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Concerts 4mnths old and breast feeding

Chowder Head

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Basically a mom brings her 4 month old to a concert in the pit near the big big loud speakers.Breastfeeding it isnt a problem it was you know the negligence on her part fro endangering her kids with all the drunk very crowded pit and the very load music. My favorite statements are its her kids she can take them where she wants. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

http://thestir.cafemom.com/baby/174732/ ... _4monthold

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.1864963

http://www.10news.com/news/video-woman- ... rsing-baby

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That poor baby's inner ear hair cells. Once they die they never come back. Way to give the kid a head start on sensory nuero hearing loss.

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Poor child :( It is loud enough for an adult, but babies have really sensitive hearing. I would be surprised if the baby didn't have problems with hearing, from such a loud noise at such a young age.

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How can a Brad Paisley concert have a pit? But seriously, I understand where the security guards are coming from in regards to the safety of the child. She should be able to breastfeed where ever she wants, but getting jostled by the crowd should be a bigger concern.

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How can a Brad Paisley concert have a pit? But seriously, I understand where the security guards are coming from in regards to the safety of the child. She should be able to breastfeed where ever she wants, but getting jostled by the crowd should be a bigger concern.

Brad Paisley Concerts are large events, typically held in the same venues as festivals - large pavilions and amphitheaters with built in pits. It is not a mosh pit by any means, but the noise level is higher and the crowd is very excited (and tipsy if not intoxicated.)

The security guards did the right thing. They did not immediately kick her out,they first provided her with a safe alternative. It was not about breastfeeding...they provided her with a seat. This is probably in the venue's insurance policy and they would have done the same with a parent holding a two year old. All it takes is a few people running up to the stage for someone to be trampled.

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As a parent I greatly dislike when other parents bring their children to places they really don't belong. Putting aside how unhealthy and potentially dangerous it was to bring the baby to the concert, think of all the other parents that are trying to enjoy a kid-free evening. Just because you're nursing or because you want to do something doesn't mean you should. Get a babysitter. If your child is too young to leave with a sitter then stay home.

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She should be able to breast feed wherever it is safe to do so.

She should be able to bring her kids wherever it is safe to do so.

Some situations are not safe for children or breast feeding/infants. She does not have the right to encroach upon the safety of her children or others for any reason, but especially just to make a point.

This was not a safe place to bring her kids, and this was not a safe place to breast feed. Therefore, neither should have happened.

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Brad had his three year old up on the stage, but the three year old was wearing earplugs. No excuse for that woman having her four month old up that close.

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I like brad paisleys music, some of it anyway. His kid actually sings a bit (one word anyway) in one of brads songs and it's so cute.

Is this a fundy thing, or should it be moved to wide world of snark?

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My kid is nearly 4 years old and he's never even been to a movie theater. Why? Because I know he won't sit still for an entire movie and I have respect for other movie goers who paid, in this day and age, a pretty penny for their tickets and would like to enjoy the show. This is also the reason I've never taken him on an airplane. Eventually, he will be able to handle outings like that, but not right now. This frequently results in me missing out on movies I'd like to see so that I can stay home with him. Such is life. He's more important than a movie/concert/trip/etc. When I had him, I fully expected my life to change and to have to make sacrifices I didn't have to make in the past. It's the price of parenthood. If you don't want to pay that price, then don't have children.

And I totally agree with the poster above who said she gets irritated when people bring children places children should not be. It's rude and disrespectful to others who are trying to enjoy themselves after a long week of work/childcare/studying/etc. I'm all for the recent trend of adult only establishments. Sometimes, adults need to know there are places they can go enjoy a nice meal or good entertainment without having to deal with the antics of children.

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