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George Takei Takes On Religious Fundamentalists


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It’s no surprise that I’m a Democrat. I’m a gay man, I got married to my husband Brad, and I don’t particularly like being told my marriage should be invalidated because I don’t have the same rights as other people. But mind you, I don’t forget that it was a Democratic President (FDR) who abused his power 70 years ago and put my family and me in an internment camp without charge, trial or cause. Now that was Big Government at its very worst. So I am leery of excessive government power or control of any kind.

That’s why I want to take a moment here to talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room: To ask why the GOP has allowed itself to be hijacked by extremists who aren’t Republican at all.

At their core, Republicans are for smaller government. That means LESS governmental intrusion into our lives, our affairs, our money. Consistently applied, this is a sound and important philosophy that acts as a counterweight to wasteful government spending, excessive taxation, and Big Brother intrusiveness. It is a “live and let live†attitude. Good people may disagree respectfully whether more or less government is needed in areas such as healthcare and education, whether a larger military or more international intervention is needed, and whether we should cut taxes on the wealthy or raise them. I personally can completely understand the economic rationales behind the GOP platform, even if I don’t think we should retry them right now.

What I simply can’t understand is why the GOP ignores the gorilla in their tent when it comes to social issues. For a party that prides itself on less government intrusion, it sure seems busy these days telling women and LGBT persons what they can and cannot do. This is not only inconsistent, it is a poor strategy for keeping the party strong, growing, and current. If religious fundamentalists want to push their extremist agendas, they should do it in some other party, so that I don’t have sit there in awkward conversations with my Republican friends, secretly wondering how they can continue to pander to such drivel.

It would be as if the Democrats suddenly had their ranked filled by hard-core Communists who steadily called upon the total abolishment of private business. (And no, that’s not what Obamacare does, notwithstanding the rhetoric. You may disagree with the individual mandate, but it’s not a government take-over, it’s a tax–as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court himself concluded.) If someone like Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez showed up at a Democratic Party function and waved Mao’s little red book around, I would say, “Sorry, I know Democrats. I’ve worked for years with Democrats. You’re no Democrat. And you can’t sit with us.â€

It’s time for true Republicans to regain control of their party. For Republicans who believe in a woman’s right to choose not to have to pretend that they don’t. For those who believe that two people who love each other should be allowed to get married, who the hell cares, to say so. And for those who would like to see more Ron Pauls and fewer Mike Huckabees to stand up and say, “Actually, WE’RE the real Republicans. Now get off our lawn.â€

Wouldn’t that be a Grand Old time again?

— GT


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Guest Anonymous
And for those who would like to see more Ron Pauls and fewer Mike Huckabees to stand up and say, “Actually, WE’RE the real Republicans. Now get off our lawn.â€

Uh, Ron Paul is super ridiculous anti-choice and, IMO, a total nutbar. Other than that, it's a nice rant.

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I remember when the GOP was about personal liberty and small government, but it just is not that way anymore.

I know a lot of Republicans who cannot get past the now-false idea that Democrats spend more. My FIL, for example, is voting Mittens because he is convinced Mitt will fix the debt just because he is conservative.

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Uh, Ron Paul is super ridiculous anti-choice and, IMO, a total nutbar. Other than that, it's a nice rant.

Ron Paul IS an anti-choice nutbar, but he's an anti-choice nutbar that advocates for each individual state deciding whether or not to allow abortions, not one that dreams of a federal ban.

That doesn't excuse his anti-choicery, but it does put him more in line with the "small federal government" stance that the Republican party is allegedly all about.

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Ron Paul IS an anti-choice nutbar, but he's an anti-choice nutbar that advocates for each individual state deciding whether or not to allow abortions, not one that dreams of a federal ban.

That doesn't excuse his anti-choicery, but it does put him more in line with the "small federal government" stance that the Republican party is allegedly all about.

For most of the country, this is identical to being an anti-choicer.

Controlling abortion =/= small government.

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For most of the country, this is identical to being an anti-choicer.

Controlling abortion =/= small government.

I agree. I was only trying to establish that Ron Paul's anti-choice stance is smaller-government than the rest of the Republican party, who are actively seeking to outright ban abortion federally. At least in Ron Paul's world, some states could choose to keep reproductive rights intact, and the federal government would have no say in that.

Ron Paul is still an anti-choice tool, though.

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I am pretty small government-ish in that I think you need to have a really, really good reason to make something illegal or impose restrictions. This is why I am pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.

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Guest Anonymous

For most of the country, this is identical to being an anti-choicer.

Controlling abortion =/= small government.

Yep. I would be shit out of luck in my red state if he had his way, and I can't afford to pick up and move to a blue one.

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I remember when the GOP was about personal liberty and small government, but it just is not that way anymore.

I know a lot of Republicans who cannot get past the now-false idea that Democrats spend more. My FIL, for example, is voting Mittens because he is convinced Mitt will fix the debt just because he is conservative.

I remember when the GOP was also about fiscal responsibility but that ship certainly has sailed. I am so sick of my GOP friends constantly screaming about how liberal all Democrats are. Why is being liberal 'bad' and conservative 'good'. Personally I am liberal on some things and conservative on others. All this black/white rhetoric in this country is toxic.

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I am pretty small government-ish in that I think you need to have a really, really good reason to make something illegal or impose restrictions. This is why I am pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.

We are ideologically the same, but I interpret my stance a little differently. I consider myself a little pro-big-government because I think the right to choose and the right to marry are so fundamental, that the federal government needs to step in and say the states cannot interfere.

I'm just splitting hairs, though. The important thing is that the rights of individuals to choose what is best for them are protected.

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We are ideologically the same, but I interpret my stance a little differently. I consider myself a little pro-big-government because I think the right to choose and the right to marry are so fundamental, that the federal government needs to step in and say the states cannot interfere.

I'm just splitting hairs, though. The important thing is that the rights of individuals to choose what is best for them are protected.

Right, I can see that. I just don't think you get to call yourself a small government conservative when you want government to tell people who to marry, who to fuck, and what medical procedures they can have.

I am actually a fiscal conservative in many ways. I don't like waste and I like bang for my buck. However, I think it is financially wise to invest in Americans. Some things seem like a no-brainer to me. Socialized medicine costs less; we can look at countries that have it and see that. So it is a wise decision. Children who score poorly on standardized tests in elementary school are much more likely to go to prison. So educate them with all the resources we can scrounge up, because it costs less than incarceration.

I guess I am more fiscally rational than fiscally conservative. Socially, I don't think many people are more liberal than I am. I have become very socially liberal as I became more educated and matured a bit.

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Right, I can see that. I just don't think you get to call yourself a small government conservative when you want government to tell people who to marry, who to fuck, and what medical procedures they can have.

I am actually a fiscal conservative in many ways. I don't like waste and I like bang for my buck. However, I think it is financially wise to invest in Americans. Some things seem like a no-brainer to me. Socialized medicine costs less; we can look at countries that have it and see that. So it is a wise decision. Children who score poorly on standardized tests in elementary school are much more likely to go to prison. So educate them with all the resources we can scrounge up, because it costs less than incarceration.

I guess I am more fiscally rational than fiscally conservative. Socially, I don't think many people are more liberal than I am. I have become very socially liberal as I became more educated and matured a bit.

I think I love you.

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I love you right back! :romance-heartstiny:

I think FreeJinger has allowed me to embrace my liberal side. I still find myself slipping occasionally and being apologetic about being a liberal or a feminist. But really, they should be the ones apologizing. Because liberal politics at their root are about the idea that we need to care, and that is the way it should be.

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I think I love you.

I think I do, too. :lol: I've never been very good at articulating my political views and beliefs, but that last little paragraph up there in particular kind of summed it all up. :clap:

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I just can't understand those Republicans who go "Big government is evil!" but then want to make the government small enough to fit into my uterus. Fiscally conservative, no matter what you think of it, can be logically explained. Social conservatism makes no sense. Why would anyone think they can have a right to judge who other people have sex with or what they do with their own body? Their only reason is either their God says so, or they find it icky. Those are ridiculous reasons, and I have never heard a socially conservative person defend taking away rights from others using logic. Not that that can ever be defended.

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I think I do, too. :lol: I've never been very good at articulating my political views and beliefs, but that last little paragraph up there in particular kind of summed it all up. :clap:

Thirded. Not to gush, but Emmiedahl's always been one of my favorite posters, not only for the above reasons but because she was the first person to respond to my earliest posts. And because I think she looks like Tori/Delirium!

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Yeah, it's nice to hear that people are taking notice of the extremist hijacking the Republican Party. I know plenty of moderate Repubs who can't understand why the party is being pulled towards the Religious Right. Even my in-laws, long time Repubs, feel weary of Palin and her Tea Party ilk. All that talk about small government don't mean squat when it comes to reproductive health and sexual behavior. It's small government until someone gets married or wants an abortion, then it's all about getting the government involved.

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Right, I can see that. I just don't think you get to call yourself a small government conservative when you want government to tell people who to marry, who to fuck, and what medical procedures they can have.

I am actually a fiscal conservative in many ways. I don't like waste and I like bang for my buck. However, I think it is financially wise to invest in Americans. Some things seem like a no-brainer to me. Socialized medicine costs less; we can look at countries that have it and see that. So it is a wise decision. Children who score poorly on standardized tests in elementary school are much more likely to go to prison. So educate them with all the resources we can scrounge up, because it costs less than incarceration.

I guess I am more fiscally rational than fiscally conservative. Socially, I don't think many people are more liberal than I am. I have become very socially liberal as I became more educated and matured a bit.

Fourthed. We seem pretty much on par politically.

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Yeah, it's nice to hear that people are taking notice of the extremist hijacking the Republican Party. I know plenty of moderate Repubs who can't understand why the party is being pulled towards the Religious Right. Even my in-laws, long time Repubs, feel weary of Palin and her Tea Party ilk. All that talk about small government don't mean squat when it comes to reproductive health and sexual behavior. It's small government until someone gets married or wants an abortion, then it's all about getting the government involved.

My husband has always been a fiscal conservative. He calls himself a Republican but lately, he has been grumbling a lot more about the extremist among them. In many ways, he fits emmiedal's description of herself better than he fits the modern Republican party. He is prochoice and prosame sex marriage. I can't quite get him over the hump of voting Democrat but he says that he'll vote for a third party. Sometimes I wonder how many people are like my husband and feel abandoned by their own party

Although I am NOT a fan of Ayn Rand, I thought it was very interesting that she didn't like Ronald Reagan's combination of religion and libertarianism. She was also prochoice.

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I love you right back! :romance-heartstiny:

I think FreeJinger has allowed me to embrace my liberal side. I still find myself slipping occasionally and being apologetic about being a liberal or a feminist. But really, they should be the ones apologizing. Because liberal politics at their root are about the idea that we need to care, and that is the way it should be.

Exactly. Being a liberal is not and should not be anything to be ashamed of, because the idea that maybe we should all care a little bit about what's happening to everyone else is a good one. Thinking that way is one of the key elements of being a good person.

For example: I think opposing gay marriage automatically makes one a terrible person. I really do. There is no good reason to try and prevent two consenting adults from getting married to one another. I just don't get the rationale. I can't believe so many people feel sufficiently strongly about pissing all over the happiness of people they don't even know to make a political fuss over this.

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Right, I can see that. I just don't think you get to call yourself a small government conservative when you want government to tell people who to marry, who to fuck, and what medical procedures they can have.

I am actually a fiscal conservative in many ways. I don't like waste and I like bang for my buck. However, I think it is financially wise to invest in Americans. Some things seem like a no-brainer to me. Socialized medicine costs less; we can look at countries that have it and see that. So it is a wise decision. Children who score poorly on standardized tests in elementary school are much more likely to go to prison. So educate them with all the resources we can scrounge up, because it costs less than incarceration.

I guess I am more fiscally rational than fiscally conservative. Socially, I don't think many people are more liberal than I am. I have become very socially liberal as I became more educated and matured a bit.

This is an argument I find myself making more and more to people. I'm a pretty ardent supporter of democratic socialism, for moral as well as rational reasons, but even if we're strictly talking about the economy, in a lot of cases socialism makes sense. Like you said, it can be an investment -- either to avoid more government spending in the future (like with education and medicine) or to increase the chances of people achieving great things (which is a financial benefit). I don't know how fiscal conservatives hijacked the term "fiscal responsibility" when so many of their plans involve spending more and getting less in return.

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I just can't understand those Republicans who go "Big government is evil!" but then want to make the government small enough to fit into my uterus. Fiscally conservative, no matter what you think of it, can be logically explained. Social conservatism makes no sense. Why would anyone think they can have a right to judge who other people have sex with or what they do with their own body? Their only reason is either their God says so, or they find it icky. Those are ridiculous reasons, and I have never heard a socially conservative person defend taking away rights from others using logic. Not that that can ever be defended.

QFT, 10 times over! :clap:

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Right, I can see that. I just don't think you get to call yourself a small government conservative when you want government to tell people who to marry, who to fuck, and what medical procedures they can have.

I am actually a fiscal conservative in many ways. I don't like waste and I like bang for my buck. However, I think it is financially wise to invest in Americans. Some things seem like a no-brainer to me. Socialized medicine costs less; we can look at countries that have it and see that. So it is a wise decision. Children who score poorly on standardized tests in elementary school are much more likely to go to prison. So educate them with all the resources we can scrounge up, because it costs less than incarceration.

I guess I am more fiscally rational than fiscally conservative. Socially, I don't think many people are more liberal than I am. I have become very socially liberal as I became more educated and matured a bit.

I think, after feeling for years that I am a political misfit, I am home. 8-)

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Yeah, Takei knows how take on his critics like no one's business. He almost has a new career because of it.

Off topic, but I've always wondered why he didn't get more narration work. He has an awesome voice.

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