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Favorite Botkin and Phillips children


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In the wake of the recent fave-Duggar-kid discussions, I decided it would be entertaining to start a similar thread for Botkins and Phillipses.

Who's your favorite Bot-kid, and why?

How about the Phillipses?

(Hi everyone, by the way. I've been lurking for a few months and enjoying myself greatly... My knowledge/interest lies generally in the VF/Botkin direction, since I know a few people who are involved with them.)

My favorite Botkin offspring is probably Noah. He looks like a total geek... and is kinda cute, too. (He favors Anna in looks a little, IMO.) I like Lucas second-best, I think. He seems to have a bit of a zany personality, which I always like.

Favorite Phillips kid is either Justice or Faith. Justice comes across as way more level-headed (and a great deal less conceited) than his older brother -- and maybe I'm the only one, but I think he's pretty good-looking. Faith seems zany and quirky (told you I liked that). Gotta love her rockin' style.

Now it's your turn.

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i don't know but I find the older Philiips boy/man that pings everyone's gaydar (I don't know they Phillips kids names sorry) extremely defrauding.

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(Hi everyone, by the way. I've been lurking for a few months and enjoying myself greatly... My knowledge/interest lies generally in the VF/Botkin direction, since I know a few people who are involved with them.

Hi SpikedPeaches, and welcome!! Please tell us more -- any and all VF/Botkin inside info gratefully received. ;)

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(Hi everyone, by the way. I've been lurking for a few months and enjoying myself greatly... My knowledge/interest lies generally in the VF/Botkin direction, since I know a few people who are involved with them.

Hi SpikedPeaches, and welcome!! Please tell us more -- any and all VF/Botkin inside info gratefully received. ;)

Ditto this. I would love to have some of the inside info. As for favorites, I'm not sure I have pet Botkins, but I am VERY curious to know more about the kids. We see the packaged version of them online, but they all seem very bright and I'd love to know more about what they are each really like.

Re: the Phillips kids - Again, I don't have a favorite aside from wanting to know what they are really like. Also I think the second oldest son (Justice?) kind of gets a raw deal. It seems like he gets pushed into the background while Joshua gets more attention. Though he may be an introvert and like it this way, I don't know...

Would also be curious to know what Beall is really like. I knew someone who knew her back in the W&M days and said she was smart and very traditional in her beliefs back then, but very sensible. This person was kind of surprised to learn about Vision Forum from me.

Oh, and welcome! I'm still fairly newish here myself.

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I don't know which younger Botkin boy is which, so I can't comment on them.

Elizabeth looks like she would either be a lot of fun if Rasbotkin ever freed her from his clutches, or totally snooty. Hard to say.

I barely know one Phillips from another now that they've grown up so much, but one of the younger boys--Honor, I think--was totally adorable when he was little.

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Ok, so one of my friends was at the recent conference in Washington and heard the Botkins speak. I had a very short but informative conversation with her re: the conference and her impressions of the Botkins. (Even though - or perhaps because? - she is aware of my position regarding VF, etc., she was pretty open.)

- Anna Sofia was less aloof than Elizabeth - though both girls were friendly and personable and looked genuinely happy [i'm pretty sure, for what it's worth, that Anna Sofia's normal, sincere smile is just naturally less "happy-looking" than Elizabeth's]

- Audri (Ben's wifey) is very cute and looks very happy

- The "boys" (Ben, Lucas, Noah) all have very distinct speaking styles

- Victoria is soft-spoken and dignified but down-to-earth

As per the Phillips kids, I don't know what constitutes inside information, but here's my two-cents (based mainly on conversations with friends):

- Josh, personality-wise, is way more out-going and talkative than Justice

- Justice is level-headed and serious (reserved but not necessarily shy)

- Liberty looks and acts about 6 or 8 years older than she actually is (14) [actually, that's true of all three oldest Phillips offspring... must be in the genes]

@darkplumaged: ITA about Honor:


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p.s. While looking for a photo of Honor, I came across this. I'll admit to laughing: visionforum.com/news/blogs/doug/2005/02/994/

(It's interesting... Doug's blogposts used to be a lot more personal and wordy. Maybe he just doesn't have time anymore?)

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SpikedPeaches, was that the first time your friend met them, or has your friend (friends?) been around them before?

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So, on the Navigating History biography page, while everyone else is padding his (or her) resume and patting his (or her) own back, poor little Lucas only gets this attribution:

Lucas Botkin

Writer and all-around helpful person (every endeavor needs one)

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First time that particular friend had seen them (she didn't actually meet them), though the other VF-involved family I know has seen them and the Phillipses several times and met a couple children from each family.

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First time that particular friend had seen them (she didn't actually meet them), though the other VF-involved family I know has seen them and the Phillipses several times and met a couple children from each family.

What are the Botkin children's individual personalities actually like? Very little of their actual personalities show through with their writings, etc., so I can't help but be curious. Has the family you know ever said? All I know is from the very little they've actually said or written. Elizabeth was apparently a strong-willed child who was punished a lot and who was very shy growing up. Anna seems reserved, and she seems like she might have a sarcastic sense of humor, but that's just a guess based on observation. Ben and David seem easy-going, whereas Isaac seems very serious. I have no clue about the younger two. So yeah, it's hard to pick a favorite when I don't know what they're like.

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Out of the Botkins, I think I'd like to chat with David or Anna Sofia.

David always looks happy and silly, and not a fakey-bullshitty-politician smile like his older brother.

Anna Sofia strikes me as more complex and thoughtful than she usually portrays herself in that Visionary Daughters blog.

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I am not familiar with the Phillips children, only the parents. I don't visit Vision Forum on a regular basis and when I do, I don't see much about their family. It's all about their products, conferences, etc.

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p.s. While looking for a photo of Honor, I came across this. I'll admit to laughing: visionforum.com/news/blogs/doug/2005/02/994/

(It's interesting... Doug's blogposts used to be a lot more personal and wordy. Maybe he just doesn't have time anymore?)

I must confess that I have wondered before if the reason why Doug and the Botkins havent been posting as much lately is because anything they say will be ripped to shreds.

This is why we can't have nice things. :(

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I must confess that I have wondered before if the reason why Doug and the Botkins havent been posting as much lately is because anything they say will be ripped to shreds.

This is why we can't have nice things. :(

I've been wondering the same thing. It seems a given that they're reading here and don't like our calling their BS.

The Botkin I've been wondering about lately is Isaac. He's the oldest of the seven offspring, yet we hear very little about him. It would be interesting to know how he feels about two of his younger brothers marrying, and just how much of the Kool-Aid he's imbibed.

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