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Local Pharmacy forces Pro-Life views


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My local pharmacy has Catholic management, and they've taken to placing the following into their contraceptive pill packets:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 6150_n.jpg

Local doctors have also advised patients against the pharmacy to collect their OCP prescription, unless they'd be happy to be lectured.

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So will they refuse to provide emergency contraception? What about women who are prescribed medication contraindicated in pregnancy? Will they only dispense those meds to unmarried (or post menopausal) women (because only married women gave sex)

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My local pharmacy has Catholic management, and they've taken to placing the following into their contraceptive pill packets:


Local doctors have also advised patients against the pharmacy to collect their OC

P prescription, unless they'd be happy to be lectured.

Oh, just have people email them anonymously and tell them they are always going to buy their contraceptives from them and only use it for contraceptives, so they should immediately go to confession, or just go into some other business.

Hell, I might and I don't live near there and could never take the pill....

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If I lived in that area, I'd advise my patients to have none of their prescriptions filled there. As a health care provider you have a duty of care. That means that while you may not like having to treat rapists from the local prison, you do. You are perfectly entitled to your own morality, but you are not allowed to impose it on your patients. I wonder if they'll dispense Viagra to non-married men?

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I don't understand this. If filling certain prescriptions is so morally fraught for you, why are you a pharmacist in the first place? :wtf:

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My local pharmacy has Catholic management, and they've taken to placing the following into their contraceptive pill packets:


Local doctors have also advised patients against the pharmacy to collect their OCP prescription, unless they'd be happy to be lectured.

Do they sell condoms and other non-prescription "family planning" items?

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Do they fill Viagra prescriptions for unmarried men? Yeah, their advanced thinking hasn't caught up with that yet, I bet.

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I don't understand this. If filling certain prescriptions is so morally fraught for you, why are you a pharmacist in the first place? :wtf:

Apparently, so you can force your personal beliefs on everyone else. Fucking special snowflakes. :roll:

If only we could all pick and choose which aspects of our jobs we'll perform. "Sorry Boss, I don't like Client A. He's really difficult to work with so I'm not doing this job for him." "YOU'RE FIRED!"

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What it's used for is none of the pharmacist's business. Just fill the damn prescription. If they have a problem doing that, then they need to find another job.

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So, they still fill the prescription but tell customers "You're making God sad" every time? Does the pharmacist have to read it aloud to the customer each time or something? If I have a legal prescription and it does not interfere with any other medications listed in my record and you have it in stock: we should be good to go.

Or is this more of a "I cleaned my hands of this sin you're making me contribute to" sort of thing? If the pharmacist types out his/her objection, then s/he's in the clear in God's eyes, because at that point it's the meanie-doctor writing the prescription for the slutty-patient and forcing the pious-pharmacist to fill it, even though they know the pharmacist objects?

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I agree with docmom. If a pharmacy in my area did this I would advise my patients to go elsewhere. I would probably also call the governing body for pharmacists and ask them to officially clarify their position on the matter ( I don't know what country this pharmacy is in but in Ontario there is a college of pharmacy that is in charge of licensing pharmacists).

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Moral code my ass. Whether you're taking it to prevent pregnancy or to regularize your periods, the end result is the same. No pregnancy. If these idiots actually were following a moral code, they'd be against filling the perscription for any reason. Think of all the poor babies denied life because YOU want normal period cycles. :roll:

Just an excuse to be holier-than-thou, supercilious, judgemental assholes. Nothing greater.

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I wonder what kind of notes they are putting in the condoms, if they sell them?

"If you are using these condoms as water balloons and throwing them at people, please understand that the proprietors are happy to supply them and appreciate your custom.

If you are using these condoms primarily as a contraceptive, please read on..."

With that said, while what they are doing is wrong, at least there are other pharmacies to go to. The only thing these people are doing is hurting themselves.

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regarding all the questions of whether the pharmacy sells other family planning items - they do not stock them. no morning after pill, no condoms.

there's actually a write-up in our local newspaper today about it, after being dropped by the 'soul pattinson' franchise:


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What it's used for is none of the pharmacist's business. Just fill the damn prescription. If they have a problem doing that, then they need to find another job.

This. A million times this.

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"If you are using these condoms as water balloons and throwing them at people, please understand that the proprietors are happy to supply them and appreciate your custom.

I fail at youtube clip searching, but this totally makes me think of the classic ice cream scene in "Summer of '42"...

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My cousin-in-law was a pharmacist. Mummy wouldn't let him work in a shop because he might have to sell the pill or condoms to unmarried people. He worked in a hospital pharmacy for a while but Mummy made him leave that job too when she realised he would still have to dispense the morning after pill. (Cousin-in-law was only an adult in the numerical sense.)

I'm still puzzled by the whole Catholic thing of pill is bad, condoms are bad, rhythm method is fine. This couple say they can tell you about natural methods of birth control. If "natural" is ok, what is wrong with chemical?

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I'd take all my business elsewhere and likely walk on their sidewalk with a sign telling people why. Disgusting moral relativism. It's ok if its for your skin, but not for contraception.

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What it's used for is none of the pharmacist's business. Just fill the damn prescription. If they have a problem doing that, then they need to find another job.

This. WTF

Many pharmacies (I don't know how it is in the US) have to supervise drug taking. If you're a heroin addict, you are not allowed heroin, obv. So you show up of a morning and if you are on the script, you take your dose of methadone in front of the pharmacist and you then go away.

So if you think addiction isn't real, would you be allowed not to serve such customers? Or if you thought drug addiction was the product of a mind given over to Satan, would you then say that you won't supervise the dose?

Or alcohol addiction - people who have that but don't have anyone to supervise them, but are amenable to treatment, will be given an Antabuse pill daily in front of a pharmacist who should check they have swallowed it. What if you think medication can't help, but belief in Jesus Christ is the only cure for alcohol addiction? Can you refuse to have anything to do with addicts, even if you're the only one on shift at the time?

This raises so many questions that I think that being a pharmacist isn't something where one's personal opinions should be entitled to enter in. Where I work, I am very careful to keep my personal politics away from the job I do. I am a public servant and my job is to help, as best I can, the people who contact me. My personal opinion is meaningless compared to my duty, which is to try to assist. Even if I don't agree politically with the people I deal with.

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This is so wrong. A prescription is between patient and doctor. A pharmacist is just there to dispense the drug & offer info about said drug.

If you don't want to take the pill, then don't take it. (You could insert gay marriage or abortion in there too.) But you shouldn't infringe on the rights of others.

Also, someone mentioning the rhythm method reminded me of my mom telling me she was grateful the Catholic Church didn't frown on her doctor telling her that after 4 c-sections (2 back to back) and her advancing age (35!) that she should have a tubal ligation. As she put it, her and my dad had too much rhythm!

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Has anyone asked the pharmacist how he (or she) feels about erectile dysfunction drugs?

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Has anyone asked the pharmacist how he (or she) feels about erectile dysfunction drugs?

i'm not sure. i don't shop there.

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Has anyone asked the pharmacist how he (or she) feels about erectile dysfunction drugs?

Probably not, since ED drugs can help make babies.

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