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I'm hoping this is a horrible joke :shock: and my PTSD kicked in right away.

I'm going to have to repeat myself for the 9 millionth time here and I apologise, everyone. I just want to tell onlookers being the good guy (even if Zimmerman was a good guy which he fucking wasn't) doesn't save you. It doesn't miraculously save you from being gutshot and rolling over and dying in pain. It doesn't miraculously give you the ability to save 26 people from someone with some serious firepower because HAY U AR GOOD PERSUN.

You're nice. You're lovely. You have two cats and a dog who all sleep on your bed every night. You go to church every weekend. You take good care of your old mum with dementia. You have two lovely toddlers. You're outgunned, sucks to be you.

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I understand that people need to blame something or someone after a tragedy like this, but let's start with the killer, guns, and his mother before we start blaming teachers unions, pop culture, video games, socialism, the CIA, and Batman. The crazy is really coming out of the woodwork now. There is a photo circulating on Facebook showing a screenshot from Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. Supposedly, the words "Sandy Hook" are etched into a wall in one of the scenes. People actually believe that this proves a connection between the Aurora shootings and the Newtown shootings. People are also saying that Nancy Lanza worked for a secret government project (wtf?) and/or both Peter Lanza and James Holmes's father were supposed to testify about the Libor scandal. This is all supposed to prove that the government was behind the shootings or that Adam Lanza was a brainwashed CIA sleeper agent who was activated to kill people. Or something.

What the everloving fuck is wrong with people?

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Wow. Mindfuck.

I heard on TV today that the stats for spree shootings in America have been pretty much the same for the last 30 years?

That's a lot of changes in pop culture, teachers and unions.

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I have no idea what "the tea party" is but it sounds like a nutty group. Sex on tv and a lack of spanking in schools caused a mentally ill young man to commit mass murder? Okaaaay then.

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There is a reason why young people commit these sorts of crimes, and sex plays no small part. Their passions are eternally inflamed, and they wander the Earth with no outlet for their overstimulated glands.

Oh my god, for real? I've recently been reading medical texts from the 1100s for my medieval history term paper, and at no point should they resemble something written today! AND YET.

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So I work for the teachers union. I had no idea that my employment coupled with my lack of belief in Jeebus caused the death of 26 people in a school on Friday. This guy can go fuck himself.

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The Tea Party is so fucking gross. Their ideas are outdated at best and dangerous at worst. I don't know how anyone can take them seriously.

Sadly, my small city does take them seriously. Three out of the five members of the city council belong to the tea party.

God only knows what they plan for my city.

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Someone who still can needs to find the original statement and tweet that garbage to Smuggar (he doesn't allow incoming comments on FB, not sure about IG) just to see how fast he turns it around on his social media sites.

Thankfully, I live in a place where the Tea Party is mocked. Thank you, Sarah Palin (and Tina Fey) for all the laughs.

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I just had one winger (on another forum) tell me that the calls for gun control are just the dems making political hay over the dead bodies of kids.

I'm going to start drinking now. It's 3:30 here.

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I just had one winger (on another forum) tell me that the calls for gun control are just the dems making political hay over the dead bodies of kids.

I'm going to start drinking now. It's 3:30 here.

Typically it takes ANY type of tragedy for ANY kind of legislation to change. Remind your winger "friend" how BIPARTISAN regulations put in place after 9/11 have prevented any more planes from hurling themselves into skyscrapers (except for Cory Lidle - I actually met him a couple years before his death, but that was pilot error).

Fucking nits can't see the forest for the trees.

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Oh, I see. So it was a choice for Adam Lanza to have sex or shoot first graders. His passsions were set to flamin' and he had to do something!

Who comes up with this stuff? He was a most likely mentally ill young person who may or may not have received appropriate help. He lived with a mother who liked guns, but he would have gotten them somewhere else had she not had them at home. Still not sure what a union or sex had to do with this tragedy.

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