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Whose fault is it if hubby makes less?


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In the time that hubby and I have been together he has made more then me, I have made more them him, both of us have been unemployed and both of us have gone back to school. Neither of us look at the income that we bring in as "my money" or "his money" it is the household's money. A yr ago when he got laid off my income allowed him to complete his schooling and get a job in the field of his choice. At no time did either of us feel better or worse about ourselves because of the amount of money we brought in. We also take turns if we need to leave work to pick up a sick kid, take them to a Dr appointment or have a school delay. It's called team work and we do it because we love each other, not because something written a thousand years ago and translated multiple times by multiple people tell us we should.

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