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Michelle's favorite Duggar?


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Inspired by the threads about our favorite and least favorite Duggar kids, which do you think is Michelle's favorite? Of course she is her own favorite so you have to choose one of the kids. I think her favorite is Jill because she's the most obedient and gives her less trouble. JB's favorite is either Josh because he's the oldest boy, or James because he's named after him.

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Michelle: Josh and whatever nursing baby is currently getting her attention

JB: Jana and Johanna

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Wait, does Michelle actually know any of her kids well enough to have a favorite. I mean I know she "gave birth to every one of them," but I was under the impression that if hard pressed to match pictures of her children with their names that there would be a lot of "um...j--mumblemumble"

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Wait, does Michelle actually know any of her kids well enough to have a favorite. I mean I know she "gave birth to every one of them," but I was under the impression that if hard pressed to match pictures of her children with their names that there would be a lot of "um...j--mumblemumble"

A long time ago JB went through the kids and their birthdates, favorites etc. I'd like to see him do that again. Saying your 17 year old's favorite thing is "pickles" probably wont work anymore...

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Although I think Josh is up there I think Josie is her favorite. I think Josie is the first baby she's bonded with since she has had more one on one time. However now that Josie is growing up I think she's loosing favor.

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Josh and J-boob.

@browngrl There are days that is my favorite kid too but not everyday like Michelle's neglect.

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The pregnancy she lost after Josh. It's done the most for her, and never asks for anything.

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The pregnancy she lost after Josh. It's done the most for her, and never asks for anything.

This. I wish I had thought of this.

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The pregnancy she lost after Josh. It's done the most for her, and never asks for anything.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, epic win. Co-sign.

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The pregnancy she lost after Josh. It's done the most for her, and never asks for anything.

No, it's that elusive #20. She probably thinks about it more than the rest of them combined.

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First of all, love does not divide, it multiplies (unless your dating, in which case it rots your heart out) so of course she does not have a favourite. Yeah, right... In all seriousness I'm going to say Joy. I think she reminds Michelle of herself when she was younger.

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No, it's that elusive #20. She probably thinks about it more than the rest of them combined.


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First of all, love does not divide, it multiplies (unless your dating, in which case it rots your heart out) so of course she does not have a favourite. Yeah, right... In all seriousness I'm going to say Joy. I think she reminds Michelle of herself when she was younger.

I don't think you whistle for someone you like, like a dog.

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I don't think you whistle for someone you like, like a dog.

Amen. My dad does this weird whistling thing. He cups his hands and blows into them and flaps one hand so it warbles like a bird. Hmm, and he wonders why I pretend not to know him in public. ;)

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I think, if she would allow herself to be honest it would be Joy or Hannie. The girls that are "rebellious" ie they have (had, Joy seems so lifeless and crushed lately) something of a personality. Otherwise, I think she's so far detached that even if the epic #20 comes, she'll only be attached for the first 6mos-1yr.

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Josh, because he was the firstborn and the first boy to boot. And Jana and Jill because they do everything for her. I don't get the feeling that she likes any of the "little ones" at all, really.

Boob definitely favors Hannie. I think her position as the first girl after all those howler monkeys cemented that.

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Smuggar of course. As for the girls, I think Jill is Michelle's favourite because she's the "prototype" for a young Fundie girl- sweet, humble, and loves children.

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Hands down it's Josh....the only one she really knows. She just plain adores him and that IS sweet. It also fuels my theory that she agreed to BIRTH them and that's it!

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