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Ten Stupid Reasons Against Same Sex Marriage


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This should be titled proof that the anti same sex marriage bigots are idiots. These are not exactly difficult points to tear apart.


"1. It Is Not Marriage

Calling something marriage does not make it marriage"

Yes, it does. In the past marriage has included polygamous unions, marriage through rape or kidnapping, arranged marriages, marriages to create family unions or to unite countries. Marriage is whatever society says that it is.

2. It Violates Natural Law

Marriage is not just any relationship between human beings. It is a relationship rooted in human nature and thus governed by natural law.

There is nothing unnatural about homosexuality.

3. It Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother

It is in the child’s best interests that he be raised under the influence of his natural father and mother

Wow. What a crappy thing to say. Do they have a prejudice against kids raised by a step parent or who have been adopted? Some kids are raised in homes with a single parent or headed by grandparents. Not all kids are in situations where it is best to have the natural parents involved in their lives. There are lots of ways to have a family. Just because a same sex couple have physical custody of a child it doesn't mean that the opposite sex parent isn't also involved. Kids need love and responsible adults in their lives.

There are seven other reasons but I'm too lazy to answer them all. Take my word for it, they are equally stupid.

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Number three is sooooo stupid. What about all the kids in foster care or being raised by family members or single parents? What if one parent leaves or dies? There are plenty of female and male role models that kids can relate to(aunts uncles,neighbors,friends) they don't have to be a parent.

And people have no real legit reason on why they don't like gay marriage. They only have one and that get olds pretty fast and isn't relevant. I hope gay marriage becomes legal in all fifty states by at least the next year.

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I hope gay marriage becomes legal in all fifty states by at least the next year.

I am crossing my fingers that it happens in NC soon.

Apparently the people who wrote that list have never debated with a person who agrees with same sex marriage. All their reasons have been discussed and easily destroyed multiple times.

One of their reasons was the sterility of same sex unions. Really? Unless a fertility test is demanded for a marriage lesson, I don't think that this should be an issue.

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7. It Defeats the State’s Purpose of Benefiting Marriage

One of the main reasons why the State bestows numerous benefits on marriage is that by its very nature and design, marriage provides the normal conditions for a stable, affectionate, and moral atmosphere that is beneficial to the upbringing of children—all fruit of the mutual affection of the parents. This aids in perpetuating the nation and strengthening society, an evident interest of the State.

Homosexual “marriage†does not provide such conditions. Its primary purpose, objectively speaking, is the personal gratification of two individuals whose union is sterile by nature. It is not entitled, therefore, to the protection the State extends to true marriage.

I'm guessing this person has never actually known anyone in a same sex marriage. It is ludicrous to assert that all heterosexual marriages are stable and based on morals (yeah tell that to the people who run 24 Love Chapels in Las Vegas) while all same sex marriages are based solely on lust. It is so strange to me that anyone with a an ounce of brain matter thinks that ALL people fit into perfect, exact categories. Does this come from a lack of experience? A completely closed mind?

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Basically what it boils down to is:

"Because the Bible."

"Gay sex is icky."

"They can't have baybeez."

I'm actually surprised they didn't try to shoehorn "So they have to 'recruit'" in there, too.

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Basically what it boils down to is:

"Because the Bible."

"Gay sex is icky."

"They can't have baybeez."

I'm actually surprised they didn't try to shoehorn "So they have to 'recruit'" in there, too.

This one is so stupid. If these anti-gay fundies really want to start digging around in other people's sex lives, they're gonna find some pretty shocking, "icky" stuff, even within hetero relationships. Or does it not matter what goes on in your bedroom so long as you're a heterosexual married couple?

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I am crossing my fingers that it happens in NC soon.

Apparently the people who wrote that list have never debated with a person who agrees with same sex marriage. All their reasons have been discussed and easily destroyed multiple times.

One of their reasons was the sterility of same sex unions. Really? Unless a fertility test is demanded for a marriage lesson, I don't think that this should be an issue.

Funny I know at least one gay couple who had a child via the same way I did... IVF! Though, maybe the infertile straight couples should not be allowed to marry either. Of course, back when I got married I figured I was fertile. Oops.

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This one is so stupid. If these anti-gay fundies really want to start digging around in other people's sex lives, they're gonna find some pretty shocking, "icky" stuff, even within hetero relationships. Or does it not matter what goes on in your bedroom so long as you're a heterosexual married couple?

One of the funniest things I've ever heard is one of my (gay) friends recounting how he had to explain to his older, very straight-laced, conservative brother that there are plenty of heterosexual couples who engage in anal sex, not just homosexual couples. His brother really didn't believe him at first!

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The first reason is ridiculous. Of course, if you society redefines ''marriage'', then it is marriage. The worst is that a lot of people don't know that historically, marriage was first and foremost a civil union before being religious.

Even to this day, I hear people say things like: ''Ah, so they only had a civil ceremony? So they're not really married?'' and this is from people that aren't even fundie. :doh:

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One of the funniest things I've ever heard is one of my (gay) friends recounting how he had to explain to his older, very straight-laced, conservative brother that there are plenty of heterosexual couples who engage in anal sex, not just homosexual couples. His brother really didn't believe him at first!

Married, monogamous, Christian, heterosexual couples, even! :o

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One of the funniest things I've ever heard is one of my (gay) friends recounting how he had to explain to his older, very straight-laced, conservative brother that there are plenty of heterosexual couples who engage in anal sex, not just homosexual couples. His brother really didn't believe him at first!

"God's ok with sodomy, but only if you're straight!"

-Garfunkel & Oates, God's Loophole

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One of the funniest things I've ever heard is one of my (gay) friends recounting how he had to explain to his older, very straight-laced, conservative brother that there are plenty of heterosexual couples who engage in anal sex, not just homosexual couples. His brother really didn't believe him at first!

He must have been the one guy in a thousand who has never, ever watched any porn.

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