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Feminism Kills 27 At US High School


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I was browsing around some feminist tumblr sites and found a link to this article, which essentially blames feminism and single mothers for gun violence. Ignoring the fact that the headline is is inaccurate, I also found gems such as this:

Feminism’ killed 20 children and 7 adults at Sandy Hook school – not guns, not lack of ’support’ or ‘care’, and definitely not ‘evil’ DNA

Adam Lanza went from being relatively happy, highly intelligent, and a little insular to actively psychopathic after his mother threw his father out of their home.

The elephant in the room of the Lanza killings is the murder of his mother; the fact is, that terrible act of Lanza’s was not random.

His painful life and the extremes it drove him to represent the thin edge of a wedge rammed deep into the guts of modern society by self-centred ideological maniacs.

Feminism’s greatest end-result has been the explosion of fatherless children in the US and UK.

Apparently these people know more about Adam Lanza than anyone else. :roll: His painful life? The only one who could truly define whether or not his life was painful or not was Adam himself, and he's not exactly around to disclose such information.

And with roughly one out of three children brought up by their mother alone, the evidence is overwhelming: single mothers are raising a society of marginalised men

I would like to see this overwhelming evidence.

Our artificial society, sponsored and sustained by a state which rewards women for removing children from their fathers, and ruthlessly persecutes any fathers who resist, stands aloft from any blame for the myriad social ills everyone knows it is breeding

Heaven forbid it be the other way around and fathers are the ones refusing to take responsibility.

The solution is not an ever-growing police state, Orwellian school systems and squads of droning psychologists; it is role models – confident, full-time dads, who enjoy equal rights to their wives, rather than existing at their partners sufferance, forever at the potential mercy of unjust and oppressive laws that will render them destitute and ‘absent’ them from their own children overnight: and of course leave their children dealing with the emotional fallout. Only once men and women are equal in so-called ‘family’ law (an equality best brought about by reforming that secret and undemocratic division of the law to the point of destruction), will the modern entitlement currently selfishly claimed by women alone be fairly spread between the sexes, and allow equal parenting more likely to instill healthy self-confidence in young men, than anger and alienation.

I find this so appalling that I am having trouble forming a response beyond :angry-banghead:

Here is the link:

http://www.cornwallcommunitynews.co.uk/ ... gh-school/

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The facts are wrong too. It wasnt a High School. The kids were in first grade :(

Feminism didnt kill all of these children. Adam Lanza did. His mother wasnt a bad mother because she was a single mother. She was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who owned loads of guns, and that was why the environment he was raised in wasnt healthy or good for his mental health.

Yes, if a man got a woman pregnant and she chooses to continue the pregnancy and raise the child, he should be around to be in that child's life (unless he is unsafe to be around a child, like if he was abusive, a pedophile or rapist), but it doesnt matter whether you have one parent, two, or whether you have both a mom and a dad, all you need is loving parents who provide the child's needs and discipline them in a non abusive way. Theres loads of people who grow up in single parent families, and turn out fine.

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The facts are wrong too. It wasnt a High School. The kids were in first grade :(

Feminism didnt kill all of these children. Adam Lanza did. His mother wasnt a bad mother because she was a single mother. She was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who owned loads of guns, and that was why the environment he was raised in wasnt healthy or good for his mental health.

Yes, if a man got a woman pregnant and she chooses to continue the pregnancy and raise the child, he should be around to be in that child's life (unless he is unsafe to be around a child, like if he was abusive, a pedophile or rapist), but it doesnt matter whether you have one parent, two, or whether you have both a mom and a dad, all you need is loving parents who provide the child's needs and discipline them in a non abusive way. Theres loads of people who grow up in single parent families, and turn out fine.


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How would she know Adam Lanza was normal and happy before? It sounds like he has had huge issues since he was a young boy.

How does she know the mom threw the dad out (and if she did, maybe she had a reason?) - I read the dad divorced her and quickly remarried. Not that it matters.

And the rest of it is just as stupid.

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