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Health Care Is The Church's Fault


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The United States Government has done it again! With the recent Supreme Court validation of ObamaCare, it has usurped the role of individual citizens to care for themselves and will punish them through taxation if they try. The “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave†has taken another giant leap towards the “land of the oppressed and home of the coward.â€

It is cowardly for the government to make certain that the poor and lower middle class are able to afford decent health care? This statement makes me like Brown even less then I already do.

The church in America has come to do what it wants based on pragmatism by saying, “Anything goes, I am under grace not law.â€

Perhaps Burris or someone else can explain this to me. I thought that Christians were saved by grace and were not under the law. IF he wants to follow what Jesus taught, he should be concerning himself with solving the problems of poverty not trying to tell other people what clothes to wear. Isn't that what Jesus taught.

The church has freely set aside the biblical language of church government, church offices, and church practices. It has disregarded simple and clear statements about sexuality, manhood, and womanhood and rejected the clear teaching of Scripture on the matter of educating children. Like the Government, the church has become comfortable throwing off all restraint if it can find an excuse. We do not want to be restrained, but the truth is that Scripture restrains. The truth is, the Constitution restrains. They were designed to restrain evil, abuses of power, and inappropriate creativity

If everyone would just be like him and follow his views, we would all be all right.

The Bible is not clear on how to educate and bring up children. It has a few verses about children but, for the most part, doesn't really give a lot of child caring advice.

Again, this is a man that views making certain that the poor are able to see a doctor as something evil.

They are raising up a new generation of sons and daughters who desire to be governed by the Word of God alone and as a result, honor the Constitution of the United 

The bible does not guarentee free speech, free press or even give us the right to bear(bare?) arns. It didn't emancipate the slaves or give women the right to vote. The bible doesn't talk about voting at all. We have seperation of church and state for a reason.


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Ummm, render unto Caesar...? Funny how they all forget that.

I'm shocked that Scott Brown believes that providing decent health care is cowardly. His disagreement with 'Obamacare' doesn't bother me as much as his description of it as being cowardly. How does someone even come up with that kind of adjective for making certain that our nation's most vulnerable members see a doctor?

For those who don't know, Scott Brown is the father of Kelly Bradrick. I think about his daughter heating up water on the stove for her five children without any help from her husband, Peter and realize if that is the life that Brown wants for all women. Um...no thank you, Scott.

And yeah...a lot of modern conservative Chrisitians conviently forget that their own savior said that he would ask his followers why they didn't feed or clothe him. And when Christians claim that they never saw him naked or hungry, he will reply that "When you care for the poor, you care for me."

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Top Eleven Things Cultures Hate That the Bible Tells Women

Women should be keepers at home.

Women should submit and obey their husbands following the example of Sarah and regard their husbands as "lord."

Women should dress modestly.

Women should be fruitful and multiply.

Younger women should be taught by older women.

Women should not kill their babies made in the image of God.

Wives don’t own their own bodies, their husbands do.

Wives should respect their husbands.

Women should not be busybodies – chat rooms, blogs, and Facebook.

Women should not exercise authority over men.

Lesbianism is evil.

Hahaha OH how men like to fit the 'good' book to meet their own purpose. Cos' you know I'm just never done reading that passage about Facebook. I'm also desperately waiting for my 'Lord' to get home from work with my 'body.' OH wait I'm not married. I'm good. I am sure this genius has that covered somewhere :roll:

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Hahaha OH how men like to fit the 'good' book to meet their own purpose. Cos' you know I'm just never done reading that passage about Facebook. I'm also desperately waiting for my 'Lord' to get home from work with my 'body.' OH wait I'm not married. I'm good. I am sure this genius has that covered somewhere :roll:

These people throw out several bible verses. The truth is that there were examples of women working in the New Testament. Lydia made dye, for instance. The verse that women should be keepers of the home was meant for those stay at home mothers who were gossipling to neighbors. Reading the verse in context makes that apparent. Did you read his rules for men?

1.Men are obligated to teach their wives and children the Word of God.

2.Men are held responsible for the outcome of their family lives.

3.Men must ensure that their whole families and everyone else around them should celebrate the Sabbath.

4.Men, not women, are obligated to lead the church.

5.Men are in a role of headship over their wives.

6.Men must bring up their children in the training and admonition of the Lord, not the ways of the gentiles.

7.Men do not have exclusive authority over their own bodies since their wives also have authority.

8.Men are sent to serve, not be served, by loving their wives as Christ loved the church, laying down their lives for them.

9.Fathers’ hearts should be turned toward their children.

10.Men protect women.

11.Homosexuality is sin.

What happens if your wife stops believing in god or your church? How does the man follow number 1-3? Making the man responsible for the wife's actions could lead to abuse. When my family was attending a small Baptist Church in Iowa, I began to have a lot of doubts about the church. My husband wanted to attend, I did not. To be honest, I emotionally could not attend the church because it was so controlling. SO, my husband went without me. On Wednesday, he took the kids to their bible meetings and I spent time alone. We were both all right with the arrangements but my husband told me later that the men of his church approached him about making me go to church. When he asked how he was supposed to accomplish that feat, they told him that as the man of the house, he should be able to make me attend. Luckily, he ignored them or we would be divorced now.

I don't understand why men should protect women? From what? Most of my life is not spent doing anything dangerous. I don't meet ninjas or mafia members when I do laundry. Certainly if I am in real danger, I hope that any decent human would come to my aid but I don't think that I owe submission to anyone on the slight chance that I might need protection at some point.

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I did. Which is why I was not interested in his opinion about healthcare or just about anything else really. If he wants to preach about women gossiping with neighbours and use it in context to 'Blogging' or 'Facebook' well let him credit me with being able to make that HUGE leap in intelligence without him having to translate it for me. Twat.

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Yeah, churches like to make people dependent on them so they can use coercive tactics to pressure people to convert. It has been going on a for a very long time and "charity" is rarely unconditional when coming from religious groups. Of course, this is exactly why we need health care reform to ensure that people can have their needs met, but a lot of churches are angry that they will have less leverage to hold over people. This is also the reason I am highly mistrustful of missionaries. Taking advantage of needy people to push an agenda is an age-old tactic and it's dishonest.

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