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Article on baby loss grief/duggars


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Hypothetical situation: Woman crossing the Great Plains in a covered wagon in the 1850s. Starts to miscarry. Entire wagon train stops, circles, and waits four days for her to complete the miscarriage. Another woman washes the bloody, mascerated fetus, wraps in a clean woven wrap, passes it around to everyone in the wagon train, while men digs a deep hole, carve a small tombstone, and everyone spends two hours singing and praying over the 4 ounce, 5 inch fetal mass before it is lowered in the hole, covered, and stone installed.

Wanna bet it happened that way?

I started thinking about how my grandmothers responded to still births or babies who lived very briefly. They had children to feed, cows to milk, stoves to stoke, wood to chop, clothes to make. They buried their dead babies and got on with life. They KNEW how to deal with baby death; they saw it around them all the time. They experienced it personally. Yes, yes, yes, we all grieve differently, but it seems as if today, unless we make a big deal out of it, as the Duggars are doing, we're not grieving properly. At least, that's what I got from this article.

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Hypothetical situation: Woman crossing the Great Plains in a covered wagon in the 1850s. Starts to miscarry. Entire wagon train stops, circles, and waits four days for her to complete the miscarriage. Another woman washes the bloody, mascerated fetus, wraps in a clean woven wrap, passes it around to everyone in the wagon train, while men digs a deep hole, carve a small tombstone, and everyone spends two hours singing and praying over the 4 ounce, 5 inch fetal mass before it is lowered in the hole, covered, and stone installed.

Wanna bet it happened that way?

Someone also had to train a bird to tweet the news.

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I refused to listen to the first version, and I refuse to listen to the second version, but the fact they changed it to include Caleb just supports my feeling that leaving him out was wrong. They got criticised and backtracked. My opinion just drops lower with every new thing that comes from the family.

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The Duggars named their baby Jubilee Shalom because it means "joyful celebration of peace." Her name is in keeping with the rest of her siblings, whose names all start with J. The Duggars are devoted Christians who have been criticized in some corners because they no longer use birth control and say they have put God in charge of the size of their family.

Michelle Duggar, who suffered a miscarriage early on in her marriage, said in her audio message to baby Jubilee that she will proudly tell people that she has 21 children in all -- 19 on Earth, and two more in heaven.

The last paragraph completely contradicts the one above it. If Caleb is included, as the last paragraph states, then the rest of Jubilee's siblings do not all have names that start with J. The entire tone of this article seems to be that the proper way to grieve a miscarriage is to do it like the Duggars. No thanks. And I don't care how much Michelle insists that she will now say she has 21 children, it is obvious that Caleb never counted until now as evidenced by the title of their show.

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They won't stop milkig it will they. If it was a cow, the udder would be already on fire.

:character-beavisbutthead: :greetings-clappingyellow: :greetings-clapyellow: :text-+1::text-bravo: :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow:

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