you do your best to supervise them some kids it'll only take a moment for them to climb up on something and fall off. I definitely think the Duggars beat their children but smacking them in the face doesn't seem like their style. Plus allowing her to be photographed afterwards seems incredibly stupid if they were trying to hide something. Johanna also seems to be fearless and I would imagine she gets scraped up more often then some of the other kids.

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I'm not quick to assume abuse when a child has injuries. Kids climb things, wrestle, jump off things and sometimes just fall down. Even if you do your best to supervise them some kids it'll only take a moment for them to climb up on something and fall off. I definitely think the Duggars beat their children but smacking them in the face doesn't seem like their style. Plus allowing her to be photographed afterwards seems incredibly stupid if they were trying to hide something. Johanna also seems to be fearless and I would imagine she gets scraped up more often then some of the other kids.

I'll agree, but I sometimes wonder if negligence is going on. I'm not completely sold on that stairway, either, and I'd have blocked it when my kids were small.. wait. She always had small kids. or I'd have made sure I escorted someone up and down. Wait. She's too busy for that.

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I'll agree, but I sometimes wonder if negligence is going on. I'm not completely sold on that stairway, either, and I'd have blocked it when my kids were small.. wait. She always had small kids. or I'd have made sure I escorted someone up and down. Wait. She's too busy for that.

God (or their sister mom's) will take care of it.

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Those pictures were discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=16702&start=680

They're TLC pictures from 2013 (the episode "Dinner for Forty). I don't think the episode addresses what happened to her but presumably it's nothing nefarious, otherwise they wouldn't have put her front and center in the family picture.


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Those pictures were discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=16702&start=680

They're TLC pictures from 2013 (the episode "Dinner for Forty). I don't think the episode addresses what happened to her but presumably it's nothing nefarious, otherwise they wouldn't have put her front and center in the family picture.


They have guests in their home and three of the older girls are barefoot. These people are just gross, what is up with them and their feet?

Oh yeah. Gothard followers.

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They have guests in their home and three of the older girls are barefoot. These people are just gross, what is up with them and their feet?

Oh yeah. Gothard followers.

What's wrong with them being barefoot in their own house? Even if they've got guests over? Unless a house has a hard and fast rule about keeping shoes on at all times (as I'm assuming the Duggars don't because they don't seem to have much in the line of practical rules for the size they are).

I'm barefoot constantly in my house and any house I'm allowed to be.

It's not like they're back down in central america hiking in flipflops.

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I am always barefoot in my own home. We don't wear our shoes in the house because it tracks dirt and grossness all over! Every time I go to someone else's house I always ask if I should take off my shoes at the door if my host isn't wearing any and I hope they say yes. :lol:

What's the blue tape on the floor for?

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Yeah, I have no problem with the older girls being barefoot at home. The only reason I have a pair of "house flipflops" is because they have enough arch support that I can stand without everything starting to hurt. (Well, and cats that occasionally bump their water bowls and track a teeny bit of litter around.)

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Once you hit the door in my apartment or my mothers house, the shoes come off and are put by the door.One of my big pet peeves is people wearing shoes indoors ( not public but indoors like houses)

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The guests whose feet are visible all have their shoes on. In my part of the world, the hosts children who are as old as those girls ought to have some kind of shoe on.

But... it's the Duggars. No manners, no class.

Going barefoot when its just your family is fine. But these are clearly guests and its not fine for the girls to be walking around with no shoes of any kind.

As I said, this requires knowledge of manners and simple things like not squicking out your guests. Unless you're Bill Gothard and let it be known it's quite fine for your teen daughters to run around with no shoes while he's there.

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I almost never wear shoes at home either, no matter who is visiting.

The blue tape is for some kind of game with a ball that they play.

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Are we having the "shoes in the house" war again already?

It's a culture war between those who have manners because manners are about respecting and valuing other people vs people whose primary thoughts are their own preferences and who gives a flying fuck if my dirty bare feet gross you out? It's all about me.

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Personally, I see dragging your dirty outside dirt shoes all over my house as way more rude than me wearing socks instead of shoes in my own house despite guests. Shoes come off at the door, everyone's shoes come off if they are coming in. They're free to bring slippers, as we do when we go to someone else's house (sometimes, if we want or if it's cold).

I wasn't nearly so fanatic about shoelessness until my preemies came home from the NICU and right on our discharge sheet was that everyone should remove their shoes upon entering and walking all over the floor my babies would possibly be on. They were of course on blankets, but shoes started coming off non-negotiable then.

But then, I also don't see feet as any more dirty or gross than hands. I don't make everyone wear gloves around my house!

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Even if I was shoeless in my home, I would have slipped on a pair for the photo that was likely to be posted for the world to see. I am vain (like Jill)- most ladies look/photograph better with shoes on their feet- especially when wearing a dress or skirt.

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