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Obama creates new rules for contraception coverage


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The proposed rule includes a complicated arrangement to finance contraceptive coverage for employees of religious organizations that “self-insure,†or provide their own insurance coverage. The costs for the coverage would be offset by insurers or third-party administrators paying higher “user fees†to participate in the new online markets, or “exchanges, run by the federal government. Administration officials stressed that no taxpayer or government funds would be used to subsidize the mandate.


I bet if the Jehovah's witnesses refused to provide insurance that covers blood transfusions, these evangelicals would be all up in arms. You have religious liberty. You do not have to use contraception. I too have religious liberty. I should be able to practice my religion and use contraception without you telling me I cannot and then crying persecution. Contraception is a personal choice, just like religion. Why is that so hard for these people??? :angry-banghead:

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http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/ ... gro/nWDF6/

I bet if the Jehovah's witnesses refused to provide insurance that covers blood transfusions, these evangelicals would be all up in arms. You have religious liberty. You do not have to use contraception. I too have religious liberty. I should be able to practice my religion and use contraception without you telling me I cannot and then crying persecution. Contraception is a personal choice, just like religion. Why is that so hard for these people??? :angry-banghead:

Great comparison, yes.

I'd also compare it to the way Christian Scientists wormed their way into committees etc. on medical neglect. There are a few U.S. states which have exceptions specifically worded around Christian Scientists, not even "religious exemption" or whatever. So dodgy.

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The localish Catholic Church has been telling its members that if the original rule went through they would be forced to fund abortions for anyone in their employ.

Not contraception, abortion. Also, that federal funds are now going to cover them, no matter how it is explained to them that this isn't so.

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All of the Catholic churches where I live have "PROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!!!!!" signs all over the place, code for "WE ARE SO PERSECUTED BECAUSE WE WANT TO DENY OUR EMPLOYEES COVERAGE FOR BIRTH CONTROL". I fail to see how pushing your religious views on your employees who may or may not be of the same religion, or even if they are of the same religion, may not agree with every single belief of the larger organization constitutes religion freedom deserving of protection. I will vote to protect religious freedom, thanks - freedom FROM your religion.

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The thing that drives me nuts is that he fixed their perceived "problem" and then when he did, their response?


Credibility, completely gone.

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This whole paying for contraception thing makes me glad to be a UK citizen. While we have to pay for prescriptions for other medication, contraceptives are free, (Okay so healthcare is too.) We don't have the fight that the US has (yes, we still have anti-choicers etc but not to the same extent.) When will the crazies realise that giving people free access to contraception is a good thing? It costs the government less to provide contraception than it does to pay for women to have children (pre- & post-natal care, possible scbu stay, child benefits, schooling....the list goes on!) My heart goes out to all of you, who have to pay for your healthcare or have to go without it because you can't afford the insurance :(

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