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Smuggar Lurk?


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Seriously, he lurks here right!?


We're always making fun of his food pics over on his instagram, then an hour ago he posts this:




He's baiting us right!?! :twisted:

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If he is baiting us he's doing a stupid job of it. Half of me wants to start giving it right back to him by posting pics of things that would defraud him right into blindness. Any ideas?

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The first thing I noticed was how dog-eared that copy of "This is Why You're Fat" is. Is he using that book as a meal-planning guide? :animals-chickencatch:

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Smuggar is an attention whore; it doesn't matter whether he's looked in a positive or negative light, any attention is a huge ego boost.

Attention orgasm is equivalent to eating 6 fried chicken tenders and 4 huge slices of pie in Smuggar's world.

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The first thing I noticed was how dog-eared that copy of "This is Why You're Fat" is. Is he using that book as a meal-planning guide? :animals-chickencatch:

He bought used and saved the difference, duh.

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I'll bet he has Anna make him that Doughnut Bacon-Burger for breakfast. Get in the kitchen, woman!

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Are we posting pictures of defrauding things?

I'll start!

I snorted at the smart scientist lady!

Anyway...here is a pair of great tits.


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Hey Smuggar, here's an idea for Anna!


eta: Now that I think about it, he's probably just about in need of a manzierre (or bro...take your pick) himself.

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Hey Smuggar, here's an idea for Anna!


eta: Now that I think about it, he's probably just about in need of a manzierre (or bro...take your pick) himself.

That's an anniversary present if I've ever seen one!

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Indeed Joshie, take a look at the lovely pictures. Don't they just make you feel like you're starving. Now Joshie, you really must be careful or else you will develop what we here in the heathen, liberal, secular, world know as "man boobies". Now, I know that your mothers (ha) "home school" didn't teach you about nutrition but trust me on this. A few more cheeseburgers and Mike might as well nurse from you.

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How about a pair of boobies?

Blue Footed Booby's that is...


WOW Sorry my booby's came out so big... LMAO!!!

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I snorted at the smart scientist lady!

Anyway...here is a pair of great tits.



And what a fine pair of tits they are!

And just in case Smuggar swings both ways, here's a picture of a man with a huge cock.


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