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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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There's a person here with a raccoon avatar; are you talking about that person? Or on MWOP?

Sorry I'm a bit thick. I blame the cold that is torturing me right now on this beautiful summer day.

MWOP. Sorry, thought it was obvious since I quoted a post about MWOP. The person with a raccoon here is actually, like, literate, so I doubt it's the same person.

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Oh, re: [sNORT] I wasn't trying to hint at anything major. She seems a little attention-needy and takes up a lot of space in the comments, but hey the regulars at MWOP seem to like her, so who am I to judge.

I'm pretty sure she was astroturfing over at GOMI once, though. Or at least, they seemed to think she was - comment thread starting here -

http://getoffmyinternets.net/2012/god-m ... ent-187904

Read down and you'll see Miss Noir's comment suggesting that "Dinosaurs Are Jesus Horses" is actually Snort promoting her own blog. I don't know if it's true, but it did come off that way.

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MWOP. Sorry, thought it was obvious since I quoted a post about MWOP. The person with a raccoon here is actually, like, literate, so I doubt it's the same person.

No, don't be sorry. What others find to be obvious I'm not always sure of. I can give you an example, but it may not be a great one.

When I made a cake from scratch, the directions said to add the dry ingredients to the wet. The directions never said to do it in increments so as to make blending the dry with the wet easier. I was just about to dump all the flour, salt, etc. in with the wet ingredients when my mom stopped me (I was a teenager) and told me the correct way to do it. When it comes to some things, I'm a very literal person and need more clarification. I know the cake example isn't a good one, but it kinda gives you an idea of how my brain works (or doesn't work, as the case may be ;) ). Thanks for clarifying, though, I really do appreciate it. :)

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So I was just looking through her FB, and discovered that they got a kitten. So, they just got rid of all their animals except for Roobi, and then they get a kitten?

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So I was just looking through her FB, and discovered that they got a kitten. So, they just got rid of all their animals except for Roobi, and then they get a kitten?

They got the kitten after Arm and Hammer cat litter became one of her sponsors. :lol:

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Oh, re: [sNORT] I wasn't trying to hint at anything major. She seems a little attention-needy and takes up a lot of space in the comments, but hey the regulars at MWOP seem to like her, so who am I to judge.

I'm pretty sure she was astroturfing over at GOMI once, though. Or at least, they seemed to think she was - comment thread starting here -

http://getoffmyinternets.net/2012/god-m ... ent-187904

Read down and you'll see Miss Noir's comment suggesting that "Dinosaurs Are Jesus Horses" is actually Snort promoting her own blog. I don't know if it's true, but it did come off that way.

Aw, I was hoping for something juicy. I did see that exchange and think the promoter was her, too.

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They got the kitten after Arm and Hammer cat litter became one of her sponsors. :lol:

So, does anyone know how a company like A&H gets hooked up with a blogger? Who chooses the blogger? Does the Blogger "apply"? What's the $$ deal like? Does anyone have the scoop on this?

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McKMamma used her vast contact list to send some spam an E-mail. Included in this contact list are the MWoP she has threatened to sue for defamation. :o

(Sending this to me entire address book. Please don't hate me if you get this and aren't interested! :) )Just wanted y'all to know I have a sale on Ignite Packs (a set of the supplements I've used to lose the 60 pounds I've lost since December) going on just until midnight tonight. I'm also giving away an entire Ignite Pack or a trip to Vegas with me in July. ;)If you're interested, the details are right here: http://mycharmingkids.net/10-h...


Unfortunately, she didn't BCC her contacts, and a shit storm has begun.

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I began laughing and the water I was drinking went down the wrong way.

She's such a precious marvel. :lol: :lol:

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She's giving away an ignite pack OR a trip to Vegas, but the catch is that the trip is with her? Does she gamble? How does she have any money to go to Vegas? What will their accommodations be like? Will they have to share a room to cut down on costs?

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So, does anyone know how a company like A&H gets hooked up with a blogger? Who chooses the blogger? Does the Blogger "apply"? What's the $$ deal like? Does anyone have the scoop on this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

So appropriate. Thanks for letting us know. :lol: :lol:

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I wonder in situations like this, when debt is NOT discharged through BK, if the creditors go through the process of securing judgements or if they just end up writing it off?

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I wonder in situations like this, when debt is NOT discharged through BK, if the creditors go through the process of securing judgements or if they just end up writing it off?

Either. Both.

This is a problem for the McKinneys, but lying on their bk documents could send them to jail.

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Glad for this, but am curious as to how Mckmamma will spin it. Also didn't realise that the hearings took place in my neck of the woods. I can hope for a MckMamma spotting.

She'll probably ignore and delete any comments referring to the charges.

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So, wait, this means that MckMama and MckDaddy will go on trial for lying about their assets?


Yes, it's a trial, sometime in October (as far as I can tell). It looks as though this isn't a criminal proceeding though, the trustee is asking the court to deny them a BK discharge and to award him the assets they hid in the BK filing to pay off some of the debt. As of right now he's asking for some paypal accounts and a trailer, but I hope he has enough evidence to take the blog domain.

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This just in from MWOP. Apparently McM is moving again and has trashed yet another house.

The information that I received (from a person with knowledge) about the condition of the house is as follows:

The "high-end renter" (due to the "very large sum of rent being paid") and "her five children, one dog and one cat" will be vacating the property (per the owner who is not presently local and has not hired a property management company to maintain the property) in August.

An open house was scheduled for last Sunday, but had to be cancelled abruptly due to the condition of the property. When an agent arrived, it was "not fit to be shown whatsoever." To be more specific, it was not simply it need of a straightening or putting toys, etc. away; the condition of the house "goes way beyond that!" The agent stated that there were dirty diapers strewn about the carpet, rotting food, carpets covered with "much more than toys" and filthy "dog messes" everywhere. The agent described it as "disgusting" based on the photos that were taken and shown to the agent. The agent said that they had not been onsite to physically see it for themselves, but that based on the photos, in all their years of showing properties, they have never seen such a high-end property (quoting the original price as being near $300K, then reduced to $250s and so on) with such top-notch finishes throughout as well as inner workings (heating system, wiring, etc.) demanding a more affluent clientele being treated so poorly. The agent said, "You would expect this from a property in a more run-down area, but not in a home such as this. The owner put a lot of money into this property and it shows in his work. But we've never seen anything like this before. It's just terribly, terribly sad."

The agent said that they have reached out to the owner (not local) to alert him of the situation and just reiterated what a shame the entire situation is. The agent said, "Most people who can afford to pay that high dollar amount in rent don't live like that or keep homes like that."

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