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Miss Raquel reviews The Help


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.....and seems to miss the whole point of it. Which is not really surprising.

She starts off by talking about how Skeeter is Just. Like. Her.!!!!!eleventy!!!. Apparently even after seeing the movie three times she still didn't catch on that Skeeter is a feminist who is fighting against the SAHDhood and rushing into marriage. She wants to be independent and not depend on a man. All things Miss Raquel thinks are horrible. What it comes down to is that Miss Raquel really likes her clothes, hair and car.

She can't tell us why she likes Aibileen because she would be telling about the movie, which she doesn't seem to think is appropriate in a movie review. :|

And then she says this about Octavia Spencer, the actress who plays Minny:

And I do not mean this in a mean or bad way...but...she reminds me of a salamander. :) A cute salamander. :)

WTF! :?

And then there is a lot about the clothes in the movie ::squeals:: and warning that their is bad language and taking the Lord's name in vain, which is bad, real bad.

We now know nothing about the movie! Yeah for Miss Raquels movie reviews.


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Good grief, that girl is such a horrible movie reviewer and writer ("good-intentional"?).

It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I'm trying to understand how she decided the moral of the the movie is "truth does matter." And I wonder if Miss Raquel realizes that, even though the book and movie are fictional, life was like that for those maids.

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She starts every second paragraph with "oh, and..." - makes me feel like listening to a very excited kid. Now I still don't know anything about the movie, except that she's like Skeeter, oh and she loved it.

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This is why schools teach how to critically evaluate cultural productions like books and movies--Miss Raquel sure can't seem to figure out how to do it on her own. She seems to think all that's required for a good movie review is an over-larding of adjectives--"heartless," "cold," "unfeeling," "prideful," "sweet," "beautiful." Oh, and, uh, she describes Skeeter as "good-intentional." I'm sure Miss Raquel was "good-intentional" in writing this review, but it just comes across as ditzy. It's a shame, because The Help really is an excellent movie.

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Granted, it has been a LONG time since I was a teenager, but I do not recall be quite as shallow and vapid as Miss Raquel. I suspect that if she was reviewing any news reels of the Nazi regime she would comment on "all the cute blond men in uniform" and (once again) entirely miss the point. I thought I could lay the blame for this narrow perspective on the SOTDRT but perhaps is is the friends she keeps. Doesn't one of her friends think slavery is o.k. ?

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Granted, it has been a LONG time since I was a teenager, but I do not recall be quite as shallow and vapid as Miss Raquel. I suspect that if she was reviewing any news reels of the Nazi regime she would comment on "all the cute blond men in uniform" and (once again) entirely miss the point. I thought I could lay the blame for this narrow perspective on the SOTDRT but perhaps is is the friends she keeps. Doesn't one of her friends think slavery is o.k. ?

Yes and one she is really close to thinks that using "retard" as an insult is cool and got all huffy when called out on it. He then called us bitter hags or something. I suspect that everyone in her little bubble of life is as shallow, self-absorbed, and closed minded as she is.

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My summary of her review: There are lots of cute clothes and fun hairstyles. A lot of the characters are really nice, but one is really mean. One character transforms from being bad at the beginning to being more sympathetic later on. Racism is bad, but so is cussing. The end.

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My summary of her review: There are lots of cute clothes and fun hairstyles. A lot of the characters are really nice, but one is really mean. One character transforms from being bad at the beginning to being more sympathetic later on. Racism is bad, but so is cussing. The end.

But blasphemy is THE WORST. :-/

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Good grief, that girl is such a horrible movie reviewer and writer ("good-intentional"?).

It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I'm trying to understand how she decided the moral of the the movie is "truth does matter." And I wonder if Miss Raquel realizes that, even though the book and movie are fictional, life was like that for those maids.

I don't think Miss Raquel will ever realize that. She probably doesn't know that Kathryn Stockett based a lot of the things in the book on what she witnessed growing up in the South.

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Oh my... I saw this movie a few days ago and although the fashions were fabulous, that is the LAST that would come up if I were to review it. Skeeter is an amazing character; strong yet naive, fair, determined, a leader. Aibileen is brave, strong and so so wounded. As for Minny; a Salamander? WTF is this silly little girl on about?

*shakes head*

I have a feeling that the deeper meaning of The Help was completely over her head.

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I think I'm more empathetic now that I'm *hair toss* in my wise mid-twenties than I was as a teenager. I remember being pretty vapid and missing a lot of perspective. But one thing that helped was, you know, getting out into the world. I wonder how long it will take for Miss R to be able to grow that way.

I think her writing is definitely a product of SOTDRT. When I was in school, I remember both my parents and siblings going over papers with me before I turned them in, and then having teachers hand them back covered in red ink to be rewritten. I'm not even a particularly good writer after all that, I'm just reliably coherent. (Er, sometimes, not-so-reliably coherent.) How much critiquing could she possibly get--from her teenaged friends who write at her level, from her mom who has to take care of a herd of kids? If they were secular homeschoolers or something, she could get a good private tutor, but I'm sure if anyone tutors her they have to be vetted as a Real Christian, which would probably automatically limit the tutor's qualifications. In the same way she can't go to real art school, she just goes to crappy fake art school because it's *Christian.*

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I wonder if she has actually ever read a movie review. She seems to think that you can't tell ANYTHING about the plot of the movie in a review. That you have to stick to hair, clothes, hot guys.

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Well, apparently she reviews movies about the same way she picks Superbowl winners. One of her reasons for picking the Giants was because they have more black people on their team. And, duh, black people are always better at sports. :doh:

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People are agreeing with her that Octavia Spencer looks just like a cute salamander. What does that even mean?

And I am sort of sad that none of the young maidens for God have pointed out that Skeeter is a feminist going fighting to work and support herself. Are they all that silly?

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And I am sort of sad that none of the young maidens for God have pointed out that Skeeter is a feminist going fighting to work and support herself. Are they all that silly?


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I feel vaguely dirty that, even though I don't know any of the actresses' or character's names, I knew which one she was talking about (re: salamander) right away.

I'll go to the prayer closet now.

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People are agreeing with her that Octavia Spencer looks just like a cute salamander. What does that even mean?

And I am sort of sad that none of the young maidens for God have pointed out that Skeeter is a feminist going fighting to work and support herself. Are they all that silly?

What do you expect from conservative psycho-Christian women who are ruled under the thumb of Uber-Christian Patriarchy?

'a cute Salamander'? isn't this even more offensive? what is the bubble-headed, empty shell of a bible-based artificial woman even thinking? does she even think at all? outside her unautonomous, penis-envying box of fundamental bible-thumpers that sound like their high?

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She really needs to take a look at IMDB and see what a review actually is. Perhaps she should realize it doesn't entail sticking plenty of stills from the film interspersed with short meaningless comments.

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Well, apparently she reviews movies about the same way she picks Superbowl winners. One of her reasons for picking the Giants was because they have more black people on their team. And, duh, black people are always better at sports. :doh:

I know; that's hysterical. Also sad, because it just shows how sheltered the girl really is. But is her little "fact" true? How does she even know the racial breakdown here? Did she methodically go through the roster of each team noting down the ethnicity of each of the 50+ players?

It actually reminds me of a conversation I once had with a friend who knew nothing about football. My friend thought that the Ravens had more black players than the Steelers because that's the way the demographics of the two cities skew: Baltimore has a higher black population than Pittsburgh. I'm like, no, that's not how football works.

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Her Super Bowl comments represent a new high in cutesy ignorance, which is saying a lot. Select quotes:

There were more black people on the Giants' team...and black people are KNOWN for being good at sports. (seriously!!)
(This is discussing why she was rooting for the Giants.)

Tom Brady is not very attractive…okay, so he has his moments, but for the most part, he’s not. :/ Anyway, he's not a very good person

I am not a fan of Tom Brady's, but I don't really see why he's a bad person. Yeah, his break up with his old girlfriend seems a little sketchy, but in his defense, he didn't know she was pregnant when they broke up. He doesn't trash talk his teammates or other teams, so I'm not sure where she's coming from. Most importantly, it is impossible to say that Tom Brady is not attractive. Scientists have confirmed it.

Also, Alianza Lima isn't the Peruvian National soccer team, but a local team that does send a lot of players to the National team.

Not everyone likes sports, not everyone is a brilliant film analyst, but I have rarely read so much text that says so little.

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I wish someone would put a real reveiw in the comments section.

Note to self: Rent "The Help" and write a review.

Raquel is about as deep as a pane of glass.

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Her Super Bowl comments represent a new high in cutesy ignorance, which is saying a lot. Select quotes:

(This is discussing why she was rooting for the Giants.)

I am not a fan of Tom Brady's, but I don't really see why he's a bad person. Yeah, his break up with his old girlfriend seems a little sketchy, but in his defense, he didn't know she was pregnant when they broke up. He doesn't trash talk his teammates or other teams, so I'm not sure where she's coming from. Most importantly, it is impossible to say that Tom Brady is not attractive. Scientists have confirmed it.

Also, Alianza Lima isn't the Peruvian National soccer team, but a local team that does send a lot of players to the National team.

Not everyone likes sports, not everyone is a brilliant film analyst, but I have rarely read so much text that says so little.

Not to mention that physical attractiveness is unimportant in professional sports. I mean, most look good because they are fit, but the important point is how well they play.

And the black people comment-most black people are on average taller making sports like basketball and the like easier to play. Makes football easier too. I guess though, I never spent much time thinking about what race is better at sports.

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Not to mention that physical attractiveness is unimportant in professional sports. I mean, most look good because they are fit, but the important point is how well they play.

And the black people comment-most black people are on average taller making sports like basketball and the like easier to play. Makes football easier too. I guess though, I never spent much time thinking about what race is better at sports.

I remember reading that black men and women, on average, have a higher bone density than white men and women, which leads to less injuries in high contact sports like football. (It's also a theory on why black people supposedly have a harder time learning how to swim.)

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