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Surprise! I'm a fundie!


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I was perusing the Facebook account of a gal I grew up with. Our family were good friends. I remembered playing with her as a child. Her mom was a fundie-lite who married a nonpracticing Christian (maybe agnostic?). Mom had a diverse group of friends from all over the world. As far as I could tell, she grew up in a fairly moderate family, with some smattering of conservatism.

Today, I noticed this girl's facebook was filled with recent pro-gun links. There was the try and true "guns don't kill people etc", an (inaccurate) note that dictatorships takes away guns, a right-wing link that more armed citizens was what we need (!!). It was obvious these were replies to all the talks of gun control post-Newtown. Scrolling down, I also noted a link blaming the recent shooting on the removal of God from school and another right-wing note about crime.

At this point, my eyebrow was about to burst out of my head. This girl is a self-described political moderate and yet she seemed to offer up some very right-wing opinions. I knew she was a regular church-goer but her parents never pushed some of these fringe ideas.....when did she turn into Sarah Palin, I wonder? I guess some people's politics always end up surprising me. At this point, I consider this friend probably a Palin-lite. I'm honestly surprised she's up in arms about the prayer in school thing, especially as I considered a very fundie concept. Have I been in FJinger for too long? Are my views getting skewed? Anyone else with surprise fundies in their lives?

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YPestis, I think that the extreme nature of the Connecticut tragedy is making everyone a little extreme in their thinking. My uncle who is a VERY red-blooded, god-fearing, hunting, 'merican recently posted about how he just signed the petition to ban assault weapon rifles.Under normal circumstances he never would have done that. It sounds like she is quite literally "clinging to her guns" in the wake of Friday's events, as people normally do when something drastic or scary happens.. It seems like many pro-gun people are being extremist in their views because if they admit that guns are part of the problem, they are part of the problem too and will face some guilt that they don't want to have to deal with.

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