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Another reason I love the Mortons!


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Their newest post has a photo of Papa Morton doing the dishes... which warmed my heart after seeing Zsuzsu's photo of Pastor Anderson stirring (no, not cooking) their camp supper...


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They seem to be really nice. But I'm still not getting the family structure and their connection to the Sanders (?).. I need a fundie genealogy or a family tree or something :P

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Their connection to the Sanders is an easy one- only through Dorothy and Noah's marriage. It's their connection with the Smith family that's a bit more complicated. Katie Morton married a Smith son and two Morton boys (Wesley and Junior) married two Smith daughters (Rachel and Kressant respectively). Now there are a million little Smortons running around.

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Thank you. I really should copy and paste that to keep it in my mind.

I really like their blogs because all the little ones are so cute and they at least seem to be very loving with each other (which of course is still easy because now they only have 2-4 kids and not 12+)

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Can someone please tell me what the deal with Cleve is? He's hot, yes, but what's his story?

2nd? I believe of the Morton kids. Not yet married or courting that we know of. Has an awesome sense of fashion imo.

My Smorton/Sanders Cheat sheet for the married with kids ones.

Alan Smith and Katie Morton






Baby #5

Michael Morton and Kressy Smith






Wesley Morton and Rachel Smith




Noah Sanders and Dorothy Morton

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Thanks for the cheat sheet, lexiloumarie!

Isn't LL of vitafamiliae related to one of these families (Sanders, Smith, Morton) as well? If so, how?


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Katie is pregnant w/ #5?? How far along is she?

I'm throwing my cross stitched bibs out the window. I cannot keep up with these people or my little fingers will fall off.

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Isn't LL of vitafamiliae related to one of these families (Sanders, Smith, Morton) as well? If so, how?

Sure is, she's Papa Sanders' oldest daughter. Her husband is Andrew. I'm going to be completely honest, I have not figured out all of the Sanders' kids names. I know with his wife (the lovely redheaded Mama) they have 8 children and Noah is the oldest of that bunch... but I'm lost as to what the youngest ones are called.

On a side note, wow Mama Morton looks so much like Darthy! All of those girls are super lovely!

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Capt'n Brett is the Smith "patriarch".

I've got the Sanders/Morton/Smithes' oldest girls at home straight and that's about it.

Katie is pregnant w/ #5?? How far along is she?

I'm throwing my cross stitched bibs out the window. I cannot keep up with these people or my little fingers will fall off.

Due in September according to this post. http://mortonclanthree.blogspot.*dot*co ... abies.html

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I'm relatively fast with the google-fu, so give me a few minutes and I will prepare a primer for all the relationships. It's easier when you see key blog posts.

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I love reading the Mortons and Sanders blogs. I wish I lived with my family like that. We grew up with a family vacation compound and this was what it was like in the summer. The Morton girls are adorable and Cleve defrauds me with that wool hat. I almost bought ds one when we were in Scotland but I didn't think he would wear it once we were home.

Also Noah and Darthy are expecting.

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Wow, they really run to boys in those families, don't they? Of course, it isn't predictive at all for Darthy's baby, because dad is a Saunders. But I noticed that out of the other grandkids, only two are girls.

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Let's begin at the beginning, shall we? Mortons waaaay back in 2001: mortonclan.blogspot.com/2005/10/our-christmas-picture-2001-baby-paul.html

Fast-forward to December 2005: Katie & Alan are courting, the other Morton girls are all around 15 or younger: mortonclan.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html

Note: In these early days, the older boys are attempting to run the blog, with their mother and younger sisters jumping in on occasion. A -w- means Wesley, a -m- means Michael, etc. The spelling is generally pretty poor. But Adeline is already taking over just months later, when...

Katie Morton marries Alan Smith! mortonclan.blogspot.com/2006/04/all-jolly-happnings-at-morton-house.html Note, here, the mention of Noah S, who was Mrs. Morton's gopher for the wedding. All the posts for April are the pictures of the wedding (thankfully they switch up their photoblogging style later).

So, that was in April of 2006. By September, Katie is already pregnant with number one and Kressant Smith marries Michael Morton Jr: mortonclan.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html (there's mention in that first post that the Morton mom was pregnant again, but sadly that didn't pan out and there's been no more pregnancies since). Also, shortly after their marriage the K & M get into a car accident. It turns out okay, but there's a bunch of pics around this time where Kressant has a busted front tooth, so don't be surprised if you see one.

One year later, Rachel Smith marries Wesley Morton: mortonclan.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2007-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&updated-max=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&max-results=50

And they all proceed to begin the never-ending merry-go-round of pregnancies, the three of them.

Life proceeds like that for the next few years, until 2010, when Dorothy Morton marries Noah Sanders: mortonclanthree.blogspot.com/2010/08/july-17th-marriage-of-dorothy-and-noah.html Normally I post the link to the Mortons, as you see, but in this case I like the Sanders blog better, so look here: refinersfireforge.com/blog/?p=1513

and here: refinersfireforge.com/blog/?m=201007

Almost as if they were scripted that way, it's easy to keep track of these various families, because the Smiths have dark hair, the Mortons are blonde and the Sanders are half redheads.

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Now, Cleve falls in the middle of Michael Jr and Wesley, so he's the third-oldest. Here is a very helpful post about the Morton family, and the Smith marriages, as well as the names of ALL the Mortons in order: mortonclan.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html

What we forget is not only did those Smith and Morton siblings marry each other, but when Wesley and Rachel got betrothed, Rachel (Smith)'s grandmother and Wesley (Mortons)'s grandfather met at the betrothal ceremony, and THEY got married less than a year later.

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Yikes, you want to play a tough round of "Who Belongs to Who?" check out the latest post on the Smith blog: smithfamilia2.blogspot.com/

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