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FRC: Punish people for having pre-marital sex - Merged


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Not breaking the link because it's from Salon

http://www.salon.com/2013/03/13/frc_fun ... rital_sex/

The FRC thinks birth control should not be available for single people. They say functional societies punish people for pre-marital sex. I don't even know where to start with this one.

Are they really so stupid that they think pre-marital sex is something new?

What do they suggest adults who can't marry for financial reasons do?

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well guess what asshat it is not 200 years ago and society has never been able to stop premarital sex. but hey lets bring back killing all those horny people.

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“The court decided that single people have the right to contraceptives,†Fagan elaborated on the radio show. “What’s that got to do with marriage? Everything, because what the Supreme Court essentially said is single people have the right to engage in sexual intercourse. Well, societies have always forbidden that, there were laws against it.â€

I did a triple-take on this gem.

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“The court decided that single people have the right to contraceptives,†Fagan elaborated on the radio show. “What’s that got to do with marriage? Everything, because what the Supreme Court essentially said is single people have the right to engage in sexual intercourse. Well, societies have always forbidden that, there were laws against it.â€

I did a triple-take on this gem.

Since when has marriage about sex? Historically speaking marriage was a business transaction, and sex was common especially for men outside of matrimony. He needs to check his facts.

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In 1969, my boyfriend was away at college in a small town in Maine. He told me that only married people could buy condoms up there, so all the guys who had dates would pay the few married male students to make a drugstore run and pick up condoms for everybody. Even back then, virginal little me thought that was a quaint and feckless local ordinance.

It's like all those parents who enforced strict curfews in order to keep their daughters unfucked. I know of several young women whose "first time" was a quickie on the family couch, as her parents snored in their bedroom down the hall.

All the "But if we Loudly Disapprove of All That" language will, at best, force non-marital sexual behavior underground, and, at worst, cause a rise in STDs, abortions, and unwanted babies. Do these idiots know nothing? When my dad was a sailor in WWII, he told us that guys with weekend passes weren't allowed off base without a supply of condoms, because STDs were a huge problem (and the guys were shown graphic films about their effects).

The FRC is all about sex-shaming. If one of their own number stood up and said, "So? My wife and I got it on before we were married, and we used condoms/she took BC," they'd stone him to death, metaphorically speaking.

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This reminds me of a girl from my church who seemed to have a pregnancy scare every month. She refused to buy condoms on the basis that it would "encourage" them. She didn't believe in premarital sex but she always gave into his pressuring because she felt it was disrespectful to refuse her future headship. I can't believe she ended up marrying that asshole. :x

We just couldn't get through her head that if she knew they were going to keep having sex, she needed to keep herself safe first and foremost. Premarital sex is the norm, whether these people like it or not. I've never bought into the idea that the availability of birth control, cervical cancer vaccines etc have a direct link with promiscuity.

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First, the big birth control case that laid the foundation for as subsequent reproductive rights cases was Griswold. Griswold about a ban on access to contraception by MARRIED people. Second, most societies didn't punish "people" for having pre- or extramarital sex. They punished girls for having premarital sex. More specifically, they punished girls of a certain class who had property and male protectors (owners) for losing their hymens. If a man could be proved to have torn her hymen with his penis (and her word wasn't enough to prove this), then he might be forced to marry her or otherwise punished, usually with a fine or a beating. The girl, however, was punished by being ruined for life unless her hymen breaker married her. But in all those societies, including America until well into the 19th century, prostitution was legal and poor girls were considered fair game for seduction and discarding

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My DH is into geneology, and I'm sure if he went through the family trees of most people at the FRC he would find plenty of "premie" babies and single mothers. Premarital sex is hardly anything new.

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Some where after “as the single most destructive decision in the history of the Court†I had to keep reading it just to make sense of it all.

So what he's getting at is lets make the pregnancy rate and abortion rate go up because that's pretty much what that ban would do.

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it essentially gave “young people have the right to engage in sex outside of marriage,†and “functioning societies don’t do that, they stop it, they punish it, they corral people, they shame people, they do whatever.â€

Well, at least they admit that shaming people is a goal :roll:

I keep trying to type out a thoughtful post, but I can't even with these people.

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Um, do these idiots not know that a lot of single women take contraceptives for reasons other than sex? I started to take them because of my cycles. It has the added perk of preventing pregnancy too, but that's not why I started to take them. If they want to take away my pills, I think they should be forced to feel the pain I'd feel every month without them. I think that's fair.

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My DH is into geneology, and I'm sure if he went through the family trees of most people at the FRC he would find plenty of "premie" babies and single mothers. Premarital sex is hardly anything new.

Delusion rules in their world.

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This reminds me of the notion in one of the quiverfull movements books there is a line to the effect "women had to be taught to use birth control and to plan families." I read that and went excuse me what a load of bs. I always thought it was interesting that the baby boom generation the most common number of kids seemed to be 4. Now I'm no math genius, but it seems to be if you had young men comming home and their wives were young there would be more than 4 kids per average in a family. Also I love the story one of my aunts had on my dad's side of the family. He was one of 10 kids and one of the youngest so there was a good 20 year age gap between him and some of his siblings. This aunt and her husband had 5 kids in quick sucession. After the 5th she turned to him and said "You stay on your side of the bed and I'll stay on mine."

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Just a quick note before I read the article - I opened it and immediately read "Fat Pagan..." which made me giggle.

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Christian Right Group: You Don't Have the Right to Have Sex Outside of Marriage, Society Should "Punish" It

Family Research Council senior fellow Pat Fagan appeared alongside Tony Perkins, the head of FRC, on Washington Watch yesterday to discuss his article which claims that Eisenstadt v. Baird, the 1972 case that overturned a Massachusetts law banning the distribution of contraceptives to unmarried people, may rank “as the single most destructive decision in the history of the Court.â€

Fagan argued that the Supreme Court decision was wrong because it effectively meant that “single people have the right to engage in sexual intercourse.†“Society never gave young people that right, functioning societies don’t do that, they stop it, they punish it, they corral people, they shame people, they do whatever,†Fagan said.

If Josh DOES go to work for Family Research Council, he'll fit in perfectly. Shaming and punishment is all he knows. :cry:

http://www.alternet.org/christian-right ... -punish-it

Link contains another link to full audio.

ETA: I knew these abusive control freaks wouldn't be happy with limiting abortion. Access to birth control is in their sights and always has been. I believe their ultimate goal is a full repeal of both civil and women's rights.

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Not breaking the link because it's from Salon

http://www.salon.com/2013/03/13/frc_fun ... rital_sex/

The FRC thinks birth control should not be available for single people. They say functional societies punish people for pre-marital sex. I don't even know where to start with this one.

Are they really so stupid that they think pre-marital sex is something new?

What do they suggest adults who can't marry for financial reasons do?

Abstinence and prayer???

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He certainly has a selective way of looking at history.

I think that people who wish STDs and unplanned babies upon people for having sex are cruel-hearted. Where is Christ's love in that? I believe some of it stems from jealousy over others getting to do what they want without punishment.

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If you replace the Bible with the Q'uran- it's essentially the same thing these fundamentalists are spouting. Shame the women! Pre marital sex is evil! No birth control! Women should be at home! Modest!

Even though fundies claim they're different from other fundies, there's really no difference between two asses running in the opposite direction (reference to the atrocious kids' books thread)

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My DH is into geneology, and I'm sure if he went through the family trees of most people at the FRC he would find plenty of "premie" babies and single mothers. Premarital sex is hardly anything new.

Oh goodness, you have NO idea how many 7-8 lb. preemie babies got prayed over in the fundie church where I grew up! :lol:

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The bigger question is if you can prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening, why is premarital sex wrong? There is never a reason given why all women should wait until marriage to have sex. The right can no longer use fear of pregnancy to keep women in control and slut shaming is beginning to be seen as negative.

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