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Voddie spews on gay marriage


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I couldn't finish it either. I just cannot read shit written by idiots who don't understand that being gay IS unchangeable. And they were born that way.

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Christ on a cracker, when will all these fundies realize that legal, civil marriage is not the same as religious marriage? No one is going to force Voddie to marry gay or lesbian couples in his church. He can go on being a bigot as long as he wants, God bless America.

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Wondered what this asshole had been up to. Now we know.

Hey, Voddie: I notice that C.J. Mahaney -- enabler of child molesters -- is still part of the Gospel Coalition as are you (thegospelcoalition.org/about/council-members).

If you care so effing much about pedophilia & child abuse, why haven't you either quit the GC or forced Mahaney out?

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One thing that has always bugged me about this is that they ALWAYS talk about marriage in religious terms. If they believe marriage is a certain way then stick with that. Only marry people in your church that fit your criteria. I mean, atheists and people of other religions get married and they don't say anything about that even though that goes against their definition of marriage.

And, oh yeah, I will start taking this more seriously once they try to make laws against, what they consider to be, other sexually immoral acts. How about eliminating divorce, pornography, adultery, fornication and the like? Not saying they haven't tried on some of those but it seems like they don't want to touch some of them. Seems like they are guilty of some of those things so of course they aren't pushing those issues!

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The only thing that resembles choice when it comes to gays/lesbians and gay marriage is how everyone else chooses to respond when a person finally has the courage to come out, and has the courage to demand their equal rights.

ETA: [link=http://www.advocate.com/politics/marriage-equality/2013/03/31/dan-savage-says-heterosexual-people-should-be-offended-over]Dan Savage had an funny/interesting take on DOMA/Prop 8[/link]

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I just don't understand how gay marriage will effect his life. Voddie & Doug want a "special world" where there are no gays, feminists, & public schools. If they aren't happy on earth, then they should just leave the planet! Sorry if this sounds childish.

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I don't know why homophobes are so obsessed with trying to prove being gay isn't innate or unchangeable. Hey, you know what actually is a choice, and still gets civil rights protections? Religion.

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False, logically bankrupt, and nonsensical as his argument is, Voddie writes pretty well (much better than Doug the Pretentious Tool). The man clearly has a brain--if only he would use it for good.

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I'm guessing if Vodie examined Kenyan marriage customs, he would have a heart attack.

I cannot remember the exact name of the custom now. However, it is a LONG held custom in Kenya that an older, childless woman (sometimes a widow and sometimes simply a single woman who never had children) can ASSUME a male gender persona and TAKE A BRIDE. The young bride, usually someone considered undesirable in the community such as a disabled woman, takes male partners in secret for the express purpose of getting pregnant. The children are the children of the MARRIAGE. The older woman functions as a male elder of the communit and is the FATHER of the children of the marriage.

Fundies get so hung up on biology being some God-ordained nirvana that they really cannot wrap their minds around the complexity and variety of the human experience. The WORLD is not Christian. Even those that are Christian are not confined by our Western ethnocentric obtusity. Marriage, inheritance, sexuality, children are all flexible in the human experience. It is NOT always man + woman. It's certainly not one man + one woman, but it's often same sex in expression of human sexuality.

Geesh, there are tribes in New Guinea that consider males homosexual until they are of the correct age to be a father. They are expected to stay on the outskirts of society and have male relationships until they earn the right to have female relationships. I have always suspected that men in that culture likely continue male relationships, or those not interested in females simply never "graduate."

I HATE when Fundies start spewing their religion to justify societal laws, especially when what they are spewing is just flat out ignorant, wrong, and uninformed.

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I couldn't finish it either. I just cannot read shit written by idiots who don't understand that being gay IS unchangeable. And they were born that way.

And even if it is a choice, does that make a difference? Most people who get married in the western world these days at some point chose to make a commitment to their partner, and it's no different if that partner is of the same sex.

Christ on a cracker, when will all these fundies realize that legal, civil marriage is not the same as religious marriage? No one is going to force Voddie to marry gay or lesbian couples in his church. He can go on being a bigot as long as he wants, God bless America.


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And for the love of all that is holy--STOP ASSOCIATING GAY WITH PEDOPHILIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pedophilia is pedophilia. It is NOT homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!

Allowing homosexuals to have the rights of being fully human WILL NOT open the door for people to prey on children. It is precisely that ignorance that leaves children vunerable since these morons think the good pastor in the pew with his loving wife is perfectly safe despite ALL the warning signs that he's a pedophile because in their minds only homosexuals can prey on children when homosexuals are no more likely than hetersexuals to prey. Those who prey are a deviant class all on their OWN regardless of what sexual orientation they "claim" for themselves!

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