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"Sweet Fellowship"


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The whole "sweet fellowship" term kills me! :roll:

Are there other kinds of fellowship? Like "intellectual fellowship" or "humourous fellowship" or "sexy fellowship"????

And what makes it sweet? Is there cake served? Or a big plate of Oreo cookies?

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"sexy" is a naughty term, so you have to substitute it for "sweet" whenever possible.

Those other types of fellowships can only happen between two members of the same sex because other wise they might lead to "sweet fellowship". However they cannot occur between two people of the same sex on the off chance that it still leads to "sweet fellowship". And of course "intellectual fellowship" is not even physically possible with a woman because she her god give "gift" is the inability to think for herself, make decisions for herself, or really do anything but clean and pop out as many babies as possible. Attempts by women to engage in "intellectual fellowship" will result in de-verginization, independent thought, divorce, and a potentially incurable case of lesbianism. *insert obligatory show of humour lest someone stumble into this thread and take my sarcasm seriously*

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"sexy" is a naughty term, so you have to substitute it for "sweet" whenever possible.

lol, I don't think that's what most people mean by it, but I laughed when I read this.

...mainly because the quotes meant I read "sweet fellowship" in the same way that Chef from South Park says "sweet love"

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Ever since I saw Kelly Bates describe her "nights of sweet fellowship" with Gil when they went on a trip last fall, I read it as a metaphor :puke-front:

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