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The grate affekts ov a Duggar edukashion


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And it was like, like, you know like, it was like... STOOOONNNEEHENNNGE! And like, so, it was really like, it was awesome, and like...

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My speech teacher once gave us an assignment to talk to our neighbor outside of class and count how many "word whiskers" such as "like", "ya know", "and so" people used in their conversation. It was eye opening to say the least. Proper grammar and proper speech can go a long way to dispel a person's lack of book learnin' you know.

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My speech teacher once gave us an assignment to talk to our neighbor outside of class and count how many "word whiskers" such as "like", "ya know", "and so" people used in their conversation. It was eye opening to say the least. Proper grammar and proper speech can go a long way to dispel a person's lack of book learnin' you know.

"Proper" grammar and speech don't really exist like that. There is nothing inherently wrong or ungrammatical (generally) with the way the Duggars speak.

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This was in a business speech class and he wanted us to be aware of those little words that could cause us problems. I worked for a lawyer who charged us 25¢ every time we said used slang in a discussion. The money went into our doughnut fund. Corporate speech and home speech are two different animals.

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I had a teacher one time who ended just about every sentence with "yes?". I tallied it up one day and the total was 230 in a one and a half hour time span.

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I had a teacher one time who ended just about every sentence with "yes?". I tallied it up one day and the total was 230 in a one and a half hour time span.

I used to count my biology teacher's UH and UM during class. Highest count was 155 in a 55 minute period. :?

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This should be a simple mini-history lesson for Smuggar that's probably a million times better than his "homeskooling." Apologizes to homeschoolers who actually know what they're doing everywhere. It's one of the biggest fuckin' henges in the world. No one's build a henge ever since. No one knows what the fuck a henge is!

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This was in a business speech class and he wanted us to be aware of those little words that could cause us problems. I worked for a lawyer who charged us 25¢ every time we said used slang in a discussion. The money went into our doughnut fund. Corporate speech and home speech are two different animals.

Oh yes, two very different things. It is just annoying when people who speak with an accent are labelled as dumb and uneducated just for the way they speak. Slang is a whole other issue.

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Oh yes, two very different things. It is just annoying when people who speak with an accent are labelled as dumb and uneducated just for the way they speak. Slang is a whole other issue.

I'm from Wisconsin,been gone for years, but still speak with an accent, my spousal units family spent most of their life in TX and OK, so I don't knock accents, I knock people who can't put a sentence together. AFter reading most of Josh's tweets and Instagrams, I am pretty sure his main concern is food, conservatives and Wal-Mart. What a tool.

I had a government teacher in high school who cussed. We would do stick counts of how many times in 55 minutes he'd say damn, hell, or worse (never said the F Word). My notes were covered in little fence rows.

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I'm from Wisconsin,been gone for years, but still speak with an accent, my spousal units family spent most of their life in TX and OK, so I don't knock accents, I knock people who can't put a sentence together. AFter reading most of Josh's tweets and Instagrams, I am pretty sure his main concern is food, conservatives and Wal-Mart. What a tool.

I had a government teacher in high school who cussed. We would do stick counts of how many times in 55 minutes he'd say damn, hell, or worse (never said the F Word). My notes were covered in little fence rows.

Lol, I did that with teachers too! One time in elementary school there was this girl who always interrupted the teacher whenever he was talking. We kept track one day and she never made it more than a minute without interupting.

I speak with a slight accent, mainly because I am from a slightly rural-ish area and I do feel that I am looked down on for it sometimes. It can be a bit frustrating.

You forgot to mention Josh's obsession with Florida dumps, taking pictures out of vehicles (probably while driving), and himself. ;)

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This should be a simple mini-history lesson for Smuggar that's probably a million times better than his "homeskooling." Apologizes to homeschoolers who actually know what they're doing everywhere. It's one of the biggest fuckin' henges in the world. No one's build a henge ever since. No one knows what the fuck a henge is!

*gasp* Eddie Izzard? I didn't click the link. First they built woodhenge and strawhenge...but a big bad wolf came and blew them down...

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My speech teacher once gave us an assignment to talk to our neighbor outside of class and count how many "word whiskers" such as "like", "ya know", "and so" people used in their conversation. It was eye opening to say the least. Proper grammar and proper speech can go a long way to dispel a person's lack of book learnin' you know.

It's not ungrammatical to use fillers in your speech. People use them because we're not on TV, and so we don't have writers. EVERYBODY uses them.

Of course, if you're giving a prepared speech or are speaking in a debate or something like that, it's good to avoid them. That's because in that case, you're supposed to have been prepared in advance. In real life, though, nobody is prepared in advance.

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