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To Train Up A Child - ONLINE REVIEWS


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It seems the army of good has come out to let people know the evil that this book spews. The reviews are awesome as the fundies/backers crawl out from their holes... of note:

http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/to-trai ... ba%2bchild

Posted 3/3/10

I have seen web pages that specifically tell people to write negative reviews about this book. On Amazon when I was reading the reviews I kept thinking, why is everyone using the same examples in their arguments about this book. It is because the people are just blindly obeying without really reading the book. If you had actually read the book, you would know that their is no way a child could die from the techniques in this book. They actually advocate against spanking because it could cause damage. The message in this book is to delight in your children, teach them how to be obedient instantly. They will learn self control, and know that they have parents that delight in them and want them to grow up to be people in control of their passions. The bible says, " By their works ye shall no them." This method of child training is as old as the bible, and common before the 60's revolution. Do you think that our new methods are producing children with self control? Now that we are all fat and self centered? It is sad that this method has been side lined over the years, but don't be put off by this comments of people who either never read the book, or don't have children. Imagine never raising your voice to your children. Never getting angry. Actually wanting a bigger family because they are your greatest joy.

http://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Thank-sell ... tore=books

As with all true geniuses of history, whose new ideas have been rejected by the masses, so is this book.

Remember Galilao, who refuted the geocentricity of our world. He was imprisoned and commanded not to teach his "heresy."

Remember Ignaz Semmelweis who promoted washing of hands between delivering children and saved hundreds of lives by practicing his theory. He was persecuted and abused for his belief. He eventually died in an insane assylum after being abused and possibly even beaten.

Remember the prophets of the Old Testament. They always went "against the flow" and were always persecuted.

I thank Amazon for having the courage to sell this book even though it "goes against the flow."

The Pearls are the "Galileos" and "Ignazes" of our time. They will be persecuted. But just as the success of Ignaz proved he was right, so will the success of the Pearls prove they are right.

Thankyou Again Amazon.

Anyone have an actual email to someone at amazon we can inundate with emails demanding the book be pulled?

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I am regular customer of Amazon, and am extremely disturbed about a book that is availible on your site titled "To Train Up A Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl. This week CNN's Anderson Cooper did a 2 part series about a child named Lydia Schatz who died after suffering abuse at the hands of her parents, who used techniques taught to them in 'To Train Up A Child'. In this interview, Michael and Debi Pearl took no responsibility for the abuse suffered by Lydia Schatz and her sister and defended their views and teachings.

This book is a step by step instruction on how to spank your children, but goes far beyond that. It specifies using 1/4 inch flexible plumbing line and teaches exactly how to apply it. This book advocates "switching" infants with a willow branch. All of this in the name of "God". This book tells readers that children are inherently sinful and that children must be spanked in order to be Godly.

I am an advocate of free speech and do not support book banning in most cases; however this book clearly advocates child abuse and I beg you to stop selling it on Amazon. Please take a few moments and read some passages from this book, which can be found in several places online.

Sent! Not sure if it will do any good, but hopefully it will make them at least stop & think

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"The Pearls are the "Galileos" and "Ignazes" of our time. They will be persecuted. But just as the success of Ignaz proved he was right, so will the success of the Pearls prove they are right."

I think my brain just exploded

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I actually have read the book and it is CRAP. I left a negative review on Amazon a while back with quotes. Maybe I should find it and copy it onto BN.

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Guest Anonymous
I actually have read the book and it is CRAP. I left a negative review on Amazon a while back with quotes. Maybe I should find it and copy it onto BN.

Dooooo it!!!!!!!

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lol I'm actually looking for it on Amazon right now. I have a verified account, but there does not seem to be a way to find all of my reviews. I've only left two or three so it should not be this hard!

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it is obvious these are fake reviews. I mean come on now it tells you not to spank? what kind of bull is that?

If you mean that revewers who like the book are claiming that, it's part of the whole twisted illogical logic of the Pearls, in two ways:

Pearl claims that "spanking" is with the hand, so he is not advising that -- he advises switching, thumping and any number of other verbs that mean "cause your child stinging pain," but not, by his technical definition, spanking. :roll:

He says that people who cause real harm to children are the ones who wait too long and ask for compliance too many times, then end up hitting anyway. He claims that his way, of causing pain early in the process, for a tiny infraction or even the beginning of something that looks like it might turn into an unwanted behavior or attitude, leads to less hitting, in the long run.

Again, :roll:

So, sadly, those reviewers are, in the weird bizarro world that is Pearl-land, telling the truth.

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Why do fundies denounce science and then bring up the persecution of scientists in their stupid defenses of lame books written by men with very small penises, or something else that causes them to need to control their children within an inch of their lives to feel like real men?

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Guest Anonymous

For whatever it may be worth, I posted the following on Amazon's website this afternoon:

Why can't I give this zero stars?,

Amazon, I love your selections but hate the fact that 1. You sell "To Train Up A Child" at all and 2. that I, and doubtless other reviewers, can't give Mr. Pearl's opus zero or even negative stars. This book is nothing more or less than a primer for child abuse. In one chapter, Debi Pearl exults in having broken the will of a child she was baby-sitting for, by licking him repeatedly on the legs. Debi, be grateful I wasn't that parent. Not only would I snatch you bald but I can assure you, nobody would ever find the body.

Two children, living with people who took this swill literally, have died at the hands of their parents, to say nothing of the other children who were maimed, some permanently, by their parents. To every criticism of their tactics, Michael and Debi Pearl's boiletplate response is that "They must have been doing it wrong". Excuse me? There's a protocol for child abuse now?

Amazon, I'm sure I'm not the first, nor will I be the last, person to urge you to stop selling this toxic book. We obviously can't stop the Pearls from thinking as they please, but we sure damn can stop them from cashing in on it.

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  • 1 month later...

To Train up a Child is getting a lot of good reviews on Amazon lately. Superlatives like "fantastic" and "awesome" are being used. Really?

Can we reverse this trend if only to send a message to Amazon? I'll leave my negative review today. Didn't mean to resurrect this thread from the dead just that I hate Pearl and want to see him go down and stopping the sale of this book by Amazon is one small way to do it. (I did send them an email.)

Usually I am the thread-killer (and am quite happy to let this one die again).

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t0r0sebud1, I'm glad you brought this up again. I had meant to post a review, but that intent had slipped through the cracks.

And as for being a threadkiller, no worries. I manage to kill a lot of threads myself, or so it seems. :D

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I'd love to start ruining the reviews. It terrifies me how close my parents were to using this book. I distinctly remember a dinner party with a family that was old school, family-integrated-church-before-it-was-a-big-thing, homeschooling, no-dating, etc. They kept bragging about how effective the books were to my parents.

My brother, typically mischievous, was on his best behavior, and tried to be helpful by clearing the table after he was done. The parents, who were hosting our family, scowled and said he could clear his plate after the he was excused by their family's dad. I was a chatty, precocious gradeschooler, and I remember being eerily weirded out by the "children are to be seen, not heard" environment.

On the bright side, their oldest daughter taught me to French braid. I do it in a non-frumpy way now, I promise! They quit our church to join a "family church" shortly after this dinner, Last anyone heard from them, their oldest kids are 23 and 21, both "doing college" in the family's basement, and still don't speak unless spoken to.

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I read the book because it was on my mother's shelf. not sure if she read it but I tried to get her to read it again (I was young ok? and even then Ihad doubts about some of the advice like ignoring when your kid takes a big fall) but she wouldn't, she said she knew it would make her feel like a bad parent.

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Guest Anonymous
Please, please sign here: http://www.change.org/petitions/amazon- ... m=own_wall (Amazon: Refuse to carry books which advocate the physical abuse of children.)

I did sign the petition since it's for a worthy cause, but I don't like that the drafters insist that you include your street address, including city and not just your name and e-mail address.

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I did sign the petition since it's for a worthy cause, but I don't like that the drafters insist that you include your street address, including city and not just your name and e-mail address.

Mmm I know. I just write my second name and then my last name. Then I take a random street in my city. I also feel uncomfortable with sharing way too many details.

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