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Guess what Michelle said.


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No,she is not pregnant and no one is courting :twisted:

Actually,Hannie is going to be taking over the laundry or gathering it at least.Jackson does it now but I guess they are at the age things start changing as far as work and roles :shock: She said so in an interview from June when asked about chores.

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No,she is not pregnant and no one is courting :twisted:

Actually,Hannie is going to be taking over the laundry soon :shock: She said so in an interview from June when asked about chores.

Link, or it didn't happen! Unless, this is supposed to be a joke? It is too late at night for me to think properly...

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5... she'll be 6 in October, I think.


she's really going to make a 5 year old do laundry for 21 people?!

I wouldn't even trust a 5 year old with her own laundry.

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I think it is just helping who ever is in charge of the actual wash part but that is still a lot of work for a little girl.

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One of the earlier shows had Jackson pushing laundry baskets around... but not really getting any work done. I'm sure Hannah will be expected to do a better job, being female and all.

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No Joke.I did not link because for the most part it is the same old tripe but if you want.

Start at 3:41

She actually said that Johannah will take over collecting and gathering the laundry from Jackson, she won't be doing the whole thing (although these are the Duggars, I wouldn't put it past them).

Something else that was interesting in the interview is that Michelle said that they buy all their clothes from thrift stores when just a few episodes ago Jill said that some of the older girls buy bew stuff that is on sale. The Duggars lied. Jill also seems to be incredibly immature. The interviewer asked if the kids ever had fights and Jill said "pillow fights?" The way she said it just seemed very immature.

Finally, someone needs to give the guy with the boom a longer stick. He was in all the wide shots.

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She actually said that Johannah will take over collecting and gathering the laundry from Jackson, she won't be doing the whole thing (although these are the Duggars, I wouldn't put it past them).

Something else that was interesting in the interview is that Michelle said that they buy all their clothes from thrift stores when just a few episodes ago Jill said that some of the older girls buy bew stuff that is on sale. The Duggars lied. Jill also seems to be incredibly immature. The interviewer asked if the kids ever had fights and Jill said "pillow fights?" The way she said it just seemed very immature.

Finally, someone needs to give the guy with the boom a longer stick. He was in all the wide shots.

The Duggars lying is nothing new. Maybe Michelle didn't remember about Jill saying that they buy new clothes on the show. I remember reading on the twop boards a few months back when the kids started wearing Aeropostale more and some people speculated that the Duggars were buying Aeropostale clothes from thrift stores. Brand names do end up thrift stores often which the Duggars could have been doing, but eventually one poster said that in one episode there was an Aeropostale bag in the girls' room.

I think the Duggars are now into buying new clothes but they probably just go to malls and buy what is on sale/clearance.

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I don't know why they still make such a big deal about buying a thrift stores and all that stuff. In the early specials when they were obviously wearing second-hand clothes or homemade clothes and were still living in the two bedroom house it was only natural that they buy things used, but since they are living in this huge house, with all the computers, their industrial kitchen,etc. nobody can still think that they have only a small income. you see them playing with their iphones in nearly every episode and Iam sure that they haven't bought those used.. so why is it so difficult to admit that you stopped buying in thrift stores because now you have the money to buy new clothes?!?! Duggar logic...

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Mm, that's the thing. They could still emphasise being thrifty if they think it's morally important, although I don't see how it would be. They don't care about reducing consumption, so you'd think it would only be an economic consideration; in which case, it's just some advice. But instead they outwardly, explicitly lie. They're not just covering up the truth or avoiding it like that spectacular 'do you hit the kids?' question. That's openly lying.

I guess they like the image of struggling and getting by with little. That or they couldn't think of a new motto.

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Actually, I think that Michelle has relinquished nealry all resonsibility. She repeats her "talking points" after things change because she is so minimally aware of changes. She probably does occasionally still pop into a thrift store to buy some stuff. The older kids manage so much of the home that they likely do a fair amount of purchasing for themselves and younger sibling on their own. She probably cought a glimpse of Hannie "helping" and decided to announce it as a decision. Now Hannie is stuck with an assignment.

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Poor Hannie...

My 5 year old is limited to helping feed the dogs, and putting away her own laundry (folding, haha, it only will end up thrown about the room anyway). She occasionally will help me with only her own laundry. I still wouldn't trust her for full on laundry duty though. I mean, the kid's 5...

J'Chelle seems to enjoy that "image" of being "thrifty" even if it does not appear the kids are holding on to that image... :)

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Wow. I think it's entirely reasonable to put a young teenager (or maybe as young as a ten-year-old) in charge of doing their own laundry. But to have a not-quite-six-year-old in charge of an enormous household's laundry?

Even if it's just collecting and gathering laundry, that's a huge task in 20 person household. Why can't everyone be responsible for brinigng their own laundry to the laundry room. And frankly, I wouldn't trust a five-year-old to sort my laundry properly.

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For some reason I thought they had a laundry chute. If they do and her job will just be to push the laundry carts from one room to the other or something like that, then I think it's a perfectly age-appropriate job for a 5-6y/o.

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For some reason I thought they had a laundry chute. If they do and her job will just be to push the laundry carts from one room to the other or something like that, then I think it's a perfectly age-appropriate job for a 5-6y/o.

I remember the laundry chute too, but I think that it might have been sacrificed in the boys' room for that slide to the playroom (other end of the house and all). I'm sure Boob and Michelle had a chute built for themselves. So she primarily collects the boys' clothes (although I imagine they have a separate hamper for the undies...can't defraud poor little Hannie into seeing some Fruit of the Loom).

Not sure why Jackson was knocking on the girls' bedroom for laundry on the show, except that that it was a staged "reality" moment that those un-modest girls, primping and preening in their room weren't ready for.

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The laundry chute may have been removed or closed off due to howlers stuffing each other into it. It would be a pretty big temptation, and we all know the Duggars have no self-control.

We moved into a house with a laundry chute when my boys were 4 and 6. Their eyes lit up, but after I pointed out that it wasn't that big and they could get stuck, and the landing would hurt, they never acted on their impulses. Of course, I actually paid attention to them all day, every day, unlike a certain "Mother of the Year".

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I think a lot of the name brand clothes are gifts from the clothing companies for product placement. Of course it wouldn't do for the poor martyr Duggars to admit that they are accepting generous gifts (even if it is in exchange for advertising) so they just lie about. Lying is second nature to them by now. I don't think they even know what reality is and they just say whatever is most convenient for them.

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Mm, that's the thing. They could still emphasise being thrifty if they think it's morally important, although I don't see how it would be. They don't care about reducing consumption, so you'd think it would only be an economic consideration; in which case, it's just some advice. But instead they outwardly, explicitly lie. They're not just covering up the truth or avoiding it like that spectacular 'do you hit the kids?' question. That's openly lying.

I guess they like the image of struggling and getting by with little. That or they couldn't think of a new motto.

I also think that they like that image and I think that the want their viewing audience to believe that they super experts managing money so it is probably why they won't admit that they are no longer shopping at thrift stores. Boob and Michelle probably think they can fool people but they can't. When I read some of the theories on twop about the Duggars buying Aeropostale and other brand names at thrift stores, I sort of did believe it, because a friend of mine who works next a thrift store said that a lot of people drop off lightly used brand name clothes at the store and that particular will buy certain items from people. But once there was a camera shot of an Aeropostale bag I knew that the thrift stores days were over for the Duggars.

I do think they probably don't buy extremely expensive clothes. I do wonder if they are buying new shoes for all of the kids now.

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I think a lot of the name brand clothes are gifts from the clothing companies for product placement. Of course it wouldn't do for the poor martyr Duggars to admit that they are accepting generous gifts (even if it is in exchange for advertising) so they just lie about. Lying is second nature to them by now. I don't think they even know what reality is and they just say whatever is most convenient for them.

The Duggars accepting generous gifts is nothing new. Years ago before TLC was in the picture, people used to give them clothing donations all the time.. Now the Duggars are possibly accepting more expensive gifts. I agree product placement might be possible because the labels on the kids' clothin are rarely blurred out for the show.

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Poor Hannie! Actually, I say that laundry or no laundry just because she got the misfortune of being born a girl Duggar. Well, I guess in fundy land, once the little girls become a certain age...playtime is over and helpmate training begins.

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