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"Tomorrow we'll discuss To Train Up a Child"


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I'm listening to KTLK 1150 am, and the current show* is wrapping up to make way for Randi Rhodes. But before signing off, the host is talking about this book he just discovered, written by Michael and Debbie Pearl. He mentioned a few things, like plumbing line, and tomorrow the show will be dedicated to this book he's just been horrified by. :shock:

The station is out of Los Angeles, but you can listen online for free and use Skype to call in without long distance charges. The show will start after a news break at 12:00 EST (9 PST) on 11/20.

If you want to hear the reactions of people not familiar with the exciting world of fundamentalist Christian child abuse, now's your chance. If you want to call in to make sure everyone knows just how dangerous this book is, this is an opportunity.

*Not mentioning the host's name because I don't want to get it wrong, the 12-3 spot is shared by a few different people. I think I recognize the voice, but in case I'm wrong, I'm leaving out his name.

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I don't know if this has been posted here before, but here the whole text of the book is posted.


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I don't know if this has been posted here before, but here the whole text of the book is posted.



The link she gives is to the wayback machine capture, since the person who originally posted it, a Pearl supporter, was upset that it was being used to criticize him, and took it down.

I had another online source of the whole text (from an anti-Pearl person), but just found out that it is no longer there.

So this is a find, and I appreciate it.

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The link she gives is to the wayback machine capture, since the person who originally posted it, a Pearl supporter, was upset that it was being used to criticize him, and took it down.

I had another online source of the whole text (from an anti-Pearl person), but just found out that it is no longer there.

So this is a find, and I appreciate it.

No problem. It showed up on my Facebook feed, and thought I'd share it here. I'd never read parts of it before and it was much worse than what I was expecting (which is saying something - I was expecting it to be horrid but not essentially a child abuse manual or condoning such terrible behaviour).

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Given Hannah's recent death, I'm starting to see non-FJ references to the Pearls and TTUPAC on Facebook, which is both startling and - refreshing? Like maybe they're due some serious public horror?

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I am too, about five of my friends have linked to articles about Hana's death and the Pearls and the petition telling Amazon they should stop selling TTUAC.

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I, too, have seen a lot of Facebook chatter about the Pearls today. I even managed to get out a mention of the Duggars blanke training...and got a lot of e-gasps of horror from people that has never heard that.

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I've been listening and he hasn't mentioned it at all! My apologizies to all. Maybe it's the breaking news about the coke buying Congressman, or maybe the Pearls got to him? Either way, I'm sorry and disappointed he hasn't followed through on today's topic. :(

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Michael Pearl tells one mother on his website, "I could break his anger in two days. He would be too scared to get angry. On the third day he would draw into a quiet shell and obey."


I've never heard anything quite so cruel and heartless (and I previously worked with an attorney prosecuting rape cases - with mostly child victims). The Pearls shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.

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It's pretty disappointing that the radio host didn't actually talk about it.

From the looks of the book, it looks like an innocent thing. Cute kid on the front, nothing too harsh. Seems like a good Christian book. How people read it and actually do those things to their kids, is just mind-boggling. This isn't a horrible case of a mother who needed help and did the unthinkable. This is real abuse. Parents are supposed to make their kids feel safe, not torture them.

How can these people even pass tests for adoption?

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I don't think that most of these TTUAC followers use it because they believe they are doing what is right to raise children. I think these people are getting off on abusing the defenseless. It breaks my heart to think of all the possible tiny bodies that could be hidden in backyards.

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I've never heard anything quite so cruel and heartless (and I previously worked with an attorney prosecuting rape cases - with mostly child victims). The Pearls shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.

I actually think quoting more of that is important, since Pearl outlines just how he creates Stockholm Syndrome:

A proper spanking leaves children without breath to complain. If he should tell you that the spanking makes him madder, spank him again. If he is still mad…. He desperately needs an unswayable authority, a cold rock of justice. Keep in mind that if you are angry you are wasting your time trying to spank his anger away.

I could break his anger in two days. He would be too scared to get angry. On the third day he would draw into a quiet shell and obey. On the fourth day I would treat him with respect and he would respond in kind. On the fifth day the fear would go away and he would relax because he would have judged that as long as he responds correctly there is nothing to fear. On the sixth day he would like himself better and enjoy his new relationship to authority. On the seventh day I would fellowship with him in some activity that he enjoyed. On the eight day he would love me and would make a commitment to always please me because he valued my approval and fellowship. On the ninth day someone would comment that I had the most cheerful and obedient boy that they had ever seen. On the tenth day we would be the best of buddies.

It's from this NGJ article:


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Sounds like the method he used on his honeymoon as well....


At some point, he latched onto this "method" of setting the other person up for failure, punishing, being bizarre and unpredictable in both his affection and cruelty, messing with their food and sleep, and getting them so confused and/or scared that he can "rebuild" them from the bottom up to be what he wants.

It is Cult Leader 101.

Have you all seen this one, with his paranoia about the outside world, and methods for escaping CPS?


After three hostile visits from Child Protective Services (CPS) with threats to take away our children, and then our big day appearing before the judge, we were beginning to wonder about a 1984-like scenario and Big Brother. Could the John Birch Society and its kind be right? We were pressed to form plans to escape the hand of those who “knew best what was good for our children.†The kids knew the signal that meant they were to go to the basement, climb up on the washing machine, open the window quietly, and slip through the woods to an old, abandoned barn about one mile away and wait for their grandparents to pick them up and take them out of state to a secret location.

After several visits and warnings from CPS, a certified letter delivered by a sheriff notified us to bring our children and appear in the judge’s chamber on Monday morning at ten o’clock. We stowed the children for hasty departure from the state and went to see the judge alone. It was the first volley in a battle we fought and eventually won, but it did not give us any confidence in the goodwill of what I now knew to be our socialist government.

But by 1988, with five children and the oldest having gone through puberty and one other not far behind, knowing the time of great temptation for the children was approaching, we had enough of the rat race and of trying to provide artificial community for the kids. Many of the people who shared the ministry with us did not fully embrace our convictions. It was obvious that their children would not grow up to be what we wanted ours to become. Their sons and daughters would not make good spouses. And young people tend to pick the fruit closest to the ground, hanging over the fence in their own backyards. So we sold our four-acre estate and moved to a 100-acre piece of unimproved ground in the hills of Middle Tennessee.
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To quote Poltergeist 2 -- "they're baa-ack."

Yes, the Pearl supporters and shills are on Amazon again, writing their glowing reviews, by the dozens, all today, most from an identity that has written no other reviews.

Somebody's fingers must be tired.

If you are in the mood to vote or comment:

http://www.amazon.com/To-Train-Child-Mi ... Descending

Just be aware that a few people have given 5 stars, but written a scathing or sarcasticly "positive" review. I tend to leave those alone, rather than voting them up or down.

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Oops! Sorry about the unbroken link -- it was the wee hours of the morning. :embarrassed:

Thanks for fixing it.

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