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Wow! Somebody Really Hates to Pay Taxes


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Gee, Patrice, if you hate paying taxes (and the government), maybe you should move to a third world country.


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If you're self-employed, you set aside money each money that you know is going to go to taxes, like most other small businesses do. You don't fail to plan and then whine about it. And NO, it is not YOUR money for your daughter's braces. You know that you have to pay taxes every year on a portion of your income. It's not a surprise and it's not theft. If you want to live off the grid, you could move to the Anazon, but I doubt you'll find an orthodontist in the jungle. Geez.

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I can never understand why people think they shouldn't have to pay any taxes. The government isn't free to run. We don't live in Star Trek where money doesn't exist.

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If you're self-employed, you set aside money each money that you know is going to go to taxes, like most other small businesses do. You don't fail to plan and then whine about it. And NO, it is not YOUR money for your daughter's braces. You know that you have to pay taxes every year on a portion of your income. It's not a surprise and it's not theft. If you want to live off the grid, you could move to the Anazon, but I doubt you'll find an orthodontist in the jungle. Geez.

Our first full year as a business was bad. I didn't put taxes aside (well, I kinda did, but we were self funding and much of what was coming in was being plowed back into the business). That tax bill was ... bad. Very Bad. Curl up on the floor and cry bad.

We did end up taking out a loan to pay the taxes and it took us a couple years to get our feet under ourselves and be able to budget for taxes. Now, it pains me to write those Giant Quarterly Checks but I do it. It somewhat amuses me that what I pay in a quarter is more than my yearly stipend from the USDA grad school. Yes, I have paid that money back, and then some, despite not actually working in that field.

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I hate paying taxes. I hate it with a passion. But as a citizen, I understand the necessity. I run my own business. I know I have to set aside money every year in order to make those payments. I guess maybe it's the responsible side of me, but I set aside around 30% of every dollar I make. It's a bit of an overkill, as I've never paid that much out, but instead of going hog wild on a spending spree, I save. Then after taxes are paid, I set aside a little of the money to start the new years tax fund, then take the rest and typically go out to dinner. It's really not that difficult if you understand how the system works. And if you own your own business, you really should either understand yourself, or have someone around who does understand.

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Fine, lunatic, don't pay your taxes. In return, you'll lose your access to public roads, police and fire departments, public hospitals, water supply systems, sewage collection/disposal/treatment operations, and so on unto infinity. I won't mention public schools and libraries, god knows they won't miss those. But good luck if your house goes up in flames.

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Not paying taxes is stealing from society. We all drive on roads(paid by taxes), cheer on a military(paid for by taxes), visit doctors who might have used the Pell Grant or other government programs for their education(paid for by taxes), can call the police or fire department(paid for by taxes) etc

If you don't want to pay taxes, don't ask for any government handouts including paved roads, clean water and protection by the military and police

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I ma self emplyed and pay my own taxres what really annoys me is every year I experiment with self employed and employed and I find every time I am paying MORE taxes for being self employed. And I am not just talking about the additional half of self emplyment taxes. It is the reason I have my business up for sale because I am tired of paying MORE for the privelidge of working for myself. What was amazing was one year we tried to deduct DH mileage expenses an dfound the tax bill went up! When you use a program that show you wuith each step the taxes you owe and you see the bill jump for a supposed deduction you realize that there is something very wrong!

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Paying taxes sucks but putting into the community pot is the price we pay for being part a group. The benefits to this "theft" are working roads, garbage pick-up, public schools (although some don't see this as a benefit), police, firefighters, etc. All the things that so many people take for granted, it's funded through taxes. Forget about Somalia, I remember as a child visiting grandma in China and walking past open sewers and gritting my teeth on nonexistent roads.....yeah, you don't really appreciate what government can provide until you don't have it! If a person want to live truly away from civilization, move to Somalia or Afghanistan or any other failed states and see what it's like where you don't have to pay taxes.

Of course, most of these people who equate taxes with theft are typically complaining not about military spending, it's all those "entitlements" that takes their hard-earned cash and gives it to poor people. Never mind that most of the entitlement programs goes to medicare and medicaid and not to some cash pot for crackheads. I'm not some flag waving patriot but I feel some people are so "off the grid" that they fail to appreciate what this country (or most countries) offers in terms of quality of life. You don't appreciate it until you lose it, I guess.

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I just sat down yesterday to pay my sales taxes. Not a big deal because I plan for them. I have a day job, so the taxes I pay in from that cover my extra income tax. Somehow my monthly paycheck went up $10, but I don't pay into social security, so that is probably it. (And people want to cut teachers pensions. Most of us won't get social security, so what we get in our pensions is like what you get from SSI)

A local restaurant just closed it's doors. They claim that it is because of uncertainty in taxes, but some in the know say it's because the sons took it over so now with their restaurant they would now have over 50 fte.

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Per her "welcome" page, they've been running their own business now for some time. So why is their potential tax situation seemingly a black hole of unknowns? Shouldn't they have at least some clue as to what they're looking at, dollar-wise?

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Paying taxes totally is a pain. Then again, not having clean, running water, paved roads, public utilities like electricity, emergency services, police, consumer protection laws, a court system, government oversight agencies, military, public schools and libraries, public transit and social services would be kind of a pain too. In my case, most of my health care is covered too. I did have a big tax bill last year since I am self-employed, but I consider it to be a bargain for all that I get.

Oh, and it's interesting how the people in comments are blaming the "entitlement class" by which I assume they mean people on government assistance or food stamps or whatever. Seems like small peanuts compared to an indefinite, hugely expensive war, and an economic crash that followed on the heels of a lot of poorly-regulated financial shenanigans. Wouldn't those be more likely to be the reason behind the government needing to cancel certain tax cuts and raise more revenues?

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I ma self emplyed and pay my own taxres what really annoys me is every year I experiment with self employed and employed and I find every time I am paying MORE taxes for being self employed. And I am not just talking about the additional half of self emplyment taxes. It is the reason I have my business up for sale because I am tired of paying MORE for the privelidge of working for myself. What was amazing was one year we tried to deduct DH mileage expenses an dfound the tax bill went up! When you use a program that show you wuith each step the taxes you owe and you see the bill jump for a supposed deduction you realize that there is something very wrong!

I'd venture to say you did it wrong. Which is completely possible with those programs. I deduct my mileage and have never had mine jump up due to taking that in to account. Then again, because I know my taxes are complicated, I take them to a professional. I'd rather pay my tax woman 75 dollars to prepare and file my taxes than pay twice that because I screwed something up. I'd recommend going to a professional who specializes in small business or self employment. Several tax lawyers can help you find said professional if you don't know anyone.

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Fine, lunatic, don't pay your taxes. In return, you'll lose your access to public roads, police and fire departments, public hospitals, water supply systems, sewage collection/disposal/treatment operations, and so on unto infinity. I won't mention public schools and libraries, god knows they won't miss those. But good luck if your house goes up in flames.

Don't forget food inspection. You best hope your food isn't tainted with melamine from China...

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Paying taxes totally is a pain. Then again, not having clean, running water, paved roads, public utilities like electricity, emergency services, police, consumer protection laws, a court system, government oversight agencies, military, public schools and libraries, public transit and social services would be kind of a pain too.

A court system? Can't we just take 'em out back and shoot 'em?

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And yet Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's." I hate it when Christian fundies kick and complain about taxes-- that it's stealing-- when it was a blatent command from Jesus himself! Not to mention that Jesus said this when the government was actually CORRUPT and the people OVER TAXED. And still Jesus said, "tough luck. You live here? You pay the taxes." (paraphrased of course).

I enjoy paying taxes, because I've lived in Guatemala, and I know the benefits first hand of a government that takes care of its citizens. No clean water, clean streets, ummmm roads on mountain cliffs?! I'll pay for my luxeries, thank you!

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I'd venture to say you did it wrong. Which is completely possible with those programs.

Or jumped the line to the Alternative Minimum Tax which is a problem some of us small business people have.

But, I *heart* my bookkeeper and my accountant.

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I'd venture to say you did it wrong. Which is completely possible with those programs. I deduct my mileage and have never had mine jump up due to taking that in to account. Then again, because I know my taxes are complicated, I take them to a professional. I'd rather pay my tax woman 75 dollars to prepare and file my taxes than pay twice that because I screwed something up. I'd recommend going to a professional who specializes in small business or self employment. Several tax lawyers can help you find said professional if you don't know anyone.

I deduct my car expense sbut DH who is not self employed we tried to do his and it changed the tax structure. Same thing at times with deducting medical expenses. I don't use a tax professional I have done taxes for many years and the few times I did try someone to do mine I found mistakes on their forms so went backto doing my own.

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Fine, lunatic, don't pay your taxes. In return, you'll lose your access to public roads, police and fire departments, public hospitals, water supply systems, sewage collection/disposal/treatment operations, and so on unto infinity. I won't mention public schools and libraries, god knows they won't miss those. But good luck if your house goes up in flames.

Most of the "but it's my money!!!11!!" types conveniently ignore the fact that money is fungible, and if YOU don't pay your part of the tax bill, that means you're making someone else pay more for your portion. The bill doesn't just magically go away.

Personally I don't mind the concept of paying taxes, I am happy to give up the money, but I hate the actual TASK of figuring my taxes, it's like homework from hell - which is why I make the husband do it!!! :lol: I'm the wage earner in our house, but he can manage the books, because I HATE that stuff...

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Let's face it, most people who complain in such radical ways do so because they perceive their money goes to waste and does not benefit them directly. These are the people who seem to think regulations on food and drugs are useless, who think that the FBI and ATF are just government thugs, and who think the bulk of their money goes to people less hardworking than them. They forget how inconvienent it is to not take for granted that the food you buy are safe, the drugs you take won't kill you and the freedom to drive 50 miles out without being held for ransom dont' just happen because you carry guns (i.e ask anyone who lived in a miltia-run area how much a few guns deter crimes when there's mini-armies running around).

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There's a bunch of Republican Congress critters that have co-sponsored a bill that would eliminate all Federal tax. I wonder how they expect the government to operate. Who will pay not just for our Federal roads, food inspection, bridges, the FAA, Federal buildings (the Capitol anyone?), but their wars and most important, their salaries and expenses. Portions of the bill are unconstitutional, btw.

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I'm ex-Revenue so this annoys the living shit out of me.

No one thinks it's fun to pay taxes. However, the point of paying taxes is not that's an enjoyable experience. It pays for stuff that makes LIFE a more enjoyable experience.

Tax evaders, avoiders and complainers all get the same response from me. Sit down, pay the tax and shut the fuck up.

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