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Sarah Maxwell is blessed on 9-11


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Are they even aware of 9/11? With how they purposefully keep away from the news and think they will get anything important by overhearing it while at the store, I wonder how much they know.

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Tell me, you veterans, will I eventually get to a point where I can read about this stuff and think anything other than "what a bunch of bullshit" or something to that affect?

Eventually I'd like to be able to make an intelligent comment on the stuff. Maybe it takes a while to get over the shock that people really think this way?? Maybe I will become immune, eventually?? Desensitized? Because right now, every time I read one of these posts I can't seem to get past that initial wave of WTF??!!

Pray for me, people.....pray for me. :pray: :roll:

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Are they even aware of 9/11? With how they purposefully keep away from the news and think they will get anything important by overhearing it while at the store, I wonder how much they know.

Oh, they know. They live close to an army base and everyone knows someone who knows someone who had family or friend in the Pentagon that day if not the towers or plane.

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I'm sure they hold firm to the belief that 9/11 was god's message to the unsaved. So I guess that would explain why Sarah is blessed.

Buggaboo, it never gets any easier. The Maxwells are my pet fundies but they (well, just Steve actually because I'm convinced he emotionally if not physically abused his family until he broke them) still never cease to amaze, confound and disgust me.

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I just went to Titus2 to find this, and they've updated the blog again - headline now is "The Clock is Ticking." :lol: You betcha...

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I'm sure they hold firm to the belief that 9/11 was god's message to the unsaved. So I guess that would explain why Sarah is blessed.

I was going to say this yesterday in the 9/11 thread, but I felt like maybe I'd already inundated you all enough with my comments. However, what you wrote here reminded me again. At the time of 9/11 I was working for a fundie. Maybe he was fundie lite, his wife did wear pants, but they did the whole Christian home school thing and were very conservative, anti gay, had to go to a special church, yadda yadda.

Anyway I remember the next day (after 9/11), him remarking to me that what had happened "was terrible, but at least now some people would finally be getting the wake up call they needed".

In my state of mind at the time, I had only a vague idea what he meant. I mean, I assumed it was asinine because I knew him well enough to know it meant yet another thing we would have to 'agree to disagree' on.......but had I known at the time that he actually meant the kind of shit you've just mentioned above, I probably would have quit on the spot. :evil:

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And also, your avatar makes my TMJ flare up. :lol: Just seeing her jaw clenched into that determined, grinding smile :roll:....ouch!

Edited because my constant abuse of smilies came back to haunt me.

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]I'm sure they hold firm to the belief that 9/11 was god's message to the unsaved. So I guess that would explain why Sarah is blessed.

Buggaboo, it never gets any easier. The Maxwells are my pet fundies but they (well, just Steve actually because I'm convinced he emotionally if not physically abused his family until he broke them) still never cease to amaze, confound and disgust me.

This. Steve and Teri probably told the kids that 11 years ago. I hate to say this, but I can picture Steve telling Sarah who was 19 at the time of the attacks that should she feel blessed that she is sheltered. He probably mentioned the working women who were killed at twin towers and the ones on the plane.

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It made me wonder if Steve-O has finally found Sarah a husband.

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I have to agree with what people are saying about the Maxwell family. Steve makes me CRAZY!!! I kind of find it hard to believe that their kids have not strayed away from the flock. They talk about how other people have come up to them to share that their kids are now "lost to the world" this bother me that really STRANGERS would say that to them.

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I wonder how much the Maxwell "children" including Sarah have actually seen of 9/11. I'm sure they heard of it, but they don't watch the evil tv, or look at the evil newspapers, so do you think they've seen all the pictures and footage? I also wonder how much they know of what's going on in the world. It has to be something as big as 9/11 for them to have heard of it, they're so isolated. Which is why Sarah probably didn't note the date...their whole world and life is there family, nothing else.

Saying she's blessed so much makes me think she's actually miserable and saying that to hide it.

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I wonder how much the Maxwell "children" including Sarah have actually seen of 9/11. I'm sure they heard of it, but they don't watch the evil tv, or look at the evil newspapers, so do you think they've seen all the pictures and footage? I also wonder how much they know of what's going on in the world. It has to be something as big as 9/11 for them to have heard of it, they're so isolated. Which is why Sarah probably didn't note the date...their whole world and life is there family, nothing else.

Saying she's blessed so much makes me think she's actually miserable and saying that to hide it.

If Sarah was visiting grocery stores in the days or weeks after 9/11, she likely saw magazine covers that had pictures of the Twin Towers falling or pictures of the second plane hitting. I doubt that she or any of other Maxwells minus Christopher and Nathan have seen any 9/11 footage. I can see Steve having YouTube blocked on the home computers. I wouldn't be surprised if Christopher has watched 9/11 footage since leaving Steve's house.

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I just can't feel the contempt for Sarah M. that I do for Josh Duggar. All I have is pity. Oceans of it. She's never been able to go to a crappy fast food restuarant with her friends, take assinine photos of gas stations and post them, travel without Daddy at her heels, make a face without Mommy Dearest going off the rails. She lives a barren life and is force to tell the world she is "blessed".

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I remember the only reference the Maxwells made to 9/11 was when Sarah mentioned her father decided she would not go to New York to see some friends. The trip had been planned far in advanced and Steve later noted Sarah was disappointed but after the "tragic events there", they decided it was best to avoid flying and avoid the New York area. This was explained by Sarah of the importance of having a headship who can protect her and make these decisions for her (at age 19).

I honestly believe that the Maxwells are so sheltered from reality that even 9/11 barely touched them. What made the day so horrific was that so many of us witnessed it on live TV, saw the pictures and videos of the building burning and then collapsing. The networks turned into a 24 news cycle. Everywhere, we read about 9/11. It was unavoidable. For New Yorkers and many Americans, the Twin Towers are a part of the landscape. You see it in movies and TV and when you visit New York City. They were not just some random buildings. Watching them collapse was like watching a piece of America destroyed.

The Maxwells don't watch TV, don't read the news, barely socialize with outsiders, probably never traveled to NYC as a family. I can imagine the only difference in the post 9/11 days were conversations with people in lines, images from newspapers and magazines covers and.....well, Sarah's trip. The kids probably aren't even aware of the Twin Towers. They probably never saw the coverage on TV. I seriously they read about it in magazines or newspapers. I bet the youngest, Jesse and Mary, don't even acknowledge 9/11 as a special date since they were so young when it occurred and the family don't make note of it. People really give the Maxwells too much credit by assuming Steve would turn 9/11 into a moral lesson. Steve and co. probably don't even discuss it. To them, it's just one more evil 'out there' that heathens deal with while they remain pure in their holy home.

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Guest Anonymous
I remember the only reference the Maxwells made to 9/11 was when Sarah mentioned her father decided she would not go to New York to see some friends. The trip had been planned far in advanced and Steve later noted Sarah was disappointed but after the "tragic events there", they decided it was best to avoid flying and avoid the New York area. This was explained by Sarah of the importance of having a headship who can protect her and make these decisions for her (at age 19).

I honestly believe that the Maxwells are so sheltered from reality that even 9/11 barely touched them. What made the day so horrific was that so many of us witnessed it on live TV, saw the pictures and videos of the building burning and then collapsing. The networks turned into a 24 news cycle. Everywhere, we read about 9/11. It was unavoidable. For New Yorkers and many Americans, the Twin Towers are a part of the landscape. You see it in movies and TV and when you visit New York City. They were not just some random buildings. Watching them collapse was like watching a piece of America destroyed.

The Maxwells don't watch TV, don't read the news, barely socialize with outsiders, probably never traveled to NYC as a family. I can imagine the only difference in the post 9/11 days were conversations with people in lines, images from newspapers and magazines covers and.....well, Sarah's trip. The kids probably aren't even aware of the Twin Towers. They probably never saw the coverage on TV. I seriously they read about it in magazines or newspapers. I bet the youngest, Jesse and Mary, don't even acknowledge 9/11 as a special date since they were so young when it occurred and the family don't make note of it. People really give the Maxwells too much credit by assuming Steve would turn 9/11 into a moral lesson. Steve and co. probably don't even discuss it. To them, it's just one more evil 'out there' that heathens deal with while they remain pure in their holy home.

Stevie never INTENDED to let Sarah go to New York and see some friends. If the 9/11 disaster hadn't happened, he would have had to pull some excuse out of his ass to keep her home. As it was, 9/11 gave him respectable grounds to cancel the trip.

Sorry Sarah, but your only hope of escape is if your sorry excuse for a father does the right thing and croaks while you still have some of your youth left.

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How extreme were the Maxwells in 2001, I wonder? Had Steve already banished "the beast" (TV) from their house?

I believe "The Beast" got banished when the oldest was about 11 years old, so there should have been no beast in the house on 9/11. Still, there were slightly less isolating at the time, in that they were going to an actual church with actual non family, non nursing home congregants. However, Steve left the workforce in 1997, so I'm sure he had the family well settled in Crazytown by 2001.

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Stevie never INTENDED to let Sarah go to New York and see some friends. If the 9/11 disaster hadn't happened, he would have had to pull some excuse out of his ass to keep her home. As it was, 9/11 gave him respectable grounds to cancel the trip.

Sorry Sarah, but your only hope of escape is if your sorry excuse for a father does the right thing and croaks while you still have some of your youth left.

Sarah had actual FRIENDS in 2001???? :shock:

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I would imagine there is some sort of stringent application process for becoming "friends" with Sarah. It's made up and approved by Steve, of course.

My hubby is extremely protective of my younger sister. He always jokes about "the application", which is his list of requirements for someone to date her. The joke is there is pretty much no man alive who would pass the test.

I'm thinking it's a pretty small pool of people who are good enough for Sarah, as well. But at least my hubby is JOKING. Steve, on the other hand.... :roll:

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What some might call friends.... blog readers or conference attendees, no doubt. ;)

And notice how the "friends" are in another state. Can't have any local friends that she can, you know see on a regular basis. Chaperoned phone calls and emails Steve reads are good enough for her! Though I don't even think she has what some might call friends anymore.

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And notice how the "friends" are in another state. Can't have any local friends that she can, you know see on a regular basis. Chaperoned phone calls and emails Steve reads are good enough for her! Though I don't even think she has what some might call friends anymore.

Who needs "friends" when you have all that fantastic family time?

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