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YHWH Lead Description of Betrothal/Wedding


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"None of us knew the day or hour of the wedding, but we knew the season. The bride has gotten herself ready and been waiting for the time that the grooms father would say that the wedding would occur."


That must make for some interesting wedding invitations.

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I am so confused by this. It's clearly a riff on the Maranatha Chapman betrothal story, but with added fake Jew overtones? The groom showed up on a horse and then hundreds of people walked along behind them until they got to some sort of weird cut-rate chuppah? They had the wedding feast 7 days later and it involved several woks full of green beans? And then everybody lifted the newlyweds up on a huge picnic table instead of on chairs? I guess the guests seem to have fun, at any rate.

Also, at least the couple seemed happy together. Then again, I would be happy too if I was seeing my legal husband for the first time in three months...

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What's with the women in brown and white? Bride's family/attendants? And yeah, how can people plan for weddings like that?

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I get the feeling that everyone knew *exactly* when this wedding was happening. Cheaters! :)

Other than that just color me wtf.

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Why do all the messianics move to Costa Rica? Are the immigration laws super lax for Americans there?

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Why do all the messianics move to Costa Rica? Are the immigration laws super lax for Americans there?

Well the Dixons broke immigration law while there. I don't know about other messianics.

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I can't decide of the bridesmaids look like Pilgrims or medieval peasants.

I also don't understand having the wedding feast 7 days later. It's like they heard about Sheva Brachot dinners through a game of Telephone and thought it was 1 dinner a week later instead of 1 dinner every night for a week.

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The bridesmaid dresses are the most hideous I've ever seen. I aways thought they were supposed to dress and look as much like the bride as possible though so Satan couldn't figure out which one she was and tempt her.

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The shofar-shaped cake from their "Feast of Trumpets" celebration looks . . . very unfortunate.


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The ugly bridesmaids dresses bother me too - I have seen pictures of tznius bridesmaids dresses that are beautiful and glamorous, not like weird Pilgrims dressed in cheap satin.

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Costa Rica was the darling of internet libertarians for a while due to its low cost of living and tropical climate. http://www.1costaricalink.com/live-retire-costa-rica/

The infamous High-Quality Woman and libertarian Jacqueline Mackey Paisley Passey moved there several years ago. I don't know how that turned out.

I know quite a few far left people who have been to Costa Rica, and have it as their destination of choice if the U.S. becomes more right wing. Must be a nice place !

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Aside from the complete and utter nuttiness of whatever is going on here, those pictures are just awful. Even for fundies they're poorly done.

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Costa Rica was the darling of internet libertarians for a while due to its low cost of living and tropical climate. http://www.1costaricalink.com/live-retire-costa-rica/

The infamous High-Quality Woman and libertarian Jacqueline Mackey Paisley Passey moved there several years ago. I don't know how that turned out.

!! Jackie Mackey!! There's an Internet piñata from the past! She got married, moved back to the US (is in Virginia now) and claims to be on hiatus from both the Internet and politics. She uses the handle jacqueline1776 at a lot of places including Twitter.

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:shock: What. The Freaking. Hell.

I'm new here. This is my first exposure to those people. They're all Messiah this and YHWH that, with weird observant dress, and My Little Pony and robots and Babysitter's Club books and they named their kid Rohan.

Okie-dokie then.

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The bridesmaid dresses are the most hideous I've ever seen. I aways thought they were supposed to dress and look as much like the bride as possible though so Satan couldn't figure out which one she was and tempt her.

i had never heard this before, i'm cackling :lol:

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i had never heard this before, i'm cackling :lol:

No, this is true - that's why some old-fashioned bridesmaid outfits included smaller veils for the bridesmaids. Dressing the bridesmaids to match the bride is traditional.

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:evil-eye: What the...

Lord have mercy...just when I think I've seen it all, they go and pull some weird shit like this

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It's like some cobbled together bits of Judaism, Old Testament, Ren Faire, Fundie, Holiness Pentecostal, Hippie Rainbow, Quaker, New Age frippery, with a hint of an LSD trip thrown in. What the blue hell religion is it even supposed to be? Exceedingly strange.

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This is about the second coming of Christ, not just a wedding:

Such a wonderful picture. (Because the wedding is a depiction of Christ's relationship with the church)

This couple was bethrothed 3 months ago. (and legally married at that time) (when a believer accepts Christ into their life)

They have not seen each other since then. The bridegroom went to prepare a place for his bride while the bride prepared and waited. (Christ went into heaven to prepare a place)

None of us knew the day or hour of the wedding, but we knew the season. The bride has gotten herself ready and been waiting for the time that the grooms father would say that the wedding would occur. (Nobody knows when Christ will return, not even Christ. Only the Father knows. The bride is the believer and/or the Church. Believers are supposed to prepare themselves as they wait for Christ's return)

Friday morning we were woken by the shofars (trumpets) blowing and shouts of “the bridegroom is coming†(Trumpets are supposed to announce the return of Christ)

Everyone got into their wedding garments we had ready and waiting and gathered with the bride waiting for the bridegroom to come riding in on his white horse. They were then reunited and married. Sound familiar? I love how it’s a rehersal and such a lovely picture of us and or messiah.

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Okey dokey then.

LOL - I've always wonder (even jokingly when I was a Christian) if Jesus proceeds to have sex with all of his followers after the wedding feast.

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Any idea where in Kentucky this wedding happened? That lake looks pretty big and we don't have too many lakes of that size scattered around here.

Their wedding is... definitely different, but I think it is kind of sweet that they created their own type of ceremony. The appropriation of certain aspects of Jewish culture is completely inappropriate, however. Hindu weddings are beautiful, but I wouldn't have one because the tradition doesn't belong to my family. My problem with fundy weddings is what they are used to represent and the lifestyle it creates for the bride, not the fact that someone might ride a horse a la Michael Pearl's daughter or their wedding reception happened a week later.

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