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Sunshine Mary explains why feminists love Muslims


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In her latest post, Sunshine Mary --- sunshinemaryandthedragon.wordpress.com/2013/07/06/on-the-western-feminist-love-affair-with-islam/ --- attempts to decipher why feminists love Muslims.

She's found that:

Feminism is a fitness test (sh-t test) that Western men have failed but Muslim men have (so far) passed.


Women love violent men. Muslim men are violent, including being violent against misbehaving women.


Women deeply desire to be in submission to men. Muslim men demand it; Western men don’t.

She sums it up this way:

Yet feminists hate Christianity and love Islam. How can we explain this? It is because Christians no longer insist that women stay in their proper submissive roles, but Muslims do. Basically, feminists are perceiving Christian men as losers and Muslim men as winners. ... No matter what they may say, feminists’ adoration of Islam proves that they are no different than any other woman when it comes to the desire to submit to a man she deems worthy.

In the comments section Sunshine explains the connection b/w women who love Muslims and women who love serial killers:

n the same way that women lust after murderers and serial killers, they lust after Muslims. Islam is by far the most violent religion in the world and at the same time, it is the only religion that feminists concern themselves with promoting. If you google “Women feminism islam sexâ€, you’ll have an endless amount of reading material which exemplifies the obsession.

I’m telling ya, chicks dig violence.

So, ladies if you've ever wondered why Charles Manson and Osama Bin Laden give you the tingles, now you know.

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WTF :doh: I consider myself a feminist, anti-war and definitely turned off by violence of any kind. WHERE does she come up with her topics? Her knowledge of what makes up a feminist wouldn't fill a thimble. :roll:

Here is an excellent article rebutting her comments about Islam being the most violent religion in the world. The last sentence strikes home: "There is a clear connection between religion and violence --- human beings."


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I would just love to be a fly on the floor during a therapy seccission with Sunshine Mary, and no women do not like violence and not all Muslims are violent. Only a small percentage of them are and when they are violent it is mostly to other muslims.

She is also ignoring the reality that their are many professional and college educated Muslim women out there.

In other words, Mary sunofherass is dealing with a topic she knows nothing about.

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I love it that "disliking the idea that all Muslims are potential bin Laden" equals "loving Islam" :roll:

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I think this sentence tells us everything we need to know about "Sunshine Mary":"Basically feminists exalt whatever is not white, male, Christian, or heterosexual – in other words, they oppose anything that is normal or decent."

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This topic is timely, since I just got back from dinner with a guy who regaled me with tales of the people he had beaten up (mostly men, a few women) and the reasons they 'deserved' it. Instead of getting 'tingles' (gaaack) I was absolutely disgusted. I mostly find the idea of violence abhorrent, and think there is way too much of it in the world already.

I think that there may be a small number of women who are attracted to violent men, but this only lasts as long as this violence isn't turned on them (as it almost inevitably is). Sunshinemary may be one of them, but it is more likely that she is trying to justify to herself why she is stuck in a horrible relationship.

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It can't be that Muslims don't try to sell their faith with missionaries salesman. Oh wait. :roll: Maybe she would add Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Pagans, Orthodox Christians and modern 21st Roman Catholic Christians as well? Except for the extreme fundamentalists who have an agenda, they don't cause any harm. They don't go to other countries and try to spread their "word," try to spread (fundie version of) their religious empire across the world through missionaries most of them just try to live out their lives according to their beliefs without pushing it down other people's throats. Sucks to realize that, huh Shitstain Mary?

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OK, this post of Scary's definitely rings my bells that this is a male scammer posing as a female fundie.

How so? What are the alarms? I'm not being bitchy, I'm really curious about this. Why do you think it's a Christian fundamentalist-woman hater and not a Christian fundamentalist-woman who hates herself? :think:

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OK, this post of Scary's definitely rings my bells that this is a male scammer posing as a female fundie.

"Women love violent men" totally set off my "nice guy" radar.

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"Women love violent men" totally set off my "nice guy" radar.

I wonder why a Christian fundamentalist woman-hater "nice guy" would want to pretend to be a Christian fundamentalist self-hater blogging woman... :think:

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I wonder why a Christian fundamentalist woman-hater "nice guy" would want to pretend to be a Christian fundamentalist self-hater blogging woman... :think:

Some 'nice guys' try to get in with feminist, maybe some like the fundies too?

This is the first time I'v3 read this blogger so I really can't say I think it's a guy.

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Didn't Lori Alexander Is A Monster have a similar post about how feminists loved the boston bombers or some shit?

These people seem to have a rich fantasy life that is unimpeded by needing to know or talk to any of the women about whom they think they are writing. It must be very freeing to just make up crap when you write, without the need for verisimilitude that makes good fiction good, and without the research or life experience that makes first person creative nonfiction acceptable.

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How so? What are the alarms? I'm not being bitchy, I'm really curious about this. Why do you think it's a Christian fundamentalist-woman hater and not a Christian fundamentalist-woman who hates herself? :think:

By the envy in the post. That post reeks of envy and jealousy of Muslim men. Muslim men in this post know how to take care of "misbehaving women" and are supposedly seen as "winners" for this strength. The poster simply assumes that all Muslim men exercise ironfisted control of the women in their lives. That is the sum total of all MRAs wet dreams. MRAs want to recreate a world where women were completely controlled by the men in their lives, and where violence to control them was absolutely acceptable. They then project this desire to control by violence on women, in order to give it a veneer of respectability.

A self hating Christian fundamentalist woman is not going to be envious of Muslim men. Muslim men fill the role of "the barbarian" for those women, whom they need to be protected from by good Christian men.

Those are the reasons this particular post pings MRA loser to me.

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OK, this post of Scary's definitely rings my bells that this is a male scammer posing as a female fundie.

That was my thought too. If it does turn out to be a woman, she is a sad sick person who needs all the help and therapy she can get.

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That was my thought too. If it does turn out to be a woman, she is a sad sick person who needs all the help and therapy she can get.

I've been lurking on her blog for a few months and I'm pretty sure that it's a misogynistic woman. Until recently she used a photo of herself as her gravatar and she appeared to be an attractive, middle-aged blond.

She often includes details about sex, motherhood and such that only a woman would think to write about. Based on what she's written about her husband (he cheated on her many times before becoming a Christian and in her own words "he's kind of a jerk) I think that she's been so beaten down that she thinks it's acceptable for men to treat women as inferiors.

She once wrote something quite disturbing about how she used to fantasize about her husband beating and raping her. Then, when she decided to be totally submissive to him her life became peaceful and happy, and her marriage improved. The rape/beating fantasies ended at that time and she attributes this to how she secretly desired to be dominated all along and once her husband treated her as if he owned her there was no need to fantasize anymore.

She believes that the fundie Christian ideal of a domineering husband and submissive wife is the key to happiness for all married couples. She doesn't appear to be willing or able to consider that people can be happy in egalitarian marriages as well.

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I too think that Sunshinemary is really a woman, even though I wondered if it might be a man before. For one thing, she does appear to have very low self-esteem, which can be seen in some of what she writes (although she can also be very arrogant). She questions herself and acts submissive to her male commenters sometimes. I don't think a fundie or MRA male could bring himself to do that.

She may have also begun to identify a lot with her husband and with her constantly-outraged blog commenters, which makes her seem more 'male' at times. On a personal note, I used to read manosphere and MRA blogs a lot (don't ask, apparently I hate myself) and even I, who could never be a woman like SSM, started to identify with their grievances. I would look at couples in public and think things like 'he is an alpha and she doesn't deserve him', and worry that men would attack me on the street. So yeah, that stuff messes with your mind.

Another possibility is that it is actually her husband who writes the blog, or at least tells her what to write. That guy seems like such a jerk, anything is possible.

...And now I have officially thought about Sunshinemary enough to last a lifetime. :lol: :shock:

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It can't be that Muslims don't try to sell their faith with missionaries salesman. Oh wait. :roll: Maybe she would add Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Pagans, Orthodox Christians and modern 21st Roman Catholic Christians as well? Except for the extreme fundamentalists who have an agenda, they don't cause any harm. They don't go to other countries and try to spread their "word," try to spread (fundie version of) their religious empire across the world through missionaries most of them just try to live out their lives according to their beliefs without pushing it down other people's throats. Sucks to realize that, huh Shitstain Mary?

What are you talking about?

While they don't call themselves "missionaries", Muslims do seek converts (known as "reverts", since the faith teaches that everyone is born Muslim but may be led away by parents or society). No, not everyone actively seeks converts, but it is a part of the religion.

If you do some reading on world history, you'll see that Islam was spread through empires - first through the expansion of the Arabian empire from the Arabian peninsula through the rest of the Middle East and North Africa, and later through the Ottoman Empire. More recently, Saudi petro-dollars have funded the spread of the more fundie form of Wahhabi Islam out of Saudi Arabia and around the world. Saudi-financed madrassas filled the gap left by crumbling or non-existent public schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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I think this sentence tells us everything we need to know about "Sunshine Mary":"Basically feminists exalt whatever is not white, male, Christian, or heterosexual – in other words, they oppose anything that is normal or decent."

:pink-shock: At least some people *pretend* that they aren't racist. Although maybe the blunt honesty is better here?

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SSM has a huge pile of WTF.

The WTF part comes from the fact that condemning Islamophobia does NOT mean having a love affair with all aspects of Islam. It means being on the lookout for crazy discrimination, and ready to defend freedom of religion. Her "women love violence" bit is nothing more than the projection of the dark recesses of her own mind.

Does she mention that Ms. Magazine named Irshad Manji a Feminist for the 21st century? No, of course not.

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What are you talking about?

While they don't call themselves "missionaries", Muslims do seek converts (known as "reverts", since the faith teaches that everyone is born Muslim but may be led away by parents or society). No, not everyone actively seeks converts, but it is a part of the religion.

If you do some reading on world history, you'll see that Islam was spread through empires - first through the expansion of the Arabian empire from the Arabian peninsula through the rest of the Middle East and North Africa, and later through the Ottoman Empire. More recently, Saudi petro-dollars have funded the spread of the more fundie form of Wahhabi Islam out of Saudi Arabia and around the world. Saudi-financed madrassas filled the gap left by crumbling or non-existent public schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

AG are you serious? Recreating the caliphate is huge in Africa right now. And they are "recruiting", most definitely.

Sorry but the idea that fundamentalist Christian = bad and Fundamentalist Isam = good doesn't really sit that well with me at all.

Any indoctrination of children/people is not making a better world.

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Well.. actually, Mohammed (the islamic prophet) is seen as a role model for men. Which SHOULD mean that instead of hitting your wife(s) you leave the house when you are angry, treat the wife(s) good, bring presents and even allow them to speak in front of men and fight in battles, let them be educated, sew your own clothes and use your own money for your family. If the wife earns money - it´s HERS alone.

Wahabi Islam is one of the most disgusting from of religions I ever had the misfortune to met and has - in my opinion - nothing to do with the idea of islam as it should be.

And just for sunhine mary: My husband, a turkish moslem, is a feminist (thanks to my mother-in-law who doesn´t think that a penis makes you a better person) who is disgusted even from the idea of hitting a woman.

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By the envy in the post. That post reeks of envy and jealousy of Muslim men. Muslim men in this post know how to take care of "misbehaving women" and are supposedly seen as "winners" for this strength. The poster simply assumes that all Muslim men exercise ironfisted control of the women in their lives. That is the sum total of all MRAs wet dreams. MRAs want to recreate a world where women were completely controlled by the men in their lives, and where violence to control them was absolutely acceptable. They then project this desire to control by violence on women, in order to give it a veneer of respectability.

A self hating Christian fundamentalist woman is not going to be envious of Muslim men. Muslim men fill the role of "the barbarian" for those women, whom they need to be protected from by good Christian men.

Those are the reasons this particular post pings MRA loser to me.

Interesting theory. I have to say that SSM's post made no real sense to me, even according to fundie logic, so it's possible that it's a MRA dude. OTOH, the monster Lori Alexander is clearly a woman, and she's a fangirl so unfortunately I have to admit that self-hating women with twisted logic exist. I'll admit that I was wrong about Thinking Lousewife being Lawrence Auster, since there have been posts since his death.

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On the topic of Shitstain's gender, I do think she is a woman. I remember when we were debating the gender of Thinking Housewife and it was proven pretty clearly that she is a woman.

I use to read MRA stuff a lot and like another poster mentioned as a woman that stuff can bring your self esteem as a woman to levels you wouldn't think of. So it is not unreasonable to think that a woman with an asshole of a husband plus MRA blogs wouldn't become something like Shitstain.

I am not trying to justify her, but I believe it is very possible under the right circumstances for a woman to develop this mindset.

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On the topic of Shitstain's gender, I do think she is a woman. I remember when we were debating the gender of Thinking Housewife and it was proven pretty clearly that she is a woman.

I use to read MRA stuff a lot and like another poster mentioned as a woman that stuff can bring your self esteem as a woman to levels you wouldn't think of. So it is not unreasonable to think that a woman with an asshole of a husband plus MRA blogs wouldn't become something like Shitstain.

I am not trying to justify her, but I believe it is very possible under the right circumstances for a woman to develop this mindset.

I definitely get the impression it's a woman. I also rather suspect she enjoys (thrives on?) the adulation of all those MRA idiots who fawn all over her even though she's all, "Oh, no, don't pedestalize me, y'all, I'm just a lowly woman!" Combined with a husband who sounds neglectful if not actually abusive, I can see how she'd get sucked into that nonsense.

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