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Jana's B`Day


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I have a secret source to be able to show you pics from Anna's instagram of Jana's Birthday... No actual pics of the birthday girl, but some pics of her day... seems she just had a quiet time at a coffee shop...




At a coffee shop enjoying Jana's 22 B-Day!




Jana's birthday "cake"




Jana's coffee

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I have a secret source to be able to show you pics from Anna's instagram of Jana's Birthday... No actual pics of the birthday girl, but some pics of her day... seems she just had a quiet time at a coffee shop...


At a coffee shop enjoying Jana's 22 B-Day!


Jana's birthday "cake"


Jana's coffee

Keep posting these please!!!!! I have to admit - the "cake" looked soooooooooo yummy! It seems a touch fancy and lavish for such people as the duggars.......

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Only Jana's birthday? What about John-David?

Or were Jana & JD separated on THEIR birthday, with Jana getting "ladies' time" at the coffee shop while JD had "MANLY FELLOWSHIP TIME" with Smuggs and Boob?

Regardless, the "cake" is really cool and so is the coffee foam writing.

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chocolate dipped strawberries! I do love those and that is certainly the fanciest thing I've seen them have, methinks that would be Anna's doing!

The walmart cake next to, would be the Duggar flava lol


Yeah it seems that Jana just went to the coffee shop with Anna, and perhaps her sisters? it didn't actually say what they did or who else was there, just those 3 pics with the blurbs. So yeah I would presume that JD had smug-time!?

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This is OT, but I don't understand why coffee shops hand out paper cups when people stay there to have the coffee. Of course the Duggars don't know it any other way, but I've seen this a lot.

The birthday "cake" is wonderful!

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Thanks so much for sharing these, it's great to have access to the info the Duggars are trying to keep from us.... do tell if there are any more interesting posts!

Do you have access to Jinger or Jana's instagrams?

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This is OT, but I don't understand why coffee shops hand out paper cups when people stay there to have the coffee. Of course the Duggars don't know it any other way, but I've seen this a lot.

The birthday "cake" is wonderful!

It's probably a lot cheaper than having people break or crack china ones all the time.

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My source has told me that Jinger and Jessa's instragrams are all private, that they sent them requests but has never been approved, so they will only allow people they actually know.

Will be sure to keep you all updated.

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Happy Birthday Jana (and JD)!

It's getting harder and harder for them to hide that the kids are going to be forever alone J'slaves. (Boys included, running car lots Daddy owns is a form of slavery)

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It's probably a lot cheaper than having people break or crack china ones all the time.

It's not, and it's bad for the environment. But then I'm the girl who brings her tote bags to go shopping to avoid plastic bags.

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I guess JD got to go to a MickeyD's with Smugs for his b-day :lol:

Happy Birthday Jana, I hope you get to escape soon.

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I'm glad Jana got to have a lovely "grown up" party and not a silly train ride or drop clothes-pins into a bucket party. Happy Birthday, Jana!

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Yeah, Jinger (jnicoled) has only a few followers that seem to be josh, anna, jessa, and the Hartono family. That's it, six people. Jessa (jessalauren) has five followers -- and Smuggar ain't one of em'. I guess Josh isn't interested in what Jessa eats.

And from what I gather, photographing your food is popular on Instagram. It's not just Smuggar.

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I wonder if her birthday was sad? I mean, I know she's not allowed to feel anything other than JOY, but as it's been well covered, these girls are told from the moment they take their first breath that their sole purpose in life is to be a wife and mother. I know that it's all in God's/Jim Bob's plan, but poor Jana probably feels like her God has forgotten about her. She is the first female child, so she's heard it the longest. Hopefully the younger girls won't have it pushed down their throats as much (I can dream, can't I?), but at 22, Jana's fertility is ticking away.

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It looks like she had a nice birthday at least! Mmm, those strawberries looked good. Is it too much to hope that she got a massage, a facial and a mani-pedi? Like other ladies her age? I can dream.

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I'm glad Jana got to have a lovely "grown up" party and not a silly train ride or drop clothes-pins into a bucket party. Happy Birthday, Jana!

I second that. It seems like something I would've enjoyed doing on my 22nd birthday too.

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just googled jessalauren to see if she uses the username anywhere else and came across this twitter accoount and almost got a shock thinking it was her, haircut and all!


But alas it was not, but how good would she look with that hairstyle, instead of the greasy looking curly locks?

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I'm glad to see that Jana didn't have to suffer through a kiddie party for her grown up birthday. :lol:

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I second that. It seems like something I would've enjoyed doing on my 22nd birthday too.

Ugh. Not me. At 22, I was drunk in a bar having a blast. But even without the fundiness, jana doesn't look like someone who would ever be drunk in a bar.

Ah, how times have changed though. This year for my birthday, my husband took me out to lunch (I did have a watermelon margaritta which was the first drink I'd had in two years) and then I asked to go to Home Depot since we didn't have the kids and I could look at paint. See how far 10 years can get you?

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This is OT, but I don't understand why coffee shops hand out paper cups when people stay there to have the coffee. Of course the Duggars don't know it any other way, but I've seen this a lot.

The birthday "cake" is wonderful!

Some places you have to specify that you want a real cup, so if you don't know that or you forget, you get a paper cup. And sometimes you want a paper cup so you can sit there for awhile and then take your coffee with you while you window shop or whatever.

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Maybe the older girls secretly don't want to get married, because they will be expected to have a ton of kids. They probably have had enough raising their brothers and sisters.

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That cake is fugly, but I have to say I'd be delighted if someone gave me a dish of homemade chocolate-dipped strawberries like that for ANY of my birthdays! I can't speak for Jana, but I'd be happier with them than some thrift-shop gift unless it were some spectacular find, such as were discussed on the GW thread.

Anyhow, at least it seemed like a more "grown-up" birthday for her, poor thing.

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Thanks for posting that pics, ExoticFamiliarity!

That birthday cake looks....ew. Hopefully Jana had a good day.

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