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Alabama proposing ban on protests at funerals

Guest geniebelle

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Guest Anonymous

Hmmm....this is interesting seeing has how we have censorship laws and laws regarding firearms. So, saying it's unconstitutional doesn't fly anymore. As violence, I don't condone it, and it will just make the situation worse. However, I can see a full on riot happening if WBC keeps protesting at funerals.

I do, however, think that it is totally within the bounds of the US constitution to prevent their expressing their freedom of speech at funerals, because at that point their freedom is oppressing the freedoms of the deceased's family and friends.

I agree with this statement.

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I support the WBC's right to be assholes within the borders of the US, and I love American-style free speech. We are rather unique assholes over here, but even a four year old American child can tell you that they have a First Amendment right to it. :lol: Our government is fascist enough, let's hold on to every right we have. I can only wish the Founding Fathers had included a right to birth control in the Constitution.

I hope Alabama's law gets shot down. Although I might like to see limits on the right to protest near medical facilities, because it does interfere with privacy.

One thing I really like about the US is their 1st Amendment: "I might hate what you said but I'll fight for your right to say it."

That said, protesting at funerals is beyond horrible, classless, tacky, name it...I don't think AL's new law will stand. Knowing how litigious these WBC nuts are, that state better get ready for a long court battle. I read that one way the WBC makes $$ is through lawsuits and countersuits with their opponents. Most of the adults in that family cult are either lawyers, disbarred lawyers or have law degrees. Unfortunately.

And I'm willing to bet that the reason behind AL's law is because WBC protests at military personel's funerals, not due to the fact that they also love to protest gay people's funerals...As I said, protesting funerals is beyond hateful.

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