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The Housewife Breezily Dismisses Attempted Rape

Guest Doomed Harlot

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Guest Anonymous

So this one's a few days old but quite a doozie from the Housewife. She links to a story about a Frenchwoman, a young journalist, who has accused IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault/attempted rape. Apparently, Mr. Strauss-Kahn demanded that she hold his hand as a condition of an interview the journalist, Tristine Banon, was trying to conduct. The Housewife contends that Ms. Banon's account contains "no serious criminal event." But when you click on the link within the Housewife's post, it states that Ms. Banon described how she had to literally fight off Mr. Strauss-Kahn, and that he managed to open her pants and unhook bra as they wrestled on the floor together.

I know the Housewife is batshit crazy, of course. But I am genuinely curious as to what she could possibly be thinking. In what universe is it no biggie for a man to try to forcibly remove your clothes against your will as you try to fight him off???? What is the Housewife's rationale, I wonder -- that it was not serious because the victim was not physically injured or actually raped, because the victim was asking for it somehow, or because that's just what men do and women have to just cope with it? Honestly, I've been reading everything the Housewife writes and I understand the arguments she makes (flawed as they are) but this -- I just don't understand.

I would ask her but you have to email her in order to have any communication and I really don't want her to know who I am. And I'm too lazy to set-up an email account under pseudonym. The link to her post is below.

http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/201 ... more-26110

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The extreme batshit craziness of the stinking fishwife confounds me, I must admit. She clearly lives in a universe shared only by freaks and haters of women like her. I do not read her crap regularly as I must keep my blood pressure under control, but I have never once seen her defend a woman to a man. I can't imagine there are any issues for which she feels men have any culpability, and it seems that rape is no exception. :roll:

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She mentioned that her son just graduated high school this week.

Do some schools really graduate this late? I thought for a split second she was possibly living in the UK. UK Freejingerites, don't you want to claim her?


I too suspect she's a man, but I don't know.

She thought that Lara Logan, the journalist raped during the Egyptian uprisings, was just asking for it. She also did not think she was "raped".

The only time I've seen Stinking Fishwife/Lady Imposter take the side of a female against a man was when the accusations against Strauss-Kahn first came out in New York. She really hates socialist Jews from France.

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Guest Anonymous

Oh, interesting. You're right. I've never heard of a high school in the U.S. -- private or public -- graduating it students in JULY. Fishy!

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She homeschools, so maybe her son didn't finish his coursework until now.

And, in other news, god I hate her. Her personality is poisonous.

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