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Time to Poll-Bomb Dougie Again


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Doug Phillips (is a tool) did not learn his lesson from last time. He has a new poll up on his blog:

Given his stand on abortion should Christians be troubled by President Obama's claim: "I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ."



I am not sure

Do you believe that Christians should have concerns about electing a Mormon to the office of President of the United States?



I am not sure


I've already submitted my vote. Have you?

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Oh boy! I have no idea how the first poll question makes sense, but it's time for a good old fashioned poll bomb. Doug Phillips is a tool.

ETA I couldn't care less whether or not Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't understand why Doug Phillips is a tool is asking the question. Could someone explain it so I can vote in a way that will most annoy Doug Phillips is a tool?

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Guest Anonymous
Oh boy! I have no idea how the first poll question makes sense, but it's time for a good old fashioned poll bomb. Doug Phillips is a tool.

ETA I couldn't care less whether or not Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't understand why Doug Phillips is a tool is asking the question. Could someone explain it so I can vote in a way that will most annoy Doug Phillips is a tool?

I voted no on both questions. In the meantime, on Vision Forum's Facebook page, the following review was given for the Henty books that Vision Forum promotes:

Lora 'Preston' Schultze I bought several of these Henty books for my son several years ago b/c of the high praise given to them by VFF. However, it was very disturbing to find that they are disgustingly racist. I threw mine away and felt ashamed that I bought them. You may want to research them before purchasing them or anything else reccommended by Vision Forum.

I think I have a girl crush on this lady.

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I voted. :twisted: :twisted:

Biden Doug Phillips is a Tool

Ryan Doug Phillips is a Tool

Debate Doug Phillips is a Tool

Big Bird Doug Phillips is a Tool

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I voted too. Won't be heartbroken if "yes" wins by a landslide on both questions cuz it means lots fewer votes for Mitt!

Debate Biden Ryan Doug Phillips Is A Tool Obama Romney Medicare

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Guest Anonymous

I voted 'no' to both questions.

Going wildly off topic:

Do any of you mind renewing my supply of fundy catnip with this poll?

What should I post about next Friday?



why I do not like Disney

health tips

Photo contest with prize

Movie by friends


I need my fix of slavery apologist story writing. I can't help myself.

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Guest Anonymous

I not only voted no, but the last time I was on Vision Forum's Facebook page, I posted the following in their section on birth control:

You're illiterate in both the literal sense and the medical one.

To my astonishment, the comment is still there.

I also posted the following about their Titanic extravaganza:

Um, excuse me. The Titanic story is one in which over 1500 people died, and in which incompetence abounded. Don't you think that MAYBE the catastrophe shouldn't be celebrated like it's a New Years Eve party

Let's see how long this one lasts.

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Has he taken the polls down? I don't get anything.

I just went on there they are there for me.

I voted no, unfortunately the results are still showing a resounding 'yes' in the lead.

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I voted "yes" on both. I'm hoping that having to choose between a "liberal" pro-choice candidate and a Mormon conservative candidate will cause Dougie to declare that True Christians shouldn't vote this election.

Also, Doug Phillips is a tool.

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The entire site is showing up as down for me... ? I'll keep trying.

ETA: If the site shows up as down for you, go to the cached copy on google. Doug Phillips is a tool runs his polls through a different site or something (javascript or html widget) so you can still vote using the cached copy. Somehow. :D

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Oh boy! I have no idea how the first poll question makes sense, but it's time for a good old fashioned poll bomb. Doug Phillips is a tool.

ETA I couldn't care less whether or not Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't understand why Doug Phillips is a tool is asking the question. Could someone explain it so I can vote in a way that will most annoy Doug Phillips is a tool?

It concerns me that he is a Mormon the same as any other evangelical Christian running for office. He is anti women and LGBTQ rights, and it is based on his religious beliefs.

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Voted "no" on both questions.

I guess Dougie wants his faithful to either sit out the election or vote 3rd party, but is too chickenshit to put his business at risk to tell people openly how he feels. VF is not a 501©3, he could tell people what he thinks, but he'd lose a lot of his support.

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Voted "no" on both questions.

I guess Dougie wants his faithful to either sit out the election or vote 3rd party, but is too chickenshit to put his business at risk to tell people openly how he feels. VF is not a 501©3, he could tell people what he thinks, but he'd lose a lot of his support.

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It concerns me that he is a Mormon the same as any other evangelical Christian running for office. He is anti women and LGBTQ rights, and it is based on his religious beliefs.

See, this is my concern about that question. I would prefer to see an atheist (or someone who doesn't allow religion to inform their policy decisions) get elected, which is definitely not Romney. Then again, a baptist/lutheran/presbyterian/etc who believes the same way wouldn't be any better.

I have no idea why Doug Phillips is a tool runs these polls. Even if they weren't pharyngula'd, they do nothing but reaffirm what his narrow-minded minions already believe :?

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See, this is my concern about that question. I would prefer to see an atheist (or someone who doesn't allow religion to inform their policy decisions) get elected, which is definitely not Romney. Then again, a baptist/lutheran/presbyterian/etc who believes the same way wouldn't be any better.

I have no idea why Doug Phillips is a tool runs these polls. Even if they weren't pharyngula'd, they do nothing but reaffirm what his narrow-minded minions already believe :?

Yes, it's not an "Oh noes! Mormon!" (even if I am worried that he might think that he is the "one mighty and strong"...isn't that the phrase?) but more of an "OMG, not someone from the religious right!!!".

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Oh boy! I have no idea how the first poll question makes sense, but it's time for a good old fashioned poll bomb. Doug Phillips is a tool.

ETA I couldn't care less whether or not Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't understand why Doug Phillips is a tool is asking the question. Could someone explain it so I can vote in a way that will most annoy Doug Phillips is a tool?

The first question is arguing that Obama is not really a Christian because of his abortion beliefs.

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