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Question To Bachmann About Being Submissive


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So she will be just a sham president and hubby the gay Councillor will be the one running the country?

This is exactly why I think the question was appropriate. If she is proud of the fact that she submits to her husband's judgement for her life (including the decision to study tax law), we need to know the limits of that. Would Rep. Bachmann be president, or would she be a proxy for Marcus?

If someone like, say, Hillary Clinton, was asked this question in a debate, then I'd definitely call sexism, as she has never claimed to be a submissive wife.

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She opened that can of worms herself. You are correct when you say a man would never be asked that question. Because men are not expected to be submissive.

I could not be more thrilled she is running. Between her and Palin the chance a republican will be president is becoming smaller. They both are nuts and can not and will not stand a real chance. They are however, doing one hell of a job making the republican/teaparty folks look crazy.

You have to wonder if some super smart democrat is behind it somehow, paying them to look like fools..LOL

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I could not be more thrilled she is running. Between her and Palin the chance a republican will be president is becoming smaller.

Actually, I would argue the opposite. The more crazy people (e.g. Bachmann, Perry, Palin) that run, the more the crazy vote will be split and without the crazy people voting as a bloc, the greater the chance that a more sane candidate (like Romney) will be chosen, which is good for the Republican party because while someone like Bachmann would have no chance of beating Obama, someone like Romney would.

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Actually, I would argue the opposite. The more crazy people (e.g. Bachmann, Perry, Palin) that run, the more the crazy vote will be split and without the crazy people voting as a bloc, the greater the chance that a more sane candidate (like Romney) will be chosen, which is good for the Republican party because while someone like Bachmann would have no chance of beating Obama, someone like Romney would.

Too true, I know a lot of moderate Republicans who have no trouble with Romney, and I think (hope?) they still outnumber the crazies so he'd win the primary, and then all the moderate on-the-fence types wouldn't be so swift to flee to the Democrats but would carefully weigh their options...

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