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Canadian MP equates transgendered people as sex offenders

Maul the Koala

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I think a lot of the problem with Alberta is because the liberal people flee as soon as possible. A lot of my LGBTQ friends ran for the coast of BC in the past few years. However it is starting to slowly change. Neighbourhoods that have been staunchly conservative for decades are starting to go NDP. Slowly but surely. :-D Provincially the Conservative MLAs aren't bad at all. I'm trying to figure out how we get dumbasses for MPs though. I can't think of any Albertan Conservative MP that is little more than a potted plant. I think a potted plant would do a better job. Gah. When I wrote my MP over the whole abortion debate nonsense he sent almost the same reply word for word to both. Not addressing that he was mistaken on the idea of after-birth abortion, medical ethics, Canadian criminal law, nothing. Just a form letter. Tool. But because he goes for photo ops he's doing something! :roll:

I have no use for most of the Albertan Conservative MPs. Since they know they can be re-elected they don't even bother trying to pander to their constitutients. I know a lot of the municipalities are frustrated with the MPs since whenever a municipality asks for federal help the MP(s) will claim that their hands are tied. O RLY

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I think a lot of the problem with Alberta is because the liberal people flee as soon as possible. A lot of my LGBTQ friends ran for the coast of BC in the past few years. However it is starting to slowly change. Neighbourhoods that have been staunchly conservative for decades are starting to go NDP. Slowly but surely. :-D Provincially the Conservative MLAs aren't bad at all. I'm trying to figure out how we get dumbasses for MPs though. I can't think of any Albertan Conservative MP that is little more than a potted plant. I think a potted plant would do a better job. Gah. When I wrote my MP over the whole abortion debate nonsense he sent almost the same reply word for word to both. Not addressing that he was mistaken on the idea of after-birth abortion, medical ethics, Canadian criminal law, nothing. Just a form letter. Tool. But because he goes for photo ops he's doing something! :roll:

I have no use for most of the Albertan Conservative MPs. Since they know they can be re-elected they don't even bother trying to pander to their constitutients. I know a lot of the municipalities are frustrated with the MPs since whenever a municipality asks for federal help the MP(s) will claim that their hands are tied. O RLY

Can't really blame them for fleeing. I have Albertian family and they spew some of the most idiotic crap. Like when Brokeback Mountain came out and they were all PO'd because it was filmed in Alberta and "there's no such thing as a gay cowboy!"

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I think a lot of the problem with Alberta is because the liberal people flee as soon as possible. A lot of my LGBTQ friends ran for the coast of BC in the past few years. However it is starting to slowly change. Neighbourhoods that have been staunchly conservative for decades are starting to go NDP. Slowly but surely. :-D Provincially the Conservative MLAs aren't bad at all. I'm trying to figure out how we get dumbasses for MPs though. I can't think of any Albertan Conservative MP that is little more than a potted plant. I think a potted plant would do a better job. Gah. When I wrote my MP over the whole abortion debate nonsense he sent almost the same reply word for word to both. Not addressing that he was mistaken on the idea of after-birth abortion, medical ethics, Canadian criminal law, nothing. Just a form letter. Tool. But because he goes for photo ops he's doing something! :roll:

I have no use for most of the Albertan Conservative MPs. Since they know they can be re-elected they don't even bother trying to pander to their constitutients. I know a lot of the municipalities are frustrated with the MPs since whenever a municipality asks for federal help the MP(s) will claim that their hands are tied. O RLY

Yeah, my staunchly conservative Albertan neighbourhood was awash with NDP signs in the last provincial, with only a small number of PC signs and one lone WRP sign (and now I know which neighbours to avoid). It's the first time I ever picked a winner on the ballot. :D The PCS under Alison Redford seem to be a bit more Red Tory (not wholly, but at least somewhat), and I think the WRP underestimated the degree of social liberalism in the province, which is likely to grow with the new generation, and a higher number of recent immigrants who don't particularly think that a white guy is inherently better at representing all races. I think federally a lot of Albertans cling on to the idea that the liberals are trying to take "our" money and give it to "those people" in Quebec. It sounds like Justin Trudeau is trying to overcome that, so maybe that'll help.

(BTW, half my highschool skipped class to see Brokeback Mountain when it came out. But we were the weird school. :lol: )

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How did I know this would be Rob Anders without even looking. That man is vile and needs to fuck off. I think Peter Stoffer said it correctly here:


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Can't really blame them for fleeing. I have Albertian family and they spew some of the most idiotic crap. Like when Brokeback Mountain came out and they were all PO'd because it was filmed in Alberta and "there's no such thing as a gay cowboy!"

Thankfully those people are starting to be shouted down. I think people are sick of the intolerance and all our friends leaving because of bloody bigotry. The urban atmosphere has changed immensely over the past few years alone. The election of Naheed Nenshi in Calgary and the seeping NDP influence in the urban areas is very promising. Rural Alberta, eh. But honestly the same can be said of rural Saskatchewan. Rural Saskatchewan is pretty bad. I go back once in a while (family is almost all in rural Sask. all over the province) and racism and bigotry is alive and thriving there. So it's not just Alberta.

I just don't get how the federal politicians from here can be wacked out loons and the provincial ones tend to be reasonable. This is a province that rejected Harper's Conservatives Jr provincially for being too socially regressive but elected the same idiots federally. How do people reconcile that?

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Rob Anders is a dickhead. I wasn't too perturbed when he said the shit about Mulcair and Jack Layton, nor when Peter Stoffer called Rob Anders a dick head on national TV, but I've been playing the songified version of Stoffer's comment on a loop in my head ever since he turned out to be a transphobic jerk:


As for washrooms, there are gender neutral washrooms and unisex washrooms. Dorm washrooms are often unisex - they're the kind with multiple stalls that people of all genders use. I've only ever heard gender neutral washrooms used to mean the kind that one person at a time can use. There need to be more of both, of course, everyone I know who can't go into gendered washrooms has a hard time. I see the need for gendered washrooms - women especially can feel unsafe doing their business around men - but gendered washrooms need to be open to everyone of the gender they're designated for, not just the cis members of that gender. And gendered washrooms obviously shouldn't be the only washrooms, 'cause even in a world free of transphobic washroom harassment, not everyone's gender is within the binary.

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How many cities in Texas have a Muslim mayor?

The mayor of Calgary is an Ismaili Muslim.

(I actually enjoyed the Rockies and have some friends and family in Calgary - my great-grandmother grew up there.)

None that I'm aware of. however, we do have an out lesbian mayor in Houston (the state's largest city).

As an outsider, is my understanding that Manitoba is like Alberta lite correct or incorrect?

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None that I'm aware of. however, we do have an out lesbian mayor in Houston (the state's largest city).

As an outsider, is my understanding that Manitoba is like Alberta lite correct or incorrect?

Manitoba is pretty blue (conservative) with a pinch of orange (left-socialist) and one small pocket of red (liberal). Winnipeg central is mostly left, along with Churchill (the polar bear capital of the world!) but the rest of the province is conservative, generally farmers are and I have no idea why. They repeatedly get fucked over by the conservative governments.

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Manitoba is pretty blue (conservative) with a pinch of orange (left-socialist) and one small pocket of red (liberal). Winnipeg central is mostly left, along with Churchill (the polar bear capital of the world!) but the rest of the province is conservative, generally farmers are and I have no idea why. They repeatedly get fucked over by the conservative governments.

Yeah, I spent 30 years in Western MB and didn't really think anything of it (although I halfheartedly started voting NDP, even though I knew they wouldn't beat the Conservative candidate, and forget about having a Green party option). I've lived in ON for the past 5 years, and now when I visit my home town I really notice the conservative outlook and views. To the point where I know that I could never live there again, even though I have friends and family and really miss the big prairie sky. It is just far too small-minded and there is such a lack of world-view. And I'm talking Brandon here, not some tiny town. I'm not saying that Ontario is the be all end all of liberal outlooks (it has plenty of it's own problems), but there is a noticeable difference between the two provinces.

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How many cities in Texas have a Muslim mayor?

Pakistani-born Muslim Dr. Arjumand Hashmi is mayor of Paris, TX. Kountze, TX, elected a Muslim mayor in 1992.

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I can honestly say I have never, ever seen a male/female toilet in a public place - except for individual disabled toilets.

Maybe I'm ignorant but I have never even thought of it before. Any other Aussies here seen any? Is this something that people have asked for?

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Pakistani-born Muslim Dr. Arjumand Hashmi is mayor of Paris, TX. Kountze, TX, elected a Muslim mayor in 1992.

That will teach me to trash talk when I have no idea what I'm talking about :oops:

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I am truly afraid for my rights as a Canadian women with Harper and all the horrible people he has in power. I am ready to move to Iceland.

This! I'm also a scientist and he's already cost me my job. First my job- then my uterus ... Hopefully by the next election I still have the right to vote :roll:

Furthermore - I can say that in the years I've been using public washrooms no one has checked to make sure that I have a vagina; furthermore, I've never conducted any 'surprise genital checks'. The stalls are all still private (I know for mens this is a bit different). I don't see what the huge deal is?

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I've never encountered unisex-bathrooms yet, but in theory, I have no problem with it. But I'd vote for them to have stalls only and not a line of urinaries at the front you'd have to pass if you wanted to pee sitting down... ;)

Serious part:

This is offensive beyond believe. Doesn't it fit into those peoples' heads that there are more sexual affinities/gender roles than heterosexual and pedophile? Really! It's like saying: Being celibate will make you pedophile, because you can't have a woman. No, it won't. It is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THING.

Correct me if I am wrong, aren't transgendered people lowest on scale for violent crimes? By logic, they should be more worried letting their adolescent son going into an all-men bathroom than transgendered people using any bathroom.

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Yeah, I spent 30 years in Western MB and didn't really think anything of it (although I halfheartedly started voting NDP, even though I knew they wouldn't beat the Conservative candidate, and forget about having a Green party option). I've lived in ON for the past 5 years, and now when I visit my home town I really notice the conservative outlook and views. To the point where I know that I could never live there again, even though I have friends and family and really miss the big prairie sky. It is just far too small-minded and there is such a lack of world-view. And I'm talking Brandon here, not some tiny town. I'm not saying that Ontario is the be all end all of liberal outlooks (it has plenty of it's own problems), but there is a noticeable difference between the two provinces.

I lived in Calgary for 2 years and I yearned for my orange bastion of sanity in the Bloor/Danforth riding. Calgary was an eye-opener despite having hick conservative relatives from the Lindsay, ON area.

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That will teach me to trash talk when I have no idea what I'm talking about :oops:

Google is our friend. :D

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