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Fundie sightings!


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Ok, I thought we needed a fundie sighting place because we get to observe these glorious creatures in real life and not just on the interwebz.

I was at the local grocery store. Saw two women in knee length jean skirts. I was unsure if they were fundie. Then I noticed that they had tennis shoes on and that totally made my mind up. They were buying flowers a very feminine thing to do!

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I saw three or four of them exiting the washroom at the San Francisco airport a few months ago. IIRC, they were wearing polo shirts, long dark flowered skirts, and tennis shoes. The first thing I thought was something like, fundies!

Also, Hyles Anderson College is about 50 or so miles from here, so occasionally I see their buses around the city. Needless to say, people who came in on those buses are pretty easy to spot.

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I've seen a family at the grocery store a couple of times now. Mom and the girls wear skirts and headcoverings. We have a Baptist church in town that is really REALLY fundie -vision forum and the whole bit.

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Not long ago, I was on the road and stopped at an Arby's for lunch. There were three women wearing long skirts, button-down blouses, Keds, white bobby socks, and headcoverings. They prayed over their roast beef sandwiches.

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Ok, I thought we needed a fundie sighting place because we get to observe these glorious creatures in real life and not just on the interwebz.

I was at the local grocery store. Saw two women in knee length jean skirts. I was unsure if they were fundie. Then I noticed that they had tennis shoes on and that totally made my mind up. They were buying flowers a very feminine thing to do!

;) Don't judge yet as many non-fundies wear long jean skirts and tennis shoes, and I'm guilty of that myself. I tend to dress like a fundy but as you know, I'm not fundy. And I buy flowers too. ;) Gotta have more proof than that or everyone here in my town would be fundy and I doubt all of Colo Spgs is fundy.

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Not long ago, I was on the road and stopped at an Arby's for lunch. There were three women wearing long skirts, button-down blouses, Keds, white bobby socks, and headcoverings. They prayed over their roast beef sandwiches.

I'm not fundy but I pray over my fast food too. It's a quick little prayer, head bowed and that's it. :geek:

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A few days ago I was pulling out of the mall and I saw this family in a big suburban with a trailer on the back. It looked like they'd been on the road for awhile and they were stopping to let their dogs walk around on the grass by the mall. About five or six kids came spilling out of the car and at first I thought, "Ooooh, maybe they're fundies," but I kind of doubt it because there was no sign of Dad and Mom and all the girls were wearing shorts and tank tops.

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ladypuglover, you make a good point on assuming that not everyone is fundie. It is that in my community, I never see people dressing like that and I live in a smallish area. Granted, this was not in my town but in the neighboring big town. They had the attitude of the fundie world. I just don't like being looked at as a big ol'sinner whose going to hell :twisted: . I get enough of that from my own mother. In a two minute interaction, I got the vibe and my vibes have been off before but all the clues I observed pointed me to one conclusion.

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Well, not all of the Springs, but I bet your per capita average is way above the national norm. :pray:

It is. :cry:

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ladypuglover, you make a good point on assuming that not everyone is fundie. It is that in my community, I never see people dressing like that and I live in a smallish area. Granted, this was not in my town but in the neighboring big town. They had the attitude of the fundie world. I just don't like being looked at as a big ol'sinner whose going to hell :twisted: . I get enough of that from my own mother. In a two minute interaction, I got the vibe and my vibes have been off before but all the clues I observed pointed me to one conclusion.

:lol: How quickly I forget that not everywhere is over-run with hippy or fundy people. You're right, but in my town that tennis shoe/ denim wearing woman might be a wiccan as easily as a fundy. Here you have to have several visual and audio clues before coming to a verdict but I forget that isn't always the case elsewhere. Forgive me? :shifty:

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Yes, I forgive you. I live in an area where I see Mennoites often and the occasional Amish on the road. No, I don't live on the east coast. Lot of farm land where I live and it makes it easy for people to homestead.

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We are overrun by fundies here. Even in my husand's generally fairly mainstream baptist church that I visied last sunday we sat behind a family where the mom and 2 little girls were wearing frumpers(mom had no makeup on) and the dad and 3 little boys, all kids under the age of 8, were wearing polo shirts and khakis. I spoke to them afterward because I was curious and the conversation was homeschooler/fundie speak. Which I am fluent in.

Plus in the sermon, the pastor made sure(in a sermon about Job) to insert both his quiverfull and women as wives and mothers agenda. He is sort of a new pastor and apparently this church is becoming much more fundie than I had realized.

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I ran into a faux-Jew a couple weeks ago at work. He was rather annoying, actually. First, he was trying to invite me to faux-Judaism, and second, he would not beleive that I am a caucasian american!!! Our conversation went something like this---

I noticed that you're wearing a hijab. WHere are you from?

me- I'm american

him- Where are your parents from?

me- They're american too.

him-what about your grandparents?

me- My family is American, sir. My family has been in this country since the 1800's, and my ancestors came here from Sweden in the 1800's.

Him- and where were they from before they went to Sweden?

me--I'M FUCKING CAUCASIAN, MAN!!! WHY IS THAT SO DAMN HARD TO BELEIVE!!!!!!! I AM NOT ARAB!!!!!!!!! :evil: (ok, I may not have actually said that last bit, but whatever. )

Annoying. I couldn't tell if his wife was wearing a wig or if it was her real hair (i'm gonna say real hair, why would anyone buy a grey wig??) but she was wearing a frumper!!!!

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You know even though I live in a fairly rural area in the Bible belt I don't see too many people that scream fundie here. I'll occasionally spot one at my favorite Mexican restaurant and the Walmart in that town. I would guess they are more old time Pentecostal/Holiness than VF/ATI/IFB.

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I ran into a faux-Jew a couple weeks ago at work. He was rather annoying, actually. First, he was trying to invite me to faux-Judaism, and second, he would not beleive that I am a caucasian american!!! Our conversation went something like this---

I noticed that you're wearing a hijab. WHere are you from?

me- I'm american

him- Where are your parents from?

me- They're american too.

him-what about your grandparents?

me- My family is American, sir. My family has been in this country since the 1800's, and my ancestors came here from Sweden in the 1800's.

Him- and where were they from before they went to Sweden?

me--I'M FUCKING CAUCASIAN, MAN!!! WHY IS THAT SO DAMN HARD TO BELEIVE!!!!!!! I AM NOT ARAB!!!!!!!!! :evil: (ok, I may not have actually said that last bit, but whatever. )

Annoying. I couldn't tell if his wife was wearing a wig or if it was her real hair (i'm gonna say real hair, why would anyone buy a grey wig??) but she was wearing a frumper!!!!

I don't know why someone would buy a gray wig but wig shops are full of them.

My space key is calling it quits :cry:

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In this area we have a lot of Apostolic Christians. The women usually wear blue jean skirts and wear little white headcoverings on their pinned-up hair. They don't seem to be poor people, as a rule. You see them shopping in the nicest stores.

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We 'went out' to breakfast last week. It was just a quick stop at McDonald's because we were running errands and are in the middle of summer yard projects. I talked DH into going into eat so we could make a grocery list :-) I was rewarded with a family of fundies--Grandma had her long hair pinned up, skirt and sensible shoes. Mom was dressed very nicely, but was clearly a fundie. She had very long hair, dressed her daughter in a very prim/proper jumper type outfit (it was cute--pre-frumper) and her toddler age son was wearing a tie!!

They prayed over the biscuit sandwiches. DH was kind enough to switch spots with me so I could watch them

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There are quite a few super-Christian churches in my town, and I see fundies and their little fundy-lings out and about a lot. Wal-mart is positively lousy with them on Sunday afternoons. I guess nothing says "I love Jesus" better than a trip there after church. My sixteen year old son has started pointing them out to me. We were grocery shopping earlier and he poked me in the ribs and whispered "Frumper brigade at five o'clock". I nearly choked on my gum. :D

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In this area we have a lot of Apostolic Christians. The women usually wear blue jean skirts and wear little white headcoverings on their pinned-up hair. They don't seem to be poor people, as a rule. You see them shopping in the nicest stores.

They pretty much run a town close to were I live. I've not had a good experience with these people. :evil:

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I ran into some at a local Garden & Sculpture park. The mother had her hair up in a bun & was wearing a jean frumper. The boys all wore matching polo shirts & the girls wore floral jumpers and their hair up in buns as well. The mother looked displeased most of the time - probably due to the amount of young people dressed immodestly (and the goth kids probably didn't help either lol). When she saw me I could tell she thought she had found some good modest likeminded friend. Then I sat down, pulled up my shirt and nursed my toddler in full view of her husband and sons. Yeah, I'm a hippy who wears long flowing clothes for comfort, not because Im trying to hide the fact that I have breasts and *gasp* a vagina! :D

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I see fundies and their little fundy-lings out and about a lot.

:lol: "fundy-lings"

All I can picture is frumper-dressed ducklings! :animals-duckie: :animals-duckie: :animals-duckie: :animals-duckie:

I move to add this term to the official FJ dictionary.

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