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What about SAHS?


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Many of us have posted and read about SAHDs, but what about all the SAHSs lurking in fundiland? The Staddons have several, although one married last year. What about the Ardnt family? They have all sons, except poor 15 year old Mary Elizabeth. The eldest eight Arndt sons range in age from 31 to 20. Isn't it strange that one of those eight young men has not moved away, courted or dated a girl (or a boy) or married? They seem like a pretty boring family but no more boring than many fundy families, and damn right exciting when you compare them to the Maxwells!


Which other fundy families have an overabundance of SAHS?

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Sons don't age the same way in fundieland. There's a total double standard because a son can become an adult without a wife, but a daughter can only ever be dependent on a man. This gives men the upper hand no matter how old they get, and even a 45 year-old SAHS could easily snatch up a desperate 20-something SAHD after his mom dies and he needs someone to cook and clean for him.

The Arndts are a strange case because it seems they haven't taught their sons to be proper Patriarchs, and I think any one of them would be too nervous to ever be alone in the same room as a woman, even after marriage. But they're a little less fundie than many others, so after the parents die they can probably live on their own or in groups and hire a maid to do the housework. They also seem to be less strict about gender roles out of necessity so maybe the "boys" could even take care of themselves.

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The Arndts are a strange case because it seems they haven't taught their sons to be proper Patriarchs, and I think any one of them would be too nervous to ever be alone in the same room as a woman, even after marriage. But they're a little less fundie than many others, so after the parents die they can probably live on their own or in groups and hire a maid to do the housework. They also seem to be less strict about gender roles out of necessity so maybe the "boys" could even take care of themselves.

This family boggles the mind. So many sons, still single. The hormones in that house must be insane, especially after they photograph a wedding.

Are the parents using the sons for money? They earn good incomes with no wife or kids to support.

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It's really interesting how their spoilt sons CAN be considered adults with no wife around, YET their daughters, who know how to cook, clean, bathe, diaper, iron, run an entire household by the age of SEVEN cannot. It is not the girls that connot wipe their own arse, again. It is the men, in fundieland.

In addition to that, women are taught they only worth anything if they cover all their body, their value is measured by their hymen and length of hair, and how men are taught that any women showing a knee is probably an std stricken slut and should be treated accordingly. Should be judged, called cover names while walking by her, loud and clear. So fundie women would not even have the courage to change their clothing for a good while, even if they were left alone in Manhattan, NYC. It probably would be their sons that would practice what they were taught at home: any woman wearing short skirts or showing cleavage is a Nike and should be given what she begs for. *headdesk*

If they dropped out Jana in Manhattan, she would find a job as a nanny or live-in housemaid first, would act decently, and keep her religious habits I bet. I wonder if Josh wasn't married and were dropped out in Manhattan, what would he do?! He'd yell out loud: Woo hoo! I'm the king of the world, would get a job where he claimed high payment, and would act like he's the center of the universe, only to discover very soon in a very unpleasant way that no, he is not... And he could not even fix a ramen noodle a la fundie for himself and wear patchy clothes because he could not do his own laundry. Eh, I could go on and on. I won't!

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