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Are You A Pro-'Gay' Bigot?


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This quiz is for those who care about current issues. Please pass it on to anyone you think should ponder these questions.

1. Do you believe in free speech about homosexuality for everyone except conservatives or Christians?

2. Do you participate in name-calling of those who object to homosexuality -- names like bigot, hate-monger, etc.?

3. Do you believe ‘gays’ have been deprived of the right to marry? Doesn’t pretty much everyone have the right to marry now -- to a person of the opposite sex?

4. Do you believe those who object to homosexuality are motivated by fear or ignorance? Do you believe they could never be motivated by compassion for the people involved, and if they say so, they must be lying?

5. Do you believe some people will just inevitably be homosexual, and that there’s a set percentage of the population that will always be ‘gay’, and that this won’t increase, even if a culture embraces ‘gay’ sex? Do you think homosexual experimentation could never become ‘chic’ and popular? Is there no risk for the people involved or our culture if this happens?

6. Do you automatically dismiss any conservative comments about homosexuality without listening? Do you believe you are well-informed, while refusing to learn about what homosexuals actually do and the risks involved?

7. Do you believe that the tragedy of any suicide by someone involved in homosexuality is the fault of conservatives? Is the best solution to these tragedies to demand that everyone in America accept homosexuality?

8. Do you automatically dismiss the idea that anyone could be a former homosexual, despite the hundreds of groups started by ex-‘gays’ and the thousands who live in America?

9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence against this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and later homosexual attraction?

10. Do you believe that only churches that accept homosexuality have interpreted the Bible in the ‘correct’ way? Do you feel it isn’t necessary to read the relevant Bible passages yourself, all of which are straightforward in condemning homosexual acts? Do you believe it’s impossible to be “kind†and oppose homosexuality?

11. Are you quick to say “Judge not, lest you be judged†( Matthew 7:1) and similar passages, without understanding the Christian theology behind it, and all the while being very judgmental yourself?

12. Do you sincerely believe Jesus would have accepted homosexual sex acts? Do you believe Jesus is cool with whatever anyone wants to do? Do you believe there’s such a thing as ‘sin’ and if so, how is it defined? Are you the one who defines sin for yourself? Do you have no need of a savior and if not, wasn’t Christ’s death and resurrection pretty pointless? Despite all these contradictory and self-constructed beliefs, do you consider yourself a “Christian�

13. Do you believe sweeping stereotypes, like that all ‘gay’ people are innocent victims or that all conservatives must be mean and stupid?

14. Do you close your ears and figure it’s a conservative plot if you hear that at least 2/3 of all the HIV transmission in the United States still involves males having anal sex with each other?

15. Do you believe anyone who objects to homosexuality is automatically “hateful,†while you seethe with hate yourself?

16. Do you believe it’s okay for thirteen- year- olds to learn at school that they have the right to have homosexual sex with each other? Do you close your ears when concerned parents are outraged? Would you call such parents “ignorant†and accuse them of “censorship�

17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where most cultures have prohibited homosexuality, only now the ‘real’ truth is emerging? Do you believe this is not an arrogant, narrow or immature position?

18. Do you believe that ‘gays’ are the target of widespread violence that goes unpunished in the United States? Do you understand that hate crimes stats don’t support this claim and that laws already exist to punish all crimes, no matter why they are committed? Would you be unconcerned about overall civil liberties if trumped -up charges of so-called “hate speech†were used to silence people?

19. Do you believe that conservatives are making a big deal out of a behavior that has no harmful effects on individuals, families, communities, or societies? Do you scoff at any claims that serious public health issues are involved, like sexually transmitted diseases or risks to children?

20 And--very big question: Is your need for other people’s approval greater than your appreciation of truth? Do you refuse to consider an unpopular viewpoint because it might make you appear unenlightened to some people? If your mind and heart changed about this issue, would you have the courage to be a rebel for a worthy cause, to speak up and inform family, friends--and fellow humans who are involved in homosexuality?

The purpose of this quiz is to educate. If you feel angry now, it could be you have some bigoted attitudes, much like the author of this quiz did before learning the facts. Maybe it’s time for a change of mind and heart- -and courage to go with them. God bless you in your sincere search for truth.


Another dozy from Mission America! And according to this logic I am a bigot because I won't tolerate bigotry toward LGBT people. Don't you love that logic? If you can even sarcastically call it that.

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Apparently I'm also a pro-gay "bigot" because I'm willing to call homophobes bigoted. Because THEIR IDEAS HURT ME as a gay person. From marriage being blocked for me in a lot of states, to not passing antidiscrimination or hate crime laws, to people staring at partner and I when we go out, to being "lovingly" told "this isn't who you really are," and more, that's the real bigotry.

The worst part is my parents say when they hear people who are against same-sex marriage "It's just an opinion, they have the right to speak, and don't judge them."

One day, I snapped at my mom, who came of age during the civil rights movement, "Well, I bet if you had been older, you would have said segregation was "just an opinion" too! These people want to hurt me!"

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I am a pro-gay bigot. Why don't these people understand that not being allowed to discriminate against others does not equal being discriminated against? I swear, it's like Mississippi in 1964, just with different parties.

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1. Do you believe in free speech about homosexuality for everyone except conservatives or Christians?

No, I don't. I do think that conservatives and Christians (appreciate the distinction there) have the same right to speak about their opinions. Most people do. Disagreeing with someone's opinion is not the name as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to express it, and it seems like it's usually the rabidly anti-gay people who don't seem to understand that here.

2. Do you participate in name-calling of those who object to homosexuality -- names like bigot, hate-monger, etc.?

Well, I don't think that's quite the same as name-calling, kind of like calling a racist a racist isn't just name-calling. That said, I don't lightly use those words and I think that even if true, they're often just unhelpful because of the way they make people angry. Also, doesn't this quiz call people who disagree with them bigots? Hmm.

3. Do you believe ‘gays’ have been deprived of the right to marry? Doesn’t pretty much everyone have the right to marry now -- to a person of the opposite sex?

Leading questions, nice. This one doesn't even deserve an answer, but yes, I think gay people should be able to marry, and no, being able to marry someone of the opposite sex isn't the same thing.

4. Do you believe those who object to homosexuality are motivated by fear or ignorance? Do you believe they could never be motivated by compassion for the people involved, and if they say so, they must be lying?

I'd add "hate" to the list--just "fear or ignorance" is being kind--, but yes, I kind of do. I think some people object just because they think their religion says they have to, which isn't necessarily any of those three (but probably usually is), and I believe that some people think it's compassion, but, well, I think they're wrong.

5. Do you believe some people will just inevitably be homosexual, and that there’s a set percentage of the population that will always be ‘gay’, and that this won’t increase, even if a culture embraces ‘gay’ sex? Do you think homosexual experimentation could never become ‘chic’ and popular? Is there no risk for the people involved or our culture if this happens?

I think some people will be inevitably homosexual or heterosexual, some will have a set preference between those two, and an awful lot of the rest will have a somewhat fluid sexuality. Homosexuality becoming accepted probably won't change the sexual practices of most people. It might for everyone else, but I don't see it as dramatically increasing risk (also, anti-gay people rarely like to mention that while male-male sex can be riskier than heterosexual sex, female-female sex is usually less risky).

6. Do you automatically dismiss any conservative comments about homosexuality without listening? Do you believe you are well-informed, while refusing to learn about what homosexuals actually do and the risks involved?

I do tend to listen, actually, and I think I know what homosexuals actually do better than they do.

7. Do you believe that the tragedy of any suicide by someone involved in homosexuality is the fault of conservatives? Is the best solution to these tragedies to demand that everyone in America accept homosexuality?

I really don't like saying that a suicide is someone else's fault, no matter how awful they've been. I also don't think you can ignore the influence of anti-gay conservatism on the rash of young LGBT suicides. "Demand that everyone in America accept homosexuality" is such obnoxious language, but I think it would save lives if all LGBT people felt accepted.

8. Do you automatically dismiss the idea that anyone could be a former homosexual, despite the hundreds of groups started by ex-‘gays’ and the thousands who live in America?

Well, the ex-gays sure don't seem very successful, and look at all the [link=http://www.beyondexgay.com/]ex-ex-gays[/link].

9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence against this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and later homosexual attraction?

"Born this way" isn't even all that popular within LGBT groups these days. I think some people are, but that it's more complicated for a lot of other people. I also think that even if it is a choice for some, it's a perfectly valid choice (and that applies to straight relationships too, of course).

10. Do you believe that only churches that accept homosexuality have interpreted the Bible in the ‘correct’ way? Do you feel it isn’t necessary to read the relevant Bible passages yourself, all of which are straightforward in condemning homosexual acts? Do you believe it’s impossible to be “kind†and oppose homosexuality?

I think the anti-gay churches are probably closer to the Bible's intent, honestly, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with gay-affirming churches either (and I think they have valid points that anti-gay Christians ignore). Not believing in the Bible, it doesn't really matter to me except that the gay-affirming Christians usually seem to just be nicer people.

I do think there are people who are generally kind but oppose homosexuality. I don't see that opposition as kind, though, no.

11. Are you quick to say “Judge not, lest you be judged†( Matthew 7:1) and similar passages, without understanding the Christian theology behind it, and all the while being very judgmental yourself?

No, because of the theology behind it, I don't like people using that to suggest that Christianity is nicer than the Bible suggests. What an obnoxiously leading question, though.

12. Do you sincerely believe Jesus would have accepted homosexual sex acts? Do you believe Jesus is cool with whatever anyone wants to do? Do you believe there’s such a thing as ‘sin’ and if so, how is it defined? Are you the one who defines sin for yourself? Do you have no need of a savior and if not, wasn’t Christ’s death and resurrection pretty pointless? Despite all these contradictory and self-constructed beliefs, do you consider yourself a “Christian�

N/A, I guess. Still, I don't think Jesus was completely good based on the Bible's portrayal of him (which I don't think accurately portrays one actual person anyway). Though you can't ignore that he doesn't directly address homosexuality, and there are the stories of him doing things like [link=http://www.wouldjesusdiscriminate.org/biblical_evidence/gay_couple.html]healing the centurion's servant[/link].

I do tend to think that if Jesus didn't need to literally die and be resurrected to redeem the world from sin/hell then Christianity isn't particularly meaningful. That's not my problem, though...

13. Do you believe sweeping stereotypes, like that all ‘gay’ people are innocent victims or that all conservatives must be mean and stupid?

Ugh, really? No, I don't.

14. Do you close your ears and figure it’s a conservative plot if you hear that at least 2/3 of all the HIV transmission in the United States still involves males having anal sex with each other?

No, and I'm not going to pretend that's not a real issue for the gay community. That's not true everywhere, though; in sub-Saharan Africa the most common method of transmission is heterosexual sex, and in Eastern Europe it's needles. Also keep in mind that there are plenty of gay males who don't have anal sex, or do it as safely as possible. And again, if this is the argument that homosexuality is wrong, does it mean that lesbianism is better than heterosexuality.

15. Do you believe anyone who objects to homosexuality is automatically “hateful,†while you seethe with hate yourself?


16. Do you believe it’s okay for thirteen- year- olds to learn at school that they have the right to have homosexual sex with each other? Do you close your ears when concerned parents are outraged? Would you call such parents “ignorant†and accuse them of “censorship�

I don't think it's unreasonable for parents to not want their 13-year-olds to have sex. I would like to see homosexuality presented neutrally in sex ed, though.

17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where most cultures have prohibited homosexuality, only now the ‘real’ truth is emerging? Do you believe this is not an arrogant, narrow or immature position?

I don't believe that we're automatically better or more progressive than people who came before us. I don't think thousands of years of one tradition means it's right either, though. For example, I'm very happy to see things like slavery, racism, and misogyny become unacceptable despite their long history of being accepted.

18. Do you believe that ‘gays’ are the target of widespread violence that goes unpunished in the United States? Do you understand that hate crimes stats don’t support this claim and that laws already exist to punish all crimes, no matter why they are committed? Would you be unconcerned about overall civil liberties if trumped -up charges of so-called “hate speech†were used to silence people?

I don't think charges of hate speech are in any danger of becoming what anti-gay people fear. I think some people overestimate the amount of anti-gay violence, which of course doesn't mean it never happens.

19. Do you believe that conservatives are making a big deal out of a behavior that has no harmful effects on individuals, families, communities, or societies? Do you scoff at any claims that serious public health issues are involved, like sexually transmitted diseases or risks to children?

I've talked about the STI issue already. Otherwise, yes. :D

20 And--very big question: Is your need for other people’s approval greater than your appreciation of truth? Do you refuse to consider an unpopular viewpoint because it might make you appear unenlightened to some people? If your mind and heart changed about this issue, would you have the courage to be a rebel for a worthy cause, to speak up and inform family, friends--and fellow humans who are involved in homosexuality?


The purpose of this quiz is to educate. If you feel angry now, it could be you have some bigoted attitudes, much like the author of this quiz did before learning the facts. Maybe it’s time for a change of mind and heart- -and courage to go with them. God bless you in your sincere search for truth.

This ended up being way more tedious than anger-inducing. It wasn't really worth the time. And I'm so sure it was written by former pro-gay people who saw the light. :lol:

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Well, count me as a pro gay bigot, then. I think people, including conservatives, should be able to do whatever they want as long as they're not hurting anyone. As far as I can tell, what two consenting adults do in the bedroom hurts no one, and is none of my business. Conservatives hating gays, well I don't like it, but they're entitled to their opinion like anyone else. I do, however, have a problem with them attempting to make laws restricting gay rights. That is hurting people, and it needs to stop.

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17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where most cultures have prohibited homosexuality, only now the ‘real’ truth is emerging? Do you believe this is not an arrogant, narrow or immature position?

Wow this is such a terrible argument. Besides the obvious argument involving women, blacks, physically handicapped, and the mentally retarded, let's talk about how dwarfs have been treated. For thousands of years they were treated as pets, clowns, retarded, and child-like. Does thousands of years of mistreatment make it wrong to treat them as full human beings with brains and feelings? Could perhaps the "real truth" be that our progress as a species is marked by how we treat our fellow beings? Not to mention other species, but that is a topic for another day.

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That's just it. I don't think we're "better" than our ancestors. But when you know better, you do better. We didn't used to know about germs causing disease. Now we know, and we are healthier. It doesn't mean we were evil or stupid before because people died preventable deaths, people simply didn't have the appropriate knowledge at the time.

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Well then, I guess I'm a pro gay bigot. I do not tolerate bigotry of any kind....PERIOD! Jesus didn't put any conditions on "love thy neighbor", so why should I?

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Wow this is such a terrible argument. Besides the obvious argument involving women, blacks, physically handicapped, and the mentally retarded, let's talk about how dwarfs have been treated. For thousands of years they were treated as pets, clowns, retarded, and child-like. Does thousands of years of mistreatment make it wrong to treat them as full human beings with brains and feelings? Could perhaps the "real truth" be that our progress as a species is marked by how we treat our fellow beings? Not to mention other species, but that is a topic for another day.

It's also not a very good historical argument. Tolerance of homosexuality has varied from culture to culture and era to era, and has gone from promoted to quietly ignored to persecuted and probably everything in between. An awful lot of people, even living in countries where it was downright illegal to engage in same-sex relations, adopted an unspoken don't-ask-don't-tell policy, which is not ideal, but which is a lot more indifferent than the author is suggesting people were. Plus IIRC one of the past USA presidents was openly gay or bi (can't recall which), and that was in the 1800s! I think this person does not have a very good understanding of history and is generalizing from that good-old rose-tinted view of the anglo-american past. Which is not terribly surprising, of course, given the sheer ignorance of some of her other questions.

I love this whole I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I? style of arguments people like this tend to adopt. Really? Are you six years old or something? Most of us have moved beyond the playground when it comes to debate tactics, but I guess ignorance is as ignorance does.

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Dear From,

1. Do you believe in free choice of one´s spouse for everyone except gays?

2. Do you participate in name-calling of gay people?

3. Do you believe everyone should be able to marry his/her soulmate?

4. Why do people who say they object homosexuality out of "compassion for others" always tend to spread fear and hate?

5. Why are you afraid of curiousity?

6. How do conservatives always know what "homosexuals actually do", where did they learn that?

7. Do you feel compassion for people who where driven to suicide because of their sexual orientation?

8. Have you ever heard of the term "bisexual"?

9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence for this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and conservatism?

10. Why do you think you have interpreted the Bible in the ‘correct’ way? How do you feel about what the bible states on wearing garments of different fabrics, bats and selling your daughter into slavery? Do you believe in "kind" slave-drivers by the way?

11. Are you quick to say “Judge not, lest you be judged†( Matthew 7:1) and similar passages, without understanding the Christian theology behind it, and all the while being very judgmental yourself? (no, I did not forget this question)

12. Do you sincerely believe Jesus would have opposed true love? Do you believe Jesus is cool with whatever anyone wants to do as long as one does it with a good and faithful heart and it doesn´t harm another one ? Do you believe there’s such a thing as ‘God testing your trust in His ways’ and if so, how is it defined? Are you the one who defines godliness for yourself? Do you have a need of a savior and wasn’t Christ’s death and resurrection for ALL of His children? Despite all these contradictory and self-constructed beliefs as a conservative, do you have the nerve to consider yourself “trusting in the Lord�

13. Do you believe sweeping stereotypes, like that all ‘gay’ people are sex-obsessed and want to turn everyone in the whole world gay too, isn´t that mean and stupid?

14. Do you close your ears and figure it’s a the pure liberal evil your children will never encounter if you hear about educating people from pre-teen age on about HIV, STDs and how to protect one against it?

15. Do you believe anyone who not objects to homosexuality is automatically “sinful,†while you seethe with sin yourself?

16. Do you believe it’s okay for thirteen- year- old boys to learn at SOTDRT that they have the rightful ownership over their future wives? Do you close your ears when concerned parents are outraged? Would you call such parents “unchristian†and accuse them of “emasculating their sons�

17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where many cultures have enforced slavery, only now human rights are slowly emerging globally ?

Don´t you think a "but they did it too!" argumentation style is quite ignorat, narrow and immature?

18. Don´t you believe that ‘gays’ are the target of widespread violence that goes unpunished in too many cases around so-called "civilized societies"? Do you understand that stats as good as the source and that law is not always rightfully enforced? Would you be concerned about your way of speaking if charges on “hate speech†were used?

19. Doesn´t has conservative biblical patriarchy behavior a harmful effects on individuals, families, communities, or societies? Do you scoff at any claims that serious public health issues are involved, like sexually transmitted diseases or risks to children?

20 And--very big question: Is your need for certain higher-up people’s approval greater than your appreciation of truth? Do you refuse to reconsider an humanistic, liberal viewpoint because it might make you appear "ungodly" to some people? If your mind and heart changed about this issue, would you have the courage to be a rebel for a worthy cause, to speak up and inform family, friends--and fellow humans who are involved in christian conservatism?

The purpose of this quiz is to educate. If you feel angry now, it could be you have some bigoted attitudes, but it´s never too late learning the facts. Maybe it’s time for a change of mind and heart- -and courage to go with them. God bless you in your sincere search for truth.

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Another dozy from Mission America! And according to this logic I am a bigot because I won't tolerate bigotry toward LGBT people. Don't you love that logic? If you can even sarcastically call it that.

Lol, these people are just excusing their own bigotry.

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It's also not a very good historical argument. Tolerance of homosexuality has varied from culture to culture and era to era, and has gone from promoted to quietly ignored to persecuted and probably everything in between.

Are there any books that deal with this? I've heard it this before, and I'm curious to know more about it.

Plus IIRC one of the past USA presidents was openly gay or bi (can't recall which), and that was in the 1800s!

Who!? :shock:

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Are there any books that deal with this? I've heard it this before, and I'm curious to know more about it.

Who!? :shock:

He wasn't openly gay by our standards, but many historians believe James Buchanan was gay.

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It's also not a very good historical argument. Tolerance of homosexuality has varied from culture to culture and era to era, and has gone from promoted to quietly ignored to persecuted and probably everything in between. An awful lot of people, even living in countries where it was downright illegal to engage in same-sex relations, adopted an unspoken don't-ask-don't-tell policy, which is not ideal, but which is a lot more indifferent than the author is suggesting people were. Plus IIRC one of the past USA presidents was openly gay or bi (can't recall which), and that was in the 1800s! I think this person does not have a very good understanding of history and is generalizing from that good-old rose-tinted view of the anglo-american past. Which is not terribly surprising, of course, given the sheer ignorance of some of her other questions.

I love this whole I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I? style of arguments people like this tend to adopt. Really? Are you six years old or something? Most of us have moved beyond the playground when it comes to debate tactics, but I guess ignorance is as ignorance does.

Slightly off-topic, but I'm very curious about a past U.S. president being openly gay. I'm not doubting that one (or more past presidents were bi- sexual or homosexual, but I can't imagine them being open about it . That sounds really unlikely to me, but it would interesting to research. Which President was this?

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That would be James Buchanan who was President 1857-1861...just before Lincoln. Also, wasn't King James I of England an open homosexual? You would think that fundies wouldn't be so adamant about the KJV being the only correct version of the Bible because of that.

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http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/05/17/who ... president/

This article talks about the idea that Buchanan might have been gay.

TL;DR: Buchanan was single his whole life, and people of the time openly speculated about his sexuality, though it wasn't see as a huge issue. He noted something in a correspondence that sounded like he was seeking a male partner, but I don't generally take things like that very seriously -- many men had closer friendships in those days and were more open about them without fear that they might be seen as gay.

There is also speculation that Lincoln may have been gay, as he had a number of close male friends. But there's no way we'll ever know -- about either of them -- because they're long dead and there's just no definite proof available.

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OMG! This is too perfect. I just caused radical Catholic to flounce from a closed FB group - because I said I didn't want to talk about my personal beliefs anymore because it was the wrong board and the wrong time, but I'd be glad to discuss anything she wished in pm's - because I am, and I quote, "A misinformed pro-homosexual bigot, and a pro death abortionist who has probably been scraped more times than a fisherman's knuckle. You, Laura, are a pro Obama libtard, and all that I hate and all that is wrong with the world today" Loved the fisherman's knuckle reference. I didn't know fundies watched Family Guy (fisherman's knuckle reference) :o Gave me the warm fuzzies to have caused my first ever fundie flounce :wink-kitty: Of course, this was after I got over wanting to jump in the computer and drop kick her.

ETA This was a FB group that just likes to talk smack about polygamy and the Brown family from Sister Wives.

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I apologise for saying "openly" when that was apparently not quite right. I seemed to recall the reference in question saying that people were aware or at least suspicious of the fact, and perhaps conflated the two.

As for references on historical tolerance, I'm afraid I don't have one thing. More often than not I've noticed these things in passing in other historical texts. Like so and so lived with his male lover, a fact that locals politely ignored. Or in such and such a society this same sex couple was very highly regarded. But I'd guess there are books out there. Maybe scan the lgbt studies section of a uni library or something?

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well if you go back in versions of the bible they say little about homosexuality. but#9 is so full of ignorance it is amazing

9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence against this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and later homosexual attraction?

yes I have looked and it is not true there problem solved. Pedophiles are pedophiles that may like boys or girls or infants. saying every gay guy is a pedophile is as stupid as it gets. Just look at your church if you want to see child molester.

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John Boswell's Christianity, Social Tolerance, & Homosexuality is a great text on how homosexuality has been viewed. One of the early texts in queer studies.

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When is disagreement with popular opinion bigoted or hate? I think it's the actions that cause the problem like calling for the death of gays org refusing them service etc Simply disagreeing is a far cry ffrom that. Calling others bigots and homophobes is counterproductive in debates and manupalitive. It says your opinion is above the other. When Perez Hilton posts a pic of Miley Cyrus with penises around isn't that a form of hate and disrespect? It is it OK for him to demean women? Is it OK for him to mark down a beauty contestant because he disagreed with their opinion? To me it's the pot calling the kettle black. I don't agree with all the points of the article but yes bigotry can be two way street.

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When is disagreement with popular opinion bigoted or hate? I think it's the actions that cause the problem like calling for the death of gays org refusing them service etc Simply disagreeing is a far cry ffrom that. Calling others bigots and homophobes is counterproductive in debates and manupalitive. It says your opinion is above the other. When Perez Hilton posts a pic of Miley Cyrus with penises around isn't that a form of hate and disrespect? It is it OK for him to demean women? Is it OK for him to mark down a beauty contestant because he disagreed with their opinion? To me it's the pot calling the kettle black. I don't agree with all the points of the article but yes bigotry can be two way street.

So a person who believes white people are superior to black people aren't racists as long as they aren't acting on the belief? You would say that a person who just simply believes that black people are inferior and disagrees with the popular opinion that black and white people are equal are not bigoted? And that that is not a hateful belief? You would not say a person like this is racists at all?

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