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Ezzo quotes on punishment of very young children-

"A child knows when he has broken the rules, and his guilt continually reminds him of his violation. Guilt is the reminder of sin. Chastisement (Ezzo's term for spanking) is the price paid to remove the guilt thus [sic] free the child from his burden. If the parents do not remove the guilt, the child lives under the weight of sin. When an offense calls for chastisement, parents should chastise. If they substitute a lesser punishment, the guilt remains, and the child will suppress it. That, in turn, leads to more antisocial behavior." (GKGW p. 212)

Even from a Christian perspective this is wrong! GOD is the only one who can remove guilt, not the parents. I am officially scared off from even reading the book just to see how bad it is. *shudder*

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Trynn-It'll only make you really mad. Totally not worth the blood pressure issues it causes. I didn't have the same visceral reaction to it, though, as I did the Pearl's book. But they're both pretty nauseating. :?

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Even from a Christian perspective this is wrong! GOD is the only one who can remove guilt, not the parents. I am officially scared off from even reading the book just to see how bad it is. *shudder*

I totally agree, but it seems to be a common statement in this type of parenting book. I'm pretty sure even James Dobson has said similar things ("Even" just because he is considered mainstream, at least around here).

I actually got up a copy of Ezzo's "Babywise" from my husband's cousin while I was pregnant. At the time, I hadn't read much about parenting other than a few blogs I was following, but it just seemed wrong while I was reading it. I looked it up online and found Ezzo.info and other places warning about it. The good thing is I also found out about attachment parenting through those sites, and it has worked out great for us.

One thing I remember about Ezzo aside from the rigid scheduling is his insistence that it was all about making the baby fit into your schedule and your life, and not adapting to much for the child. I also seem to remember him advising parents to swat the hands of their children if they reached for the spoon while being fed or wanted to play with their food, which is one of they main ways they learn.

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He's also all about not teaching your kids about sex...ever...beyond "the flower metaphor". :shock: Using medical terms for genitalia is just outright corruption. Therefore, your teens should stick to euphemisms like "peepee" for penis and "bottom" for vagina/labia/etc.

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Trynn-It'll only make you really mad. Totally not worth the blood pressure issues it causes. I didn't have the same visceral reaction to it, though, as I did the Pearl's book. But they're both pretty nauseating. :?

Oh yes. The Perls. I almost threw up after that one. My friend is reading it. I am seriously concerned for said friend.

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I just have to say...Team Lawson!! Truly and without snarkiness, he sounds like really good guy-although the burden placed on him is way more than should be placed on a 19-year-old.

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I just have to say...Team Lawson!! Truly and without snarkiness, he sounds like really good guy-although the burden placed on him is way more than should be placed on a 19-year-old.

18 year old.

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Whoops, 18. Not that it makes it better one way or the other, but it sounds like he's doing really well for a 18 year old, and could *gasp* pay for rent and schooling for himself on his own! I mean, having your own (successful, sounds like) business at that age is remarkable--too bad his parents are mooches.

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I tend to think of the Pearls as the pig shit of parenting and the Ezzos as the cow shit. One smells worse than the other, but we you get down do it, they're both still steaming piles of shit.

Many of you would probably like the Parents Against Babywise FB page. Lots of good info there. I wish I could find a similar one for the Pearls.

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He likes Cowboy stuff and is even trying to film a Christian western movie but I think it is Nathan the aspiring preacher who has the lisp.

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The cowboy outfit always makes me think of the Village People, but then Western wear is really uncommon where I live except at Fair time.

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I still stand by that Lawson is going to be a fundy girl's dream come true.

Decent looking

Mature or at least mature enough to hold a stable income.

Have a steady income.

Loves his family.

Grocery shops. A huge plus there in my book.

Like to play dress up.

See, a fine catch.

Also I want to know if Lawson is breaking any rules of the bible about money lending.

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Also I want to know if Lawson is breaking any rules of the bible about money lending.

Well, Proverbs 22:7 says

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

KJV, of course 8-)

The Message translation reads this way:

The poor are always ruled over by the rich,

so don't borrow and put yourself under their power.

Either way, I don't think it jives too much with submitting to one's parents to rule over them and have them be your servant/slave.

So, based on a strict, literal adherence to the Bible, I would say that borrowing from your children is wrong.

I tried to find it in the Hawaiin Pidgin Bible but it doesn't seem to have Proverbs yet.


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Just finished reading the article and it full of contraditions. Not getting a loan/getting a loan from Lawson (who is obviously doing better then Gil if he can lend 4000-5000 to him), Not getting food stamps but also claiming all 18 kids as deducations when he definitley doesn't pay enough in taxes to be getting it back so technically he is getting that money from others through the government.

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I tend to think of the Pearls as the pig shit of parenting and the Ezzos as the cow shit. One smells worse than the other, but we you get down do it, they're both still steaming piles of shit.

Many of you would probably like the Parents Against Babywise FB page. Lots of good info there. I wish I could find a similar one for the Pearls.

facebook.com/WhyNotTrainaChild :)

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Ezzo pisses me off. I have never let me children cry at night because they were hungry. Right now my (almost) two month old is waking up, eating just enough to go back to sleep and then waking up an hour later to repeat the process. Ya know what? We get up with him. Am I so tired that yesterday I couldn't remember what letter came after 'W' when singing the alphabet song to my son? Yes. But that's my problem, not my children's. Hell, I anticipate that the grunting will lead to crying and I have a bottle in hand before it gets to that. No, my children don't go hungry and they don't cry either.

Bastard ass parents.

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