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North Carolina church plans Halloween Bible burning


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I attempted to read the Book of Mormon once but didn't get too far into it, mostly because it was written with a whole lot of KJV-speak. I guess even Joseph Smith thought God only speaks Early Modern English to his followers.

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Oh no! Now there will be riots all over the Christian world, death threats to Americans, boycotts of American brands and flag burnings outside the American embassies and president Obama will condemn the action!

That's what happened last time an American pastor decided to burn a religious scripture - I vividly remember the daily forecasts of a possible burning in the news:


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Oh no! Now there will be riots all over the Christian world, death threats to Americans, boycotts of American brands and flag burnings outside the American embassies and president Obama will condemn the action!

That's what happened last time an American pastor decided to burn a religious scripture - I vividly remember the daily forecasts of a possible burning in the news:


Do you really think American Christians wouldn't make a similar fuss if an Imam in a Muslim country made a show of burning a Bible? Keep in mind that these are the people who lose their shit when a cookie company supports same-sex marriage, and who make death threats against a Muslim woman who dares celebrate the 4th of July by wearing an American flag-themed Hijab.

What's wrong with boycotting and burning flags?

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Do you really think American Christians wouldn't make a similar fuss if an Imam in a Muslim country made a show of burning a Bible? Keep in mind that these are the people who lose their shit when a cookie company supports same-sex marriage, and who make death threats against a Muslim woman who dares celebrate the 4th of July by wearing an American flag-themed Hijab.

What's wrong with boycotting and burning flags?

Muslims do burn Bibles every now and then. And right now muslims destroy and burn churches in Egypt and Syria. Here's one of the least violent clips I could find:

Please post the links to American Christians who kill muslims in the US or Europe, cause riots outside the embassies, or set embassies in Washington DC on fire as a response. I am actually surprised that Western churches don't cause loud protests over the fact that their Christian brothers and sisters are slaughtered because of their faith.

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Muslims do burn Bibles every now and then. And right now muslims destroy and burn churches in Egypt and Syria. Here's one of the least violent clips I could find:

Please post the links to American Christians who kill muslims in the US or Europe, cause riots outside the embassies, or set embassies in Washington DC on fire as a response. I am actually surprised that Western churches don't cause loud protests over the fact that their Christian brothers and sisters are slaughtered because of their faith.

American Christians are pretty vocal about it, actually. Some actively work to help Christians in countries where they are persecuted. Most just use it as an example of how persecuted Christians are.

There have been a number of violent crimes perpetrated by Christian Americans against Muslims or people they perceive to be Muslim since 9/11. And there have been a handful of mosque burnings in the US and Europe in recent years. Really, though, it's beyond absurd to compare the violence in war-torn, 3rd word countries to that in 1st world countries like the US. Let's look at examples of Christian-on-Muslim violence in similar environments. Most American and Canadian soldiers are Christian, and they've certainly been known to unnecessarily torture and kill Muslim civilians. Muslims were killed by Christians during the Bosnian Genocide. Christians committed their share of war crimes during the Lebanese civil war. I could go on.

Now, we both know we could throw out-of-context examples of religion-based violence around all day and get nowhere, so let's get to it. Are you one of those people who believe Islam is an inherently and exceptionally violent religion? If so, I find people like you fascinating and have some questions.

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