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Mini-Kelly @ GC


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Kelly @ GC has bragged" about her awesome approach to homeschooling. Her daughter Bria has also written about how great her mother's educational philosophy is (The Quest for Knowledge ~ My Mother's Realaxed Approach to Homeschooling - integritasdomus.blogspotDOTcom/2011/11/quest-for-knowledge-my-mothers-realaxed.html).

So what has Kelly managed to teach Bria? I just read this little piece of text on Bria's integritasdomus-blog:

My mother and I were both discussing how funny it is people talking about the earth being 'overpopulated'. Just go live in New Mexico! We drove for dozens of miles at a time without seeing anything but snow capped, lifeless plains.

The following is from Bria's open book reviews-blog (open-bookreviews.blogspotDOTcom/2011/12/god-doesnt-believe-in-atheists-ray.html):

Contrary to all popular opinions, the existence of God can be proven, and the theories of evolution and atheists shown to have no backbone in them. With his quick wit, humor and insightful intellect, Ray Comfort convinces the reader from start to finish that an atheist has no argument regarding evolution.

I first read this book when I was twelve and I could not put it down. Now I re-read it constantly and still never tire of this small, but powerful book on how Christians can gracefully, but confidentially dispute the untruthful theories that deny the existence of God and Creation.

Oh really? :doh:
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I first read this book when I was twelve and I could not put it down. Now I re-read it constantly and still never tire of this small, but powerful book on how Christians can gracefully, but confidentially dispute the untruthful theories that deny the existence of God and Creation.

SOTDRT at its finest. I wish they would confidentially dispute it, and shut the fuck up around the rest of us.

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My mother and I were both discussing how funny it is people talking about the earth being 'overpopulated'. Just go live in New Mexico! We drove for dozens of miles at a time without seeing anything but snow capped, lifeless plains.

Good to know that her mother didn't teach her jack about the impact of lack of portable water or arable land on population growth.

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I've said it once, and I'll say it again.

Whenever Bria tries to write something "intellectual," she sounds as thick as two short planks.

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I've said it once, and I'll say it again.

Whenever Bria tries to write something "intellectual," she sounds as thick as two short planks.

Agreed, but I think a lot of it is because of who taught her.

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Agreed, but I think a lot of it is because of who taught her.

Yes, I agree. I think Bria would have been better off in the public school...

One thing is clear, Kelly's way of homeschooling is deficient.

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So what has Kelly managed to teach Bria? I just read this little piece of text on Bria's integritasdomus-blog:


Hey Bria, go check out Mexico city, more people than the entirety of Canada.

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Can someone here please prove the existence of God to me? srsly, what is the argument behind that assertion? I believe in God, but I don't believe it is a provable thing. I would love to debate this politely (or not so politely) with some fundie lurker.

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Can someone here please prove the existence of God to me? srsly, what is the argument behind that assertion? I believe in God, but I don't believe it is a provable thing. I would love to debate this politely (or not so politely) with some fundie lurker.

I would love the see proof of God's existence as well. However, I think it is important to mention, the Bible is not proof of God's existence because it requires a belief in God's existence before it can be viewed as proof of God's existence.

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I would love the see proof of God's existence as well. However, I think it is important to mention, the Bible is not proof of God's existence because it requires a belief in God's existence before it can be viewed as proof of God's existence.

Totally. I don't want to hear arguments that God exists because someone 2000 years ago might have said he did.

I believe in God already, so it should be easy to convince me. No takers?

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This reminds me of the exchange between Euler and Diderot when Euler insisted he had formulated an algebraic proof of God's existence. He showed it to Diderot: "(a+b^n)/n = x; hence God exists." Diderot couldn't rebut it; it was then revealed that Euler was playing a trick on Diderot just to show how little D. knew about algebra.

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Yes, I agree. I think Bria would have been better off in the public school...

One thing is clear, Kelly's way of homeschooling is deficient.

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Isn't the point of Christianity that you have to have faith in believing in something that can't be proven? So proving God means that there is not reason for faith and all those parts of the Bible are wrong.

2 corinthians 5:7 "We live by faith, not by sight." If you can "prove" God, then you are living by sight, not faith.

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As a teacher, I agree. I wonder if she left teaching because she was getting bad reviews, not because she was convicted.
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In Kelly's world, homeschooling emphasizes home, not schooling. Bria has totally been cheated out of getting a good education. But we should be glad Kelly is longer teaching professionally (she was probably a sucky teacher). I shudder to think how she taught her students.


Didn't Kelly once mention something on her blog about her kids not needing to know certain Chemistry or something like that? I can't remember what she said exactly but she mentioned something about that she didn't think it was a big deal that she doesn't know certain things.

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Kelly @ GC has bragged" about her awesome approach to homeschooling. Her daughter Bria has also written about how great her mother's educational philosophy is (The Quest for Knowledge ~ My Mother's Realaxed Approach to Homeschooling - integritasdomus.blogspotDOTcom/2011/11/quest-for-knowledge-my-mothers-realaxed.html).

So what has Kelly managed to teach Bria? I just read this little piece of text on Bria's integritasdomus-blog:


The following is from Bria's open book reviews-blog (open-bookreviews.blogspotDOTcom/2011/12/god-doesnt-believe-in-atheists-ray.html):

Oh really? :doh:
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Bria is 18 in two months. I don't think she will go to college either. I really, really hope she won't get married too soon though. On the other hand, the less evil might be to get away from the Cedar house.

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College? Bria? Please. Her thoughts are so ponderous. And it's incredibly creepy the way she acts like her mother is the authority on the WORLD. How nice for Kelly that she's created her very own cult members. Handy, really.

Plus she refers to the children as if she was their mother - she's not leaving anytime soon. Poor thing. How many teenagers include rants against Socialism on their blog walls? I'm sure she thinks that makes her appear very well-educated, even if I'm sure she has no idea what the word means. Kelly's schooling is nothing more than pouring out the Kool aid and forcing them all to drink it down. Ugh.

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College? Bria? Please. Her thoughts are so ponderous. And it's incredibly creepy the way she acts like her mother is the authority on the WORLD. How nice for Kelly that she's created her very own cult members. Handy, really.

Plus she refers to the children as if she was their mother - she's not leaving anytime soon. Poor thing. How many teenagers include rants against Socialism on their blog walls? I'm sure she thinks that makes her appear very well-educated, even if I'm sure she has no idea what the word means. Kelly's schooling is nothing more than pouring out the Kool aid and forcing them all to drink it down. Ugh.

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Isn't the point of Christianity that you have to have faith in believing in something that can't be proven? So proving God means that there is not reason for faith and all those parts of the Bible are wrong.

2 corinthians 5:7 "We live by faith, not by sight." If you can "prove" God, then you are living by sight, not faith.

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Isn't the point of Christianity that you have to have faith in believing in something that can't be proven? So proving God means that there is not reason for faith and all those parts of the Bible are wrong.

2 corinthians 5:7 "We live by faith, not by sight." If you can "prove" God, then you are living by sight, not faith.

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Remember, this is the same girl that posted THIS on her blog comments section:

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