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Emily Brower stop defrauding me with pics of your husband!

Lady Elaine

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Shirtless, too!


sheesh... she's just showing off and she knows it.

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Meh. He's not anything to write home about so if she's showing off, it's great that she thinks he's hot but I'm not jealous!

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Man, what a letdown! I was expecting hotness by the title of this thread. Instead I see just so-so. I like them either built or the long-haired rocker type that look like they might need me to feed them a sandwich. <<< The latter will never be a fundie husband type. Poor women girls just don't know what they're missing. :music-headbanger:

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Well I think he's pretty cute. As far as fundies go especially. He has a nice smile. Not likely to see any half naked pics of Cleve Morton across a bed anytime soon.

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Well I think he's pretty cute. As far as fundies go especially. He has a nice smile. Not likely to see any half naked pics of Cleve Morton across a bed anytime soon.

I think he's cute too. Unfortunately he looks about my son's age, so that leaves out any naughty thoughts for me.

But that baby, oh my god. She is lovely!

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They both look 11. He is too clean and country corn fed looking to be attractive. Who are they?

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They both look 11. He is too clean and country corn fed looking to be attractive. Who are they?

She's about 20-21, and I imagine he's the same age. Never courted, just got engaged and married in about 3 months.

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I like them either built or the long-haired rocker type that look like they might need me to feed them a sandwich.

VDC, please get out of my head. Do you have a long lost twin sister in Indiana?? :D

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She's about 20-21, and I imagine he's the same age. Never courted, just got engaged and married in about 3 months.

This is what is so super bizarre about them! They look like any other young couple, and she has always seemed like a lite version of a VF fundie. BUT! Before they were engaged, they didn't know each other very well and had never spent any one-on-one time together... then one day, he just... proposed. Totally out of the blue. They were married a few months later, and she became pregnant immediately.

For the life of me, I can't understand why he didn't ask her to court first. Only thing I can figure is he was that desperate to have sex. Skip the courtship, get to the wedding night faster.

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VDC, please get out of my head. Do you have a long lost twin sister in Indiana?? :D

Hey Sis!

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Agreed that baby Georgia is absolutely gorgeous--the sort of baby you just want to eat up. :romance-heartsmiley:

Their blog makes having a baby at 20 seem easy. They have their own place, she stays home with the baby, she's thin again 6 months after giving birth, neither of them ever look tired or overwhelmed, and the baby is adorable, cutely dressed, and looks happy and lively. A real advertisement for the fundie lifestyle, I guess.

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Agreed that baby Georgia is absolutely gorgeous--the sort of baby you just want to eat up. :romance-heartsmiley:

Their blog makes having a baby at 20 seem easy. They have their own place, she stays home with the baby, she's thin again 6 months after giving birth, neither of them ever look tired or overwhelmed, and the baby is adorable, cutely dressed, and looks happy and lively. A real advertisement for the fundie lifestyle, I guess.


What does husband do?

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Oh my! I had no idea they had a blog. That's a very nice surprise, because that Ben boy is totally my type :whistle:

Looks wise, that is. Their opinions are probably just as bad as any other hc fundies.

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What does husband do?

According to the always accurate Fbook, it looks like construction and paving work, and a gym. Maybe a couple of part times equal full time?

I suspect she gets a good bit of help from her mother and family. She's one of two kid, unlike Ben who's one of a bunch.

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They seem pretty fundi-lite. He's wearing a 'Rise Against' t-shirt and she has her ears double pierced (very shameful in many circles).

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not so fundie lite considering she is close friends with VF girls (eg Lauren Hope, the Sanders, etc.) and has attended several of Doug the Tool's romps errr... conferences.

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not so fundie lite considering she is close friends with VF girls (eg Lauren Hope, the Sanders, etc.) and has attended several of Doug the Tool's romps errr... conferences.

Yeah I started to write a reply saying I didn't think she was fundy-lite but I wasn't quite sure how to explain why I thought she was an actual fundy besides modest clothing & being a SAHD & now SAHM

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Yeah I started to write a reply saying I didn't think she was fundy-lite but I wasn't quite sure how to explain why I thought she was an actual fundy besides modest clothing & being a SAHD & now SAHM

I don't know any of her history. Brief rundown?

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I know she's gone to several of the Morton's New Year's Balls. She's definitely into the whole patriarchy family integrated home church movement.

The description of the engagement process. Because who needs the bride's input.



I will say they were obviously pretty decent friends, she talked about him a lot on the blog.

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He looks like a baby to me, lol. FTR, I am only 29, but I've always gone for 40+. I always say they are pretty much boys until 35 or so. I'm also a fundie stereotype in the sense of really not being visual...I don't have a physical type at all and I honestly don't care what the guy looks like as long as he's smart, hilarious, liberal and kind.

I am blown away by a fundie wearing a Rise Against t-shirt. They are quite vocally progressive and are very active supporters of LGBTQ rights. You can't even miss it in their lyrics.

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