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Phew On Not Judging


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The writer had an extended conversation with her bank teller and decided the woman was not Christian based on a few words that the writer felt were wrong. Hopefully, no one was in line waiting for their turn during the conversation. It sounds as if the teller was a Christian, she was just not the right kind of Christian.


You know what you would like?†she told me, “the BIBLE series on the History channel… we were watching that the other day. It’s really great.â€

“Yes, I’ve heard about it,†I said.

“You know what I thought as I was watching it?†She said. “There was so much violence! I mean, it seems like God really lightened up when he had a kid.â€

I laughed. “Yeah. Well it shows the rebellion in humanity …and it was God’s plan unfolding because the world needs a Savior—â€

After speaking of the violence in the world some more, she said, “Well, one day God is going to judge.â€

“Yeah that’s true!†I agreed.

“So it just comes down to ‘Are you a good person?’†she said soberly.

“Okay, so since you just said that I have to give you this,†I said, pulling an Are You A Good Person gospel comic tract out of my purse and handing it to her. “It explains how we have ALL broken God’s laws and that’s why we need a Savior…â€

She began flipping through it and saw a picture of the KKK, Hitler, etc. She commented, “You know, with these people that are the worst of the worst, you have to just think that there is even some good in them. You know, I hope Saddam Hussein took his boys into the back yard and played ball with them.â€

“Well, maybe, but we have to realize that there is evil in each of our hearts,†I said, “and Heaven is a place of perfection…! It’s true that God will judge all the evil in the world, but the thing is: we aren’t exempt from that! We have evil in our hearts, too. A lot of people think that we can get to Heaven by being good but the truth is that we have to repent and trust the Savior—that’s what the Bible says.â€

She thanked me told me she would definitely look over the good person comic.

This lady obviously doesn’t realize that Jesus is the Creator who has always existed. God didn’t “have a kid†– rather He “sent His Sonâ€. And God is merciful and always has been. When Jesus died for us evil people, that shows how merciful God truly is.

Please pray that this bank teller would be convicted of sin and trust in Jesus. She (like many other Americans) likes the Bible, grew up Catholic, has Bible knowledge and, I believe, some fear of God. But what she obviously does not have is an understanding of Christ’s offer of cleansing from sin and guarantee of eternal life for those who come to Him.

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I agree, far too much of "not my religion."

I noticed these people definately have it in for the Catholics.

I'll have to look the passages up but the bible does support universal salvation.

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I agree, far too much of "not my religion."

I noticed these people definately have it in for the Catholics.

I'll have to look the passages up but the bible does support universal salvation.

Is it a verse in Romans?

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Her religion burdens her with the responsibility of taking advantage of every opportunity to witness lest she be responsible for someone else burning. It ruins even the community-building chit chat that the rest of us do without thinking. Yeah, she got a feather in her cap, but the soul cannot live on righteous contempt forever. Speaking from experience here. Just sad.

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Well, bless her heart! I didn't know that bank tellers were there to be witnessed to; I thought they were there to process my bank transaction. One of the tellers at my local branch of the Bank of America is the wife of a Lutheran (ELCA) pastor. She always asks how my daughter is since the deposit is to her account.

That teller does not -and could not- make enough to put up with that nonsense.

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oh god, that is Sarah Mally who is 34 and a SAHD. Her and her family are insufferable. Her father is the one who took to lecturing a hotel clerk about the Yoplait lids that had relaxation sayings on them. That of course was introducing Eastern religions into mainstream culture. She is also the author "Before you meet Prince Charming".

They all hate Catholics. Darby Sproul and Scott Brown of the NCFIC are probably the worst.

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Wtf how does she even know that the bank teller is Catholic?? I think the bank teller handled things incredibly graciously yet her politeness is just being sneered at. I can't get over how RUDE these people are in their evangelism - 'accept you're evil or else'!

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I'll have to see if I can find the passages but these ones do come to mind.

"I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to Him." (Acts 10:34-35)

"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all." (Titus 2:11)

"All flesh shall see the salvation of God." (Luke 3:6)

The fundies fail to realize these passages all tell people to do good rather than believe in the Christian God. The fundies can't have it be "it's light for us and dark for you if you don't believe what we believe."

It's the heart and the actions of the person rather than what you believe.

Edited to fix a mistake.

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I will never understand that protestant thing, because what happen with the people that are really good persons but just happen that they dont have faith, or never learn about christ because they live in a lost island? i dont think that jesus want them in hell or at least is not the image that i have about God

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